Published on: Friday, September 6, 2024 News

City of Takoma Park Election for Mayor and City Council

Notice of Meeting to Nominate Candidates for the November 5, 2024 , City Election
  • Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 7:30 p.m.
  • Takoma Park Community Center (Auditorium)

The Takoma Park Nominating Caucus is a public meeting that will convene at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024 , in the Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium, 7500 Maple Ave. The purpose of the meeting is to accept nominations of candidates for mayor and city councilmember. Only registered voters of the city present at the meeting (or on Zoom) may nominate or second the nomination of a candidate. If not yet registered to vote, residents may register up until 5 p.m. on the day of the meeting.

Nomination of each candidate for city councilmember may be made on motion of any voter of the ward, and if such nomination is seconded, the person so nominated will be considered a candidate. Nominations of candidates for mayor may be made on motion of any voter of the city, and if such a nomination is seconded, the person nominated will be considered a candidate. A person may only accept a nomination for one city office. The name of each person nominated for the offi ce of mayor and city councilmember will be placed upon the official ballot for the November 5, 2024 , City Election unless the person declines the nomination or does not meet the qualifications for office.

City Election: Tuesday, November 5, 2024

2024 is an election year in Takoma Park. City voters will be electing a mayor and all six city councilmembers to two-year terms. The Nominating Caucus is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. Election day is Tuesday, November 5.

The Election will be conducted by mail! For those who need to vote in person, there will be voting at the Takoma Park Community Center (7500 Maple Ave) on Election Day.

Information About Candidates.

The October issue of the Takoma Park Newsletter will include names, photos, and 150-word statements from all candidates. Watch for information about candidate forums and events to educate yourself about your choices.

Voter Registration for the City of Takoma Park Election (and for the Presidential Election).

Most voter registration is handled by the Montgomery County Board of Elections. The most important action you can take to prepare for these two elections is to confirm that you are
registered at your current address in Takoma Park. If nothing has changed, and you have voted before at your address, you should be fine. If you have any doubt, or if you have moved in the past few years, confirm or update your registration right away.

Information on how to check your registration is available on the city website or by contacting the city clerk.

If you are not registered, register now. Don’t wait!

If you are 16 years old and a U.S. citizen, you may register with the Montgomery County Board of Elections, even though you will not yet be able to vote in the presidential election. You will be able to vote in the City election.

Residents who are not U.S. citizens, or who do not wish to register with the State of Maryland, may register with the City of Takoma Park to vote only in City elections for mayor and city council.

For the City of Takoma Park election for mayor and city council, registered voters will receive a ballot in the mail. There is no need to request a ballot. However, if you will be out of town in October, request that an absentee ballot be sent to you at your out-of-town address.

For the presidential, state, and county election, voters must request a mail-in ballot from the Montgomery County Board of Elections if they do not wish to vote in person. For more information, visit

For additional information about the city election, visit the City Website.

This article appeared in the September Edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. Check out this article and more on the City webpage.