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Takoma Park Elections Will Take Place on Tuesday, November 5, 2024

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The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

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Performing Arts Series

The Takoma Park Arts series offers a wide range of free performances at the Takoma Park Community Center, including concerts, theater, dance, and special events. Former performances may be viewed on our YouTube channel.

We aren’t currently seeking performance submissions. We post all of our calls and info about upcoming events in the Takoma Park Arts e-newsletter.

Callithump with Abe Joyner-Meyers

Wit’s End Puppets

What to Expect

Performances are held in the Takoma Park Community Center auditorium and are free to the public with no tickets or reservations required. Performances are typically held on Friday evenings and usually last 60 to 90 minutes.

Honorariums are based on the number of performers. A $300 honorarium will be paid following the event to a single performer, $400 for groups with 2-3 performers, $500 for 4-5 performers, and $600 for groups with 6 or more members.

The Venue – Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium

The Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium is located at 7500 Maple Avenue, Takoma Park, MD.  The facility is Metro accessible via the Red Line Takoma Station and is served by the following bus lines: WMATA F4, F6 and RideOn 16, 17, 18, and 25. There is limited free parking available on site.

The auditorium has raked seating with a capacity of 160 with two aisles. It is ADA accessible and LEED-CI Silver Certified.

The floating wood stage is approximately 18 inches off the floor and is 30 feet wide and 19 feet deep at the center. Clearance from stage floor to the lowest set of lights is 12 feet. Two sets of two steps provide access to the stage from the audience. The stage can also be directly accessed from the back stage area. The backstage area includes a kitchenette and bathroom which can be used as a green room. A loading ramp and access doors to the rear of the building are located to the right of the stage.

The auditorium is equipped with state of the art lighting and sound system and includes a retractable 6’x11’ projection screen and two small screens on either side of the stage. Any additional or specialized equipment required for the event must be provided by the participant. A black drape for the back of the stage is available upon request. Blocking or restricting access to any designated fire exits is prohibited

Technical Support – Lighting and Sound

The City will provide technical support for the performance including a sound engineer/lighting technician. Tech support assignments are the sole responsibility of the City.

The use of a stage manager familiar with the performance is strongly encouraged. This is especially true for performances with complicated lighting or sound cues.

Video Recording and Photographic Images

The City reserves the right to record the performance and, without limits or additional compensation, to broadcast, cablecast or in any other way display a video or photographic record of the event, including the use of social media outlets such as You Tube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Broadcasting and Online Viewing

The performance may be broadcast live on CityTV (Comcast Channel 13 / Verizon Channel 28), web streamed on the  City’s web site, and viewed on YouTube.

Promotion and Marketing

The City promotes all events on a variety of online and social media outlets: the City of Takoma Park website, CityTV, Facebook, Instagram, You Tube, Twitter, the Takoma Park Arts e-newsletter and various cultural arts calendars. Additional promotion efforts may include the distribution of fliers and publication of announcements in the City’s monthly newsletter. Performers are expected to assist in the promotion of the performance through all available channels and also provide requested copy, images and video clips.

Promotional materials developed by participants should include a statement that the event is sponsored by the City of Takoma Park’s Takoma Park Arts series.

Ticket Sales and Reserved Seating

All performances are free to the public. Ticket sales or reserved seating is strictly prohibited except to comply with ADA regulations.

Sale of Merchandise

Merchandise may be sold before or after the performance, but all sales will be handled solely by the performers.  A table needed to display any merchandise will be provided upon request. The City assumes no responsibility for the display, storage or safekeeping of any merchandise or the collection of any sale proceeds.

Audience Donations

All performances are free to the public. A cash donation box will be placed at the door during the performance with all proceeds going to the performers after the event. Performance groups also may post QR codes for Venmo, Paypal, etc. at the door for online contributions. Audience members are not required to make any donations.


Performers may host a reception with their performance but are not required to do so. Tables and tablecloths will be provided, but performers are responsible for any food, drink, utensils, and napkins. Food and drink must be provided free of charge to all audience members. No alcoholic beverages are allowed, and food and drink cannot be taken into the auditorium during the performance. The City assumes no legal or financial responsibility or liability for the storage or distribution of any food or beverage.

Cancellation or Rescheduling of Event

The City may cancel or reschedule the performance in the event of inclement weather requiring the closure of the facility, use of the venue by the Takoma Park City Council, or other cause, as determined by the City in its reasonable discretion.


No liability, workers’ compensation or other insurance coverage is provided by the City to, or for the participant, or any of its employees, volunteers or agents.

Contact Information

For additional information, please contact Arts and Humanities Coordinator Brendan Smith at brendans@takomaparkmd.gov.

Arts and Humanities Sections