Council Facility and City Tour - December 20, 2017
Wednesday, December 20, 2017 – 9:00 AM
Council Conference Room
Takoma Park Community Center – Sam Abbott Citizens’ Center
7500 Maple Avenue
On Wednesday, December 20, City staff will conduct a facility and City bus tour for the new members of the City Council. Because a quorum of the Council is expected to attend, this notice is being published pursuant to the Maryland Open Meetings Act.
The schedule for the morning is as follows (all times are approximate):
9:00 AM - Community Center Council Conference Room, Overview of "Road Show"
9:10 AM - Community Center, Meet Key Staff / Tour facility
10:15 AM - Public Works and Heffner Tour
Interim bus ride will include overview of projects (Flower Avenue, Purple Line, etc.)
11:10 AM - New Hampshire Rec Center Tour
11:30 AM – Return to Community Center
Interim bus ride will include overview of projects (Ethan Allen Gateway, Montgomery College, Dorothy’s Woods, etc.)
Noon - Return to Community Center for Lunch with Department Heads/Key Staff
Scheduled times are approximate. There is limited space on the bus. If a member of the public wishes to attend, please contact Jason Damweber, Deputy City Manager, as soon as possible: or 301-891-7202. Requests will be accommodated to the extent possible.
ADA Notice
The City of Takoma Park is committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities are able to fully participate in public meetings. Anyone with a disability who 1) wishes to receive auxiliary aids, services, or accommodations at a City of Takoma Park public meeting or public hearing; or 2) cannot attend a public meeting but would like to record an audio comment to be played during the public comment period of the meeting, is invited to contact Jason Damweber, Deputy City Manager, at or 301-891-7202 at least 48 hours in advance.