Offices and Facilities Closed January 19 & 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Monday’s yard waste collection is canceled for the week. As always, the City of Takoma Park Police is open 24/7 for emergency services.

Library Renovations Update 12/13: Latest Updates and Presentation from City Staff

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

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Street Resurfacing

About Street Resurfacing

The City Council allocates funding in the capital budget for street restoration. In 2004, the Council established a goal to maintain City streets in fair or better condition and establish a resurfacing frequency of, on average, 20 years. The projected cost of that 20-year cycle is $500,000 annually.

Each year the City Engineer identifies the streets to be resurfaced. The list is developed based on a pavement condition evaluation. In addition to the pavement condition rating, planned utility work or other conflicting projects are also taken into account when determining which roads to resurface.

When a street is resurfaced any defective curb and gutter, sidewalk or driveway aprons are replaced as well. Residents are provided with a notice at least three days prior to the start of the work. “No Parking” signs are posted in advance. Once the concrete repairs are completed the road surface is milled – the top 2 inches of old asphalt is removed with a milling machine. The asphalt millings are taken to an offsite location to be recycled. The new asphalt surface is laid down usually within a few days to a week of the milling. Typically traffic is restricted on the street during the milling and paving. The work normally takes place between 7:00 am and 5 pm. The road is re-opened once the work is completed.

Typically new speed humps are replaced after the road is resurfaced. In some cases, existing speed humps in good condition are left in place.

The last step in the process is adding any roadway markings, like stop bars, lane edges or crosswalks. This work must be done in dry weather.

 Current Project Status

Street NameFromTo
Park AvenueCarroll AvenuePhiladelphia Avenue
Pine AvenueColumubia AvenueElm Avenue
Montgomery AvenuePine AvenueHickory Avenue
Elm AvenuePine AvenuePoplar Avenue
Sycamore AvenueElm AvenueEthan Allen Avenue
Woodland AvenueElm AvenueCircle Avenue
Auburn CourtElm AvenueMD 650 Service Road
Lincoln AvenueCarroll AvenueElm Avenue

Project Lead & Contact Info

Ali Khalilian
City Engineer
Phone: 301-891-7620

Street Resurfacing  Details

Project Info & Timeline

  • Target completion date: Each year, the council authorizes funding and streets are scheduled for resurfacing based on condition.
  • Takoma Park’s role in project: Lead
  • Departments involved: Public Works

Budget & Funding Source

Budget: FY19, $300,000
Funding Source: Capital Budget

Links & Notes