Purple Line Update
The Takoma-Langley Crossroads Transit Center stands on its own merit, but its value would be greatly enhanced if the Purple Line light rail is built.
As the literal midpoint of the proposed 21-station, 16-mile Purple Line, the Transit Center would be a hive of activity. Some people have suggested that a Silver Springlike redevelopment to emphasize density and walkability could occur.
But will we ever see a Purple Line? The answer is: probably. On June 25, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) announced that he supports the Purple Line, if it costs the State of Maryland less than current projections. This would require both cost savings and for Montgomery County and Prince George’s County to pay larger shares.
Montgomery County Executive Isiah “Ike” Leggett (D) responded that the county could contribute $50 million more, if some conditions are met.
A great deal of negotiating is left to be done, not to mention property purchases, design, engineering, construction, and the prevailing over the inevitable lawsuits. Nothing is happening quickly, but it appears that, after months of uncertainty, the Purple Line is back on track.
This article appeared in the July 2015 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.