Published on: Monday, June 1, 2015 Takoma Park Newsletter

Showing the love for local crossing guards

On Crossing Guard Appreciation Day, June 2, the PTAs at Takoma Park and Piney Branch Elementary schools and Takoma Park Middle School have joined forces with the City of Takoma Park Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS) to make it easy for families to demonstrate their appreciation for these important members of our community. Families are urged to take a few moments on their way to school in the morning to personally thank the guards and offer tokens of appreciation. Tables will be set up near each crossing guard to receive cards, flowers or treats, and carry on an appreciation day tradition that dates back to 2009.

“Crossing guards are essential. I would not allow my child to walk without crossing guards,” reported one parent on the Safe Routes to School Survey. Many comments like this appear year after year. In fact, many residents make a point to thank the crossing guards daily for their dedication to keeping our students safe while walking to and from school. On the morning of June 2 parents and students can do just a little more.

SRTS suggests leaving a few extra minutes during the walk to school to stop at the guard post. The guards know many of the students by name and enjoy the chance to reflect on the year and wish the students a nice summer.

“Walk in the middle of the crosswalk! (clap, clap) Now you sing it Mom and Dad!”

In addition to standing at their posts, Takoma Park’s guards assist SRTS with the bike rodeos and crosswalk activities in the schools and at community events, educating students about safe practices while walking and biking to school. One guard overheard a student sharing the strategies with her parent on the way to school: She taught her mother the song she learned from the crossing guard in the classroom, “Walk in the middle of the crosswalk! (clap, clap) Now you sing it Mom and Dad!”

This article appeared in the June 2015 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.