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Housing and Economic Development Strategic Plan

The Takoma Park City Council identified “the advancement of its economic development efforts” and the “creation of a livable community for all” as key priorities for the City, and subsequently  authorized the development of a community wide strategic plan for the purpose of ensuring that a “range of safe, quality, and stable housing options are available for residents of varying incomes” and “to attract new businesses to the community and prepare for economic development within the City and the region.” (Council Resolution 2016-04, adopted February 24, 2016)

After over three years of research, staff facilitation, community and Council discussion, the final Housing and Economic Development Strategic Plan was adopted by Council on October 16, 2019 (Resolution 2019-47).  The Plan establishes the strategic direction the Council wishes to take the City over the next decade.

The overarching themes of the Strategic Plan are to:

  • Preserve existing businesses and affordable housing in Takoma Park, including in revitalizing areas
  • Produce more housing and opportunities for businesses to start and grow across the income spectrum and in neighborhoods across the City to meet the diverse housing and economic needs
  • Protect renters, homeowners, and local businesses from discrimination and displacement; and protect our environment from destruction.

Project Context and History

To assist in the development of the Strategic Plan, the City of Takoma Park entered into a contract for services with The Cloudburst Group and its partners Fourth Economy and Mullin & Lonergan Associates in March 2017.

The consultant group developed the following foundational documents:

As part of the process, community members were invited to provide input on the draft Strategic Plan during its development. An online survey was conducted and stakeholder interviews were held. A Listening Session was held on June 28, 2017 to provide residents with an additional opportunity to weigh in on local housing and economic development conditions. Two open houses were held in early November 2017. An online comment form was developed. On February 26, 2018, community members were invited to attend a presentation by representatives from Mullin & Lonergan Associates and provide comment on the housing recommendations included in the draft.

The City Council resumed its review of the Strategic Plan during a series of work sessions discussions in October, 2018, focusing on the housing recommendations included in the draft plan. This discussion is scheduled to continue on Wednesday, January 16, 2019.

Project Lead & Contact Info

Housing and Community Development Department

Project Info & Timeline

  • Current target completion date: 2019 – Fall
    • Project initiation date: 2016 – November
  • Takoma Park’s role in project: Lead
  • Departments involved: Housing & Community Development

Quick Links


Links & Notes

City Council Meeting – October 16, 2019 Video

City Council Meeting – June 12, 2019  Video

City Council Meeting – March 13, 2019  Video

City Council Meeting – January 16, 2019  Video

City Council Meeting – October 29, 2018 Video

City Council Meeting – October 17, 2018 Video

City Council Meeting – October 3, 2018 Video

“Housing in Takoma Park: Providing Diverse Housing Opportunities” – February 26, 2018 Event

City Council Meeting – October 18, 2017 Video

The Cloudburst Group Presentation – October 18, 2017

City Council Meeting – February 8, 2017 Video

City Council Meeting – February 1, 2017 Video

The Cloudburst Group – Selected Proposal

Request for Proposals – Housing and Economic Development Strategic Plan

Project Directory Sections