Library Renovations Update 12/13: Latest Updates and Presentation from City Staff

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

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Takoma Park Interactive Demographic Map

Want to find out more about your neighborhood? The Takoma Park Interactive Demographic Map provides important information about Takoma Park’s neighborhoods–like their population and demographics–and allows residents to compare them to other neighborhoods in Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, and the District of Columbia.

As of September 9, 2022 we’ve created a new version of the interactive demographic map. This map has the same information as the previous map with updated American Community Survey data for 2016-2020. While the old map just allowed you to see data at the Census tract level, the new map allows you to see data at the block-group or place level, and also to see data for Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, and DC for context. This version of the map also allows you to see percentages or estimates for each each set of information, and to download the data the map is built on as an Excel file or shapefile. Hovering over a neighborhood provides additional information about it. The code used to produce the map can be found on the City’s GitHub page.

The map is available below, and can also be viewed in fullscreen here. To provide feedback on the map, email  City Community Development Manager, Rosalind Grigsby.

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