Library Renovations Update 12/13: Latest Updates and Presentation from City Staff

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

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Sustainability Archives

Completed and Past Programs

City of Takoma Park’s Neighborhood Energy Challenge (Wind)

Takoma Park’s Neighborhood Energy Challenge  yielded great results. With approximately 3,850 electric accounts in Takoma Park, the campaign resulted in 17% (652 accounts) choosing 100% green power, representing roughly 5% of the total kWh consumed city-wide. 6.5% of the City’s electricity came from renewables, thanks partly to those enrolled in renewable choice programs. Check out the different renewable choice programs available in Takoma Park: HERE

Campaign Results:

  • 17% of accounts chose 100% renewable electricity
  • Roughly 75% of the renewable energy in the City came from the Neighborhood Energy Challenge
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Neighborhood Energy Challenge

The Neighborhood Energy Challenge was a year-long competition from March 2015-March 2016 between all the neighborhoods in Takoma Park. Teams competed to earn the biggest reductions in energy use.

Georgetown University Energy Prize Competition

Takoma Park won Third Place in 2017!

Final Results:
1. Fargo, ND
2. Fort Collins, CO
3. Takoma Park, MD and Bellingham, WA

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