Published on: Thursday, September 1, 2016 Takoma Park Newsletter

Meet More Arts and Humanities Commissioners

Have you been to a dance performance, film, or lecture at the Community Center this past year? Members of the Arts and Humanities Commission contributed to making that programming possible. We want to put a face on the Arts and Humanities Commission, so we are introducing some of our hardworking volunteers. This month, meet AHC Chair Susan Strasser and Vice-Chair Eric Gordon.

Historian Susan Strasser has lived in Takoma Park for 25 years, and she’s currently working on a series of talks to religious and c o m m u n i t y groups called “A White Historian Reads Black History.” After retiring from teaching at the University of Delaware (and a long commute), she joined the Arts and Humanities Commission and has worked especially on the humanities lecture series, now beginning its second year. Meanwhile, Susan has gotten to work with a great group of creative people and introduced some terrific presentations and performances.

Eric Gordon is a social worker with the Washington, DC-based nonprofit Art Enables, a vocational day program for artists with disabilities. He also participates in numerous artistic and freelance ventures under the guise of DC Creepers, including comics with DC Conspiracy, art for blood drives with Cartoonists Draw Blood, and various small press zines and mini-comics with the DC Zinefest community. Eric enjoys being part of the creative fabric of Takoma Park and being able to contribute some of his own personal creative energy through working with the Art and Humanities Commission is just icing on the cake.

Join Susan and Eric and volunteer to be on the Arts and Humanities Commission. You’re invited to attend a meeting to see if it’s a good fit for you. Then fill out the online application and submit it with a resume or statement of qualifications. Appointments are made by the City Council.

This article appeared in the September 2016 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.