Takoma Park Youth Council
The purpose of the Youth Council is to serve in an official advisory and coordination role to the City Council on all matters related to and of importance to youth.
The Takoma Park Youth Council is established by the City Council:
A. To provide an opportunity for the youth of Takoma Park to acquire a greater knowledge of and appreciation for local government through active participation in the system.
B. To help the City Council to address and accomplish the goals of this community by working directly with the representatives of youth.
C. To serve the youth of Takoma Park by: informing the Takoma Park municipal government of the needs and wishes of youth; planning and implementing social, educational, cultural and recreational activities for the youth; working with the Mayor, City Council, City department heads, schools, civic clubs, and service organizations to provide service and leadership opportunities for the youth of the City; and, helping to instill a feeling of positive self-worth and esteem, teaching respect for the rights of others, and promoting community pride. (Ord. 2021-39 § 1, 2021)
Takoma Park Youth Council Charter
Takoma Park Youth Council Membership
A. The Youth Council shall consist of up to 11 Takoma Park youth appointed by the City Council representing a cross-section of the City’s youth.
B. The Youth Council shall report to the City Council the names of the elected Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.
C. All members shall be in grade levels 7 through 12, except the Chairperson shall be in the 11th or 12th grade.
D. The term of each member shall be one year. Members are eligible to reapply annually if they meet member eligibility requirements.
E. Members must meet the following qualifications:
1. Remain residents of the City;
2. Attend meetings on a regular basis and inform the Youth Council of absences prior to meetings;
3. Maintain at least a 2.5 grade point average for the current school year;
4. Fulfill the responsibilities of the office held; and
5. Set an example for youth in the community.
F. In addition to other bases for removal set forth in this chapter, a member can be removed from the Youth Council if they fail to sustain any of the above qualifications.
G. Vacancies shall be filled by the City Council for the remainder of the unexpired term.
H. Members shall be appointed annually at the start of the school year and shall serve one-year terms. (Ord. 2021-39 § 1, 2021)
Youth Council Members (2024-2025)
Name | Ward |
Obsa Ahmed | 6 |
Kalib Bond | 6 |
Emmeline Brown | 2 |
Nathaniel DeRoche | 3 |
Murilo dos Santos | 3 |
Amnone Esunew | 2 |
Anand Ginsburg-Shukla | 3 |
Mikal Kidane | 4 |
Nuhamin Michael | 2 |
Safiya Sorenson | 3 |
Leul Wondwosen | 4 |
Staff Liaison: Christine Heidebrecht
Contact the Youth Council: TKPKYouthCouncil@takomaparkmd.gov
Youth Council Meetings
The Youth Council generally meets on the first and third Thursday at 4:00 PM in the Community Center Hydrangea Room.
“Touching Farewell from a Youth Council Member” going off to college.