2024 City Election for Mayor & Council

Takoma Park Elections Will Take Place on Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Library Renovations Update: Water Utility Work to Begin Monday, July 8, 2024 - Parking Impacts

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

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Emergency Actions During Covid-19


City Manager Emergency Actions During COVID-19


10-19-2020Purchase of Plasma Air HVAC UnitsApproved purchase of 42 HVAC air cleaner units for a total price of $13,440, which would normally require action by the City Council as the purchase exceeds $10,000. Due to the pandemic, time was of the essence for this purchase at a time when the Council had a reduced meeting schedule.
06-02-2020Suspension of ban on posting signs in the public right of way.Recognizing that the ability of residents to gather is limited by pandemic related restrictions, the temporary suspension of the City Code provisions regulating the posting of signs is designed to allow expression in response to recent events which occurred nationally and locally. At some point in the future, the City will resume enforcing the Code provisions regarding the posting of signs. Updates will be provided to Council and the intention is to give substantial public notice before the suspension ends and the City resumes enforcement of the City Code sign provisions. The City Council has been considering changes to the Sign Ordinance. For safety reasons, we will move signs if they are in an unsafe location such as covering a traffic sign or blocking sightlines at an intersection.
05-21-2020Agreed to work with the organizers of the Lunch and Learn program to modify their contract so that they may provide virtual summer educational and recreational programming to young people in Takoma Park, rather than conduct an in-person program. While the Council has been consulted regarding this change, there is not sufficient time to modify the contract and then bring the contract back before the City Council for action before the program would need to begin. The originally approved contract amount was for $45,000; the revised contract amount will be lower, as payment for facility and bus rental will not be required.
05-19-2020Public Information Act NoticeSigned a revised Public Information Act Notice regarding the required time for responding to requests to the City. It clarifies that, to the extent possible, the City will continue to respond to requests within the required time frame unless circumstances related to the pandemic prevent us from doing so. Detailed information regarding this matter has been posted on the City's website.
04-24-2020Authorized varied rates of Hazard Pay to Police Dispatcher and most Public Works employees based on level of risk of contracting COVID-19 through work activitiesCity Code and collective bargaining agreements did not include provisions of emergency pay during a time when City operations continue (although may be provided remotely). A pay differential is appropriate due to the special hazards faced by certain staff.
04-23-2020Notice regarding Maryland Public Information Act time requirements signed.Notice and Order issued related to the required time within which to respond to a request under the Public Information Act. Pursuant to the Governor's Emergency Declaration, certain records may not be able to be accessed within the 30 day time period; this Notice and Order suspends that 30 day time period in those cases. Note that a Revised Notice and Order was issued on May 19, 2020.
04-08-2020Authorized a delay and change in license fees of the Takoma/Langley CDA, as recommended by the CDA Board; CDA license fees and schedule are in the City Code.The CDA requested the delay for all and 25% reduction in the fees for professional service providers and retail businesses to help their members; the fees do not come to the City so the change will not affect City finances.
03-27-2020Authorized $5 per hour Hazard Pay differential to essential staff with a real possibility of coming into close physical contact with a member of the public with Covid-19, for an undefined period of time but only during the declared health emergency.City Code and collective bargaining agreements did not include provisions of emergency pay during a time when City operations continue (although may be provided remotely). A pay differential is appropriate due to the special hazards faced by certain staff, primarily Police patrol officers.
03-27-2020Authorized the purchase of three overhead garage doors for Public Works buildings without going through City Council approval of the purchase.To the extent possible, City Council meetings are focused on agenda items that are emergency or major policy issues. This purchase was within budget and previously identified and approved in the adopted FY20 budget. The time in taking this to Council would be a burden on otherwise very busy staff.
03-26-2020Authorized an essential Public Works employee to commute to and from home using a City vehicleThe employee could not easily report to work due to reduced and changed Ride On bus service
03-13-2020Staff work schedules and work locations changed contrary to notice provisions of collective bargaining agreementsIn response to State emergency declarations, staff who can work remotely are to do so; multi-day advance notification not possible

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