Offices and Facilities Closed January 19 & 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Monday’s yard waste collection is canceled for the week. As always, the City of Takoma Park Police is open 24/7 for emergency services.

Library Renovations Update 12/13: Latest Updates and Presentation from City Staff

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

Active Alerts
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Recreation and Community Engagement Committee

The Recreation and Community Engagement Committee was established:

A. To advise the City Council on how best to serve the diverse recreation needs of Takoma Park residents,
including but not limited to reviewing and recommending policies and programs that concern recreational
opportunities within the City, with a special emphasis on youth and seniors and broad and diverse participation.

B. To advise the City Council regarding a range of community needs involving recreation, health, leisure,
education, enrichment programs, and opportunities for social development.

C. To identify for the City Council options and opportunities which may benefit the Takoma Park community by
serving those needs.

D. To advise the City Council on ways to enhance use of existing City-owned or City-operated facilities,
including the Community Center, the New Hampshire Avenue Recreation Center, Heffner Park Community Center,
and athletic fields maintained by the City to meet the objectives set forth in subsection (B) of this section.

E. To advise the City Council of options and opportunities for recreational use of other public community
facilities in the area and to suggest to the Council new facilities which may be needed. (Ord. 2021-39 § 1, 2021)


The Recreation and Community Engagement Committee shall consist of nine Takoma Park residents to be appointed by the City Council. Every effort shall be made to ensure that the membership represents all wards and the diverse populations in Takoma Park. Committee members shall serve staggered two-year terms beginning July 1 and ending on June 30.

Learn More and Apply Here


Recreation and Community Engagement Committee Members

NameWardTerm Expiration
Michael Asrat22025
Mackenzie Brown32025
Alan Kahn22025
Rachna Rikhye12026
Ken Simler12026

Documents of Interest

Ordinance 2008-4 

2022 Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Meeting DateLink to Meeting Agenda and Minutes
2024-05-16Meeting Agenda
2024-04-18Meeting Agenda
2024-03-21Meeting Agenda
2024-02-15Meeting Agenda
2023-06-15Meeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes
2023-05-18Meeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes
2023-04-20Meeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes
2023-03-16Meeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes
2023-02-16Meeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes
2023-01-19Meetig Agenda

Meeting Agenda and Minutes from Previous Years.

Boards, Committees, & Commissions Sections