Library Renovations Update 12/13: Latest Updates and Presentation from City Staff

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

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Filing a Code Complaint

The Complaint Process

The Neighborhood Services Division is primarily responsible for ensuring that properties within the City of Takoma Park are maintained in a safe and sanitary manner as set forth in the Property Maintenance Code (Chapter 6.12). These standards apply to all existing residential, nonresidential and accessory structures, and to vacant land. These code provisions constitute minimum standards.

My TkPk logo
My TkPk logo

How to File a Complaint

The most effective means of filing a complaint with the Neighborhood Services Division is through My TkPk, an online customer service tool that allows individuals to file and review the status of complaints or requests for service. DO NOT use My TkPk to report an emergency.

Complaints may be filed in person, by phone or by email with the Neighborhood Services staff as well.

When Filing a Complaint

Filing a complaint is quite simple and can be a very effective way to track the status of your complaint if you have the right information. To ensure that the Neighborhood Services Division appropriately responds to your concerns, including the following information in your complaint.

  • Be sure to have a specific address! (We do not want to close out your complaint because we have gone to the wrong building or do not know where the “Old Olson Place” is located).
  • Be specific when explaining the nature of your complaint. You do not need to write a lot, just be sure that you include enough information so that we know what your concerns are and where to look for them.
  • If you would like us to contact you in case we have a question, please include your name and let us know how to get in touch with you. The information will be kept confidential upon request.

If you have filed your complaint on My TkPk and are interested in what we find and how we address the problem, be sure to note the reference number. You will need it when you check back to see what was done in response to your complaint.

Common Referrals

The Neighborhood Services Division does not have the authority to investigate all complaints. Referrals are often made to other Departments and to outside agencies. The individual filing the complaint is encouraged to contact the appropriate department or agency as this is often the most effective means of resolving the matter.

Types of referrals commonly made by the Division include:

Takoma Park Police Department (301-270-1100)

  • Abandoned vehicles in the public right-of-way
  • Squatters living in abandoned or vacated buildings or on vacant lots
  • Loose or dangerous domestic animals (roosters, dogs, cats, etc.)
  • Graffiti

Neighborhood Services covers these Initiatives and Bans:

Filing a Code Complaint
Anti-Litter Initiative
Enforcement Process
Plastic Bag Ban
Plastic Straws and Stirrers Ban
Polystyrene Ban
Property Maintenance Code
Suburban Deer Management

Common Referrals – continued

Takoma Park Public Works Department (301-891-7633)

  • Trash on public property and in the public right-of-way
  • Dead or dying trees
  • Trees overhanging the public right-of-way
  • Maintenance concerns at City parks, governmental facilities, and gardens

Montgomery County Parks Department

  • Maintenance concerns at County park facilities and trails

Montgomery County Health and Human Services

  • Restaurant complaints
  • Rats and other pests

Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs

  • Condition of rental housing property

Montgomery County Permitting Services – Zoning

  • Unlawful accessory apartments
  • Illegal land uses
  • Unauthorized home-based businesses

Montgomery County Permitting Services – Building

  • Illegal construction activity (includes fences, structures, parking lots, etc.)

Maryland Department of the Environment

  • Lead complaints (lead paint, inappropriate abatement measures, etc.)
  • Environmental complaints

The United States Environmental Protection Agency

  • Environmental Complaints
  • Lead complaints (lead paint, inappropriate abatement measures, etc.)


Neighborhood Services: 301-891-7113 

Neighborhood Services Sections