Library Renovations Update 12/13: Latest Updates and Presentation from City Staff

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

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Snow Angels

Photo of Snow Angel volunteers
“Snow Angels” help clear snow from driveways of those in need!




Regretfully, the Snow Angels Snow Removal Program will be canceled this winter (2022/2023). MCPS’s snow days have now been moved to virtual school days; thus students will not be available to participate in this program.
The list of participants will be kept on file if the Difference Makers are able to return to the program in the future.

In order to qualify for the Snow Angels program, you must:
  1. Be a Takoma Park resident
  2. Have a disability that prevents you from removing snow or are 55 or older
  3. Not have anyone living in your home who is able to assist with snow removal

Students at Takoma Park Middle School, who belong to the Difference Makers club, teamed up with the City of Takoma Park to form teams of Snow Angels to fan out across the city and dig out residents who can’t do the heavy lifting of snow removal themselves. The program was originally organized through the Lifelong Takoma program in 2015.

The program historically operated on days the students are out of school AND when there is 2″ or more of snow.


The list of participants will be kept on file if the Difference Makers are able to return to the program in the future.

Recreation Sections


Inclement Weather Line

Bad weather? Call the The Recreation Department’s Inclement Weather Line to check for weather closure information.

Call 301-891-7101 ext. 5605 to check for program cancellations due to weather.

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