2024 Election Information for Candidates
Consider leading and serving your community by running for office.
City Election Information Session for Candidates and Prospective Candidates
- Tuesday, July 16 : View the Video
- Review the presentation (PDF).
Topics Covered:
- City election calendar and important dates
- Campaign finance regulations
- Financial disclosure requirements
- Rules for campaign signs and authority lines
- Procedures for getting your name on the ballot
- And more!
Campaign finance registration forms can be submitted beginning Monday, June 10, 2024.
Information from the Maryland Municipal League
Requirements for Candidacy
To have your name placed on the ballot for the 2024 election, you must be nominated at the Nominating Caucus.
Any resident interested in running for the position of mayor or city councilmember must meet certain qualifications. If you are thinking about running for city office, you must be:
• a registered Maryland voter and a resident of the City of Takoma Park, Maryland;
• at least 18 years of age by the date of the election; and
• a resident of the City of Takoma Park for at least six months immediately preceding the election. If running to represent a ward as a city councilmember, you must be a resident of that ward for at least six months immediately preceding the election.
How to Get Your Name on the November City Election Ballot – Nominating Caucus on Tuesday, September 10, 7:30 p.m.
The Nominating Caucus is a meeting of Takoma Park voters to accept nominations for the office of mayor and city councilmember.
Nominations of candidates for Mayor may be made on motion by any qualified voter of the City, and if such nomination is seconded by a qualified voter of the City, the person so nominated shall be considered a candidate.
Nomination of each candidate for Councilmember shall be made on motion of any qualified voter of their ward, and if such nomination is seconded by a qualified voter of their ward, the person so nominated shall be considered a candidate. A candidate may nominate themselves or second their nomination, but not both. Any nominated candidate may decline a nomination during the nomination meeting. A person may only accept nomination for one office.
The name of each person nominated will be placed on the ballot for the November 5 city election unless: 1) the person declines the nomination in writing to the City Clerk within three days; or, 2) if the nominee fails to file a timely candidate’s financial disclosure statement as required by the City of Takoma Park Public Ethics Ordinance.
Campaign Finance Registration
Before soliciting any contributions or making expenditures for your campaign, register with the City Clerk. The campaign finance registration form will ask you to provide your name, address, date of birth, contact information, and the name of the position you seek. Candidate registration for the 2024 election began on June 10.
There is not a requirement to register before the Nominating Caucus unless you are accepting contributions or making campaign expenditures.
On the campaign finance registration form, you will also be asked to certify that you will comply with all requirements of the Takoma Park Charter and Code applicable to the election process in Takoma Park, including Chapter 5.12 Fair Election Practices and Chapter 3.04 Ethics, and that you will file all required campaign finance reports and financial disclosure requirements for candidates.
Contact the City Clerk at JessieC@takomaparkmd.gov or 301-891-7267 for additional information about running for office.
Write-In Candidates for the Election
Any person who wishes to register as a write-in candidate must meet the qualifications of the office they seek and must file the required candidate forms. A person whose name appears on the ballot may not register as a write-in candidate, and a person may only register as a write-in candidate for one office in any election.
Salary and Benefits of Mayor and Councilmembers
Beginning with the City Council elected in November 2024, the mayor will receive an annual salary of $34,108.80. Each city councilmember will receive a salary of $25,581.60 per year.
Elected officials are eligible to receive health insurance benefits equivalent to those of full-time City employees.
Other benefits include use of a City of Takoma Park laptop and smartphone for City business during the term in office; opportunity to attend, without cost, conferences beneficial to the City through organizations such as the National League of Cities and the Maryland Municipal League (MML); and reimbursement of certain other expenses, such as for local travel to Rockville or Annapolis to attend meetings.
Candidate Information Package (Forms and Links)
Complete Election Calendar (PDF) (with important filing dates for candidates)
Takoma Park has a Council-Manager form of government.
- International City/County Managers Association (ICMA) Publication: “Council-Manager Form of Government”
- Maryland Municipal League Publication: “So You Want to Be an Elected Municipal Official . . . What you need to know first”
Helpful Takoma Park Information
We have pulled together information about the City of Takoma Park government on a separate page. We hope this is helpful as you campaign, talk with residents, and prepare to serve if elected.
Campaign Finance Registration Form (PDF)
Campaign Bank Accounts
- If you choose to open a campaign bank account, you may need a letter from the City Clerk indicating that you are a candidate. If so, contact the City Clerk to request a letter.
Candidate Profile Form (PDF)
Campaign Finance Report Form – For each report filed, include a cover sheet and the appropriate schedules.
Schedules are the same for candidates or political committees, but there is a separate cover page for each.
- Cover Page – Campaign Finance Report (for Candidate) (PDF)
- Cover Page – Campaign Finance Report (for Political Committee) (PDF)
Review the Sample Campaign Finance Form Completed for Roscoe the Rooster’s Campaign
Ethics Form – Financial Disclosure and Conflict of Interest Note, the form is requesting Calendar Year 2023 information.
- Financial Disclosure Statement and Conflict of Interest Form (PDF) (16 pages – Complete Form)
Instructions for Candidate Statement and Photo for City Newsletter (PDF)
Requesting Voter Information
- Information available from the Takoma Park City Clerk (request form (PDF))
- Recent list of Takoma Park voters registered with the State of Maryland
- Current List of Takoma Park-Only Voters (voters who have completed a City of Takoma Park voter registration form to vote in City elections only)
Candidates’ Access to Multi-unit Buildings
Write-In Candidate Registration Form
Links to Other Information:
- Ward Map (PDF) This file is set to print at 11×17. You can take it to a print shop and have a larger version printed.
- Street Directory (PDF) This file includes street address ranges with the corresponding ward.
- Interactive Ward Map (type in an address to locate the ward)
The City Charter and Code are important resources for candidates. See particularly:
City Charter
– Printable PDF
Takoma Park Code, Title 2, Administration
– Printable PDF
Takoma Park Code, Title 3, Ethics
– Printable PDF
Takoma Park Code, Title 5, Elections
– Printable PDF
Takoma Park Code, Title 11, Streets
Section 11.04.060 Placement of Signs and Advertisements
Challenger and Watcher Certification