New Website to Launch Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The transition to the CivicEngage® platform is expected to occur on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at around 2pm. The City URL ( will remain the same after the transition. For more dertails on what to expect, click "More Information"

Offices and Facilities Closed January 19 & 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Monday’s yard waste collection is canceled for the week. As always, the City of Takoma Park Police is open 24/7 for emergency services.

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Business Recycling

The City of Takoma Park requires that all multifamily and commercial properties provide tenants an opportunity to recycle. Takoma Park Code Chapter 10.14 was amended in July, 2015 to mandate recycling in multifamily facilities.

Photo of Takoma Park businesses with the text "business recycling" and the symbol for recycling.
Businesses in Takoma Park are required to recycle. Visit the Business Recycling page for more information.

About Recycling at Business & Institutional Properties

The City of Takoma Park does not provide waste collection services for businesses and institutions. Property owners and managers are responsible for managing waste and recycling collection on their site.

Business Recycling Requirements

Mandatory requirements for all property owners or managers set forth by Takoma Park Code Chapter 10.14  are:

  1. Provide sufficient common recycling bins to hold the amount of recyclable materials generated at the property between collections.
  2. Provide recycling collection at least once per week. The property owner or business must collect recyclables from the property or contract with a licensed hauler for the service. Depending on the terms of the applicable lease, it is the responsibility of each business or commercial property owner to have recyclable materials collected and delivered to a licensed collection facility.
  3. Make the common recyclable collection bins visible and at least as accessible as common refuse collection bins.
  4. Post a notice of the recycling requirements where common refuse and recycling bins are located. Recycling instructions provided by the licensed contractor or a City of Takoma Park recycling notice must be posted where common refuse and recycling bins are located. City notices are available for download in the Business & Multifamily Recycling Resources table below or available for pick-up at the Public Works Facility located at 31 Oswego Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
  5. Provide proof of participation in the recycling program. A valid and current contract with a licensed recycling collector and a copy of the collector’s license or one year of receipts for delivery of recyclable materials to licensed recycling facility serves as a proof of participation.

Important Business Recycling Information

Commercial properties may contract with private haulers or self haul to a licensed collection facility.

Contact a Hauler

Check with your current trash service provider about recycling as it can be cost effective to have the same hauler for trash and recycling services.

To help find a hauler, the City has created a list of refuse and recycling haulers that serves the Washington, D.C. metro area. This list is available in the Business & Multifamily Recycling Resources table below.

Self Haul

Montgomery County has trash and recycling drop-off locations. For details visit the Drop-off Locations and Hours for Recyclables and Trash page on the Montgomery County’s Department of Environment Protection website.

Proof of Montgomery County residency or evidence that waste was generated in Montgomery County is required to drop off at any of these locations.

Educate Yourself

Polystyrene Ban: The City of Takoma Park has a polystyrene ban in place. Polystyrene (look for plastic code #6) is not recyclable. Visit the Polystyrene Ban page page for more details.


Business Recycling Resources

Business & Multifamily Recycling Resources

Resource & LinkDescriptionType
Multifamily Annual Recycling Report (Online)Multifamily with private collection are required to file this recycling report. Form can be submitted form
Multifamily Annual Recycling Report (Print)Multifamily with private collection are required to file this report. Completed forms can be mailed or faxed.PDF
City of Takoma Park Recycling NoticeRequired printable notice for multifamily units to be posted where common refuse and recycling bins are located. (11" x 17")PDF
Recyclable Items in Takoma ParkPrintable document detailing what can be recycled in Takoma Park. (8.5" x 11")PDF
Refuse & Recycling Haulers ListList of refuse and recycling haulers that serve the Washington D.C. metro area.Excel
Table: Business & Multifamily Recycling Resources including links to mandatory forms. Table maintained by the Nima Upadhyay, Special Projects Coordinator. (

What Can Be Recycled in Takoma Park

Businesses and multifamily residences that receive collection service from the City of Takoma Park are required to recycle the following items below. Businesses and multifamily properties that receive collection from a private hauler must follow the instructions provided by their hauler.

Recycling in Takoma Park

glassglass bottles
glassglass jars
metalaerosol cansmust be empty
metalaluminum foilMust be free of food.
metalaluminum trays
metalfood containers
metalbeverage containers
paperbooks (paperback)
paperboxboardcereal boxes, inserts in packaging
papercardboard boxesflatten or nest if possible
papercorrugated cardboard
paperenvelopeswith or without windows
paperjunk mail
papernewspapersincludes inserts
paperpaper bags
paperpaperboardcereal boxes
paperphone books
paperwhite paper
papercolored paper
paperwrapping paper
plasticplastic bottlescontainers for drinks, shampoo, etcmust be marked with a universal recyclable symbol #1 through #5
plasticplastic jarscontainers for yogurt, peanut butter, etcmust be marked with a universal recyclable symbol #1 through #5
plasticplastic bucketscontainers for ice cream, kitty litter, detergent, paintmust be marked with a universal recyclable symbol #1 through #5
plasticplastic tubscontainers for ice cream, margarine, yogurt, etcmust be marked with a universal recyclable symbol #1 through #5
plasticflower potsmust be empty and free of dirt
Table: Items that can currently be recycled in Takoma Park. NOTE: Plastic marked with the plastic resin code #6 symbol is polystyrene and is not recyclable. Visit the Polystyrene Ban page ( for more details. Table maintained by Gina Mathias, Sustainability Manager (

Business & Multifamily Recycling Sections