Library Renovations Update 11/27: Community Center Renovations Continue/Maple Ave Sidewalk Work Nears Completion

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

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Tree Pruning Information

About the Project

Asplundh Tree Care is doing work for Pepco on power line circuits that run through and around the City. The maps in this selection show what work is scheduled. There are keys showing what the symbols in the maps stand for. The yellow and green lines refer to whether the work is before or after a circuit breaker, not what kind of pruning is being done. In most cases the Asplundh crews are simply cutting back to previous cut points. Occasionally they will be making pruning cuts to mitigate poor cut location choices made by earlier crews. The Arborist is notified when crews are going to be working in town.

PEPCO Tree Work Maps

All files PDF

Expected Duration

April 2020, one month

If you have more questions please contact Takoma Park’s Urban Forest Manager:

Jan Van Zutphen
Urban Forest Manager
Phone: 301-891-7612

Maple tree

Project Info & Timeline

  • Completion date: April 2020
  • Takoma Park’s role in project: Liaison with PEPCO and contractor
  • Departments involved: Public Works

Budget & Funding Source

This is a PEPCO project;  there is no cost to the City.

Links & Notes

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