Library Renovations Update 11/27: Community Center Renovations Continue/Maple Ave Sidewalk Work Nears Completion

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

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Curbside Collections Data

Where do the collected recyclables go?

The City takes its recycling to the Prince George’s County Materials Processing Facility, which is operated by Maryland Environmental Services. The contamination rate in FY20 at the facility was 19.79%, a little higher than prior year. The facility reports that the largest sources of contamination are wire, rope, plastic bags, hose, and things that can get stuck in sorting equipment. Currently all materials are sold domestically, the facility bids the commodities on the open market, this included mixed paper, corrugated cardboard, plastics #1 – #7 (except #6) (first buyer strips the PET, then re-bundles and sells to HDPE, which sorts clear and color, etc.), rigid plastics, steel and aluminum, and glass (used as roadway bedding in County landfill, a beneficial reuse).

Where does the collected trash go?

The City of Takoma Park takes is trash to the Northeast Transfer Station in Washington, D.C., operated by Waste Management Inc.. Most waste processed at this facility is then moved by trailer to either the King George Landfill in King George, Virginia, or the Middle Peninsula Landfill in  Saluda, Virginia.

Where does the food waste go?

Food waste collected by the City of Takoma Park is taken to the Prince George’s County Organics Composting Facility in Upper Marlboro, MD.  Several times a year the City receives finished compost from the facility, which participants in the City’s curbside food waste collection program may take 5 5-gallon buckets full of per year (currently finished compost is not available due to COVID precautions).

What Happens to the Yard Waste Collection?

The majority of the yard waste collected each week in Takoma Park is composted at the City’s Public Works facility. Leaves and other vegetation is ground up and composted on site, resulting in quality compost that is free for residents to pick up or have delivered for a small fee.

Curbside Collections Data
Curbside Collections 2017
Curbside Collections 2018
Curbside Collections 2019
Curbside Collections 2020


Recycling Data in Tons 2016 – 2020
Food Waste Data in Tons 2014 – 2020

Curbside Collection Services Sections