Published on: Sunday, May 1, 2016 Takoma Park Newsletter

Takoma Park Police offer home security services

You are going away for 10 days and there’s no one in your house. Is there anyone who can do regular checks on the property? You sleep in the back of the house and want to be sure no one takes your car—without your permission—between midnight and 5 a.m., and you don’t want to stay up all night. Is there a “car-sitting” service? Here are some free services the Takoma Park Police Department ( offers to help residents manage these and similar situations.

House checks: If you are away 4-30 days, the Takoma Park Police will walk through the perimeter of your house and make sure there are no tamper marks in critical areas, check for cut screens, etc. How can you activate this service? Contact the Takoma Park Police Department (301- 270-1100) in advance of your departure, and not the day before you leave, if at all possible. If you are away for a shorter period—especially if the area has had problems, contact the Takoma Park Police, who will advise you of the short-term process.

Home security surveys: An officer will do internal and external security assessments: internal checks look for vulnerabilities such as lock security and screens, items next to windows (laptops, TV) etc. External checks include looking at shrubbery near windows, equipment left outside (such as ladders, bolt cutters), whether exterior lights are working as intended, and more. To activate this service, call Takoma Park Police at 301- 270-1100.

Night-time auto security: Want to ensure that your car does not move from its space between midnight and 5 a.m.? You can register the car with the TP Police and get a car sticker.

Community Cam Program: If you wish to have a camera on your property also monitored by the TP Police, join the Community Cam program. For more information, visit

This article appeared in the May 2016 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.