Published on: Monday, August 5, 2024 News Alert

This Just In: TKPK Awarded $92,000 Community Health and Safety Works grant from Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development


The City of Takoma Park has been awarded a $92,000 Community Health and Safety Works grant from the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)!

Grant Details

This grant funds a project on the 6500 block of Sligo Mill Road, a recurrent illegal dumping site, that addresses several health and environmental issues. The project will include:

  • Reclaiming excess roadway as an extension of the woodland area, with a focus on bioretention to naturally treat contaminants in stormwater runoff approaching the stream, as well as erosion mitigation;
  • Installing a camera to monitor traffic on the block;
  • Narrowing the road and changing it to a one-way exit to preserve the commercial uses of the road and eliminate the opportunity for illegal dumping.
  • When complete, the area will be publicly available greenspace, including interpretive signage explaining the bioretention and erosion strategies in place.

In their support of the City’s proposal, local residents Emily England and Alexander Morales said “The proposed structural changes will significantly reduce illegal dumping and improve community health and safety. The project will improve the health of our urban forest while improving community pride and our sense of ownership of public space.”

DHCD administers Community Health and Safety Works grant opportunities to improve the livability and economic potential of Maryland communities through targeted investments in the physical environment that impact health and safety.  Learn more about the Community Health and Safety Works grant award at the official DHCD Press Release.