Published on: Friday, August 16, 2024 News Alert

Register for Takoma Park’s Upcoming Elections

Election season is just around the corner, and that means there’s just a few short months left to register to vote. In Takoma Park, every resident above the age of 16 on Election Day—and regardless of citizenship—may vote in local elections for mayor and city council.

This year, elections for mayor and city council are being held by mail. Every registered voter will receive a ballot in the mail. For those that don’t receive a ballot, need assistance, or still need to register, the Community Center will be open for voting on Tuesday, November 5, from 7 am to 8 pm The election is held separately from the presidential general election, which happens on the same day.

The nomination caucus for city elections will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 10, at the Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium.

To register to vote in Takoma Park local elections, visit the voter registration webpage.

Those looking to register need to provide a photo i.d. issued by a federal, state, or local government entity of the United States or any foreign country or school, provided that the identification document contains a photograph and/or identifying information such as name, date of birth, gender, height, and eye color. Examples of acceptable documentation include a U.S. or foreign passport, visa, alien registration card, driver’s license, MVA identification card, military identification, or school i.d. with photo.

Applicants also must provide documentation verifying residency in Takoma Park. Examples include a copy of a deed, house or apartment lease, utility bill, paycheck, bank statement, school record, or other official or government document that shows your name and current address in Takoma Park.

Those who are already registered to vote in the state of Maryland and live in Takoma Park are eligible to vote in city elections.

The landmark initiative to allow noncitizens to vote was passed by the Takoma Park City Council in 1992. Takoma Park was also the first jurisdiction to allow those 16 and older to vote in local elections, which the city passed in May of 2013. According to recent data, registered 16- and 17-year-old voters have outperformed all registered voters in each municipal election from November 2013 onward, with 63% of them voting in 2022, compared to 49% of all registered voters.

The City of Takoma Park uses ranked-choice voting. When there are multiple candidates, voters may rank candidates in order of preference (1, 2, 3, etc.). Follow the instructions on your ballot. A candidate must receive a majority of first choice votes
to win. If no candidate receives enough votes, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated and those ballots are redistributed to their second choice. This continues until one candidate receives a majority.

State elections

To register to vote in Maryland statewide elections, you must be a citizen of the United States, do not claim the right to vote as a resident elsewhere, are not incarcerated due to a felony conviction, and have not been convicted of buying or selling votes. The state allows 16-year-olds to register but they must wait until they are 18 years old to cast a vote.

For registered voters in the state of Maryland, you can check your registration status here.

For additional information on registering to vote, contact the City Clerk’s Office at 301-891-7267 or visit the Cit Clerk Webpage.

This article appeared in the August Edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. Check out this article and more on the City webpage.