Offices and Facilities Closed January 19 & 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Monday’s yard waste collection is canceled for the week. As always, the City of Takoma Park Police is open 24/7 for emergency services.

Library Renovations Update 12/13: Latest Updates and Presentation from City Staff

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

Active Alerts
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Fire Pits and Open Burning Guidelines, Restrictions and Safety Information

When temperatures drop in the DMV,  many want to spend as much quality time outdoors as possible during the pandemic.  Please be mindful that the City of Takoma Park follows all Montgomery County rules regarding open burning and the use of fire pits.  Please be sure you are adhering to all county guidelines and using precautions when using a fire pit.  Always keep pets and children a safe distance away.

Open burning is defined as a fire where any material is burned on the ground or in an open receptacle other than a furnace, incinerator, or other equipment connected to a stack or chimney. Campfires are considered open burning.

Some recreational burning is allowed under strict conditions. All other open burning without a permit is prohibited in Montgomery County, and fines of $500 per day may be imposed.


The following items may not be burned in the City of Takoma Park or Montgomery County at any time:

– Household trash

– Tires

– Construction debris

– Asphalt shingles and tar paper

– Leaves, lawn thatch, and garden trimmings

– Green brush and other fresh or dried plant life (except certain agricultural materials)

For more information on burning guidelines, restrictions and safety, visit the following:

To report outdoor air quality violations, call the non-emergency police number 301-270-1100.

Crime Prevention & Safety Tips Sections