Published on: Tuesday, August 13, 2024 News Alert

Housing & Strategic Plan


The guiding document for Housing Policy in the City of Takoma Park is the City’s Housing and Economic Strategic Plan, adopted in October 2019. The Strategic Plan is designed to cover the period from 2019 through 2030 and help guide the City Council when setting policies and adopting budgets. It also assists City staff in developing annual implementation plans.

The plan underwent a multi-year development process. This included hiring an outside firm to evaluate the existing conditions, conduct a SWOT analysis, and develop the strategic plan alongside City Staff.

The Plan sets 3 goals:

  • Preserve existing affordable housing and  businesses  in Takoma Park, including in revitalizing areas;
  • Produce more housing and opportunities for businesses to start and grow across the income spectrum and in neighborhoods across the City to meet the diverse housing and economic needs; and,
  • Protect renters, homeowners, and local businesses from discrimination and displacement, and protect our environment from destruction.

As part of the development of the plan, community members were invited to provide input on the draft Strategic Plan.

Extensive community outreach included:

  • An online survey was conducted, and stakeholder interviews were conducted.
  • A Listening Session was held on June 28, 2017, to provide residents with an additional opportunity to weigh in on local housing and economic development conditions.
  • Two open houses were held in early November 2017.
  • An online comment form was developed.
  • In February 2018, community members were invited to attend a presentation by representatives from Mullin & Lonergan Associates and provide comments on the housing recommendations included in the draft.
  • The City Council held 7 public hearings on the Plan between October 2018 and October 2019 as part of its adoption.
  • For City Council Meetings, Agendas, and presentations, as well as other outreach materials, visit the Hosuing and Economic Development Strategic Plan webpage.

These goals have 48 objectives, of which 34 relate to Housing. You can learn more about the plan and find materials below:

City’s Housing and Economic Strategic Plan