City Council / Tree Commission Joint Meeting Agenda - Monday, November 14, 2016
Handouts (attachments to the agenda)
Comments Prepared by the Tree Commission (November 14, 2016)
7:30 PM
1. Introductions (10 minutes)
7:40 PM
2. Role of the Tree Commission (15 minutes)
- What improvements can be put in place to help the Tree Commission do its work?
- Discussion of opportunities to increase transparency, communication, and documentation.
- Should the role of the Tree Commission be expanded?
7:55 PM
3. Role of the Urban Forest Manager (new title for the City Arborist) (15 minutes)
- Responsibilities and Expectations
8:10 PM
4. Priorities for the City (20 minutes)
- Discussion of opportunities for outreach and education.
- Tree Commission recommendation to devote more resources and attention to maintaining current canopy and caring for newly planted tree replacements.
8:30 PM
5. Discussion of Issues Related to Pepco, WSSC, and other Public Utility Projects (15 minutes)
8:45 PM
6. Tree Ordinance (15 minutes)
- How's it working overall?
- Should there be a process for appeals other than appeals of tree permit decisions?
- Should there be a process for hardship appeals?
9:00 PM
*All times are estimated.