Green Team - Joint Meeting of the City Council and the Committee on the Environment - Monday, October 3, 2016
Agenda items link to PDF documents, if available.
7:15 PM
Purposes of meeting:
To discuss updated joint Green Team priorities and
To identify specific areas that the Committee can assist Council to build in environmental concerns to a Council priority, strategy or outcome.
Draft agenda items:
1. Introductions (5 minutes)
2. Committee on the Environment (COE) update on efforts in past year (10 minutes)
3. City Council perspectives on sustainability within current priorities (15 minutes)
4. Review of updated joint green team priorities from 2015 (30 minutes)
5. Discussion of specific areas for joint action: affordable housing, economic development, other (20 minutes)
6. Wrap-up and next steps (10 minutes)
Recommended Green Team actions:
- Identify 2-3 specific shared specific areas for joint action, and
- Approve or revise updated Green Team priorities.
Meeting materials:
- Green Team Priority Issues for City of Takoma Park, updated Sept. 2016
- Summary of Council Priorities, Feb. 2016
- Update on Sustainable Maryland 3-Year Action Plan Actions
- Environmental Aspects of Current Council Priorities
- Current Sustainability Budget - FY 16 Sustainability Projects
ADA Notice: The City of Takoma Park is committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities are able to fully participate in public meetings. Anyone with a disability who 1) wishes to receive auxiliary aids, services, or accommodations at a City of Takoma Park public meeting or public hearing; or 2) cannot attend a public meeting but would like to record an audio comment to be played during the public comment period of the meeting, is invited to contact Jason Damweber, Deputy City Manager, at or 301-891-7202 at least 48 hours in advance.