Published on: Wednesday, August 14, 2024 News

Takoma Park Newsletter: Keep Our School Children Safe


As summer draws to a close, the City of Takoma Park is gearing up for another school year filled with learning, growth, and, of course, safety. Montgomery County Public Schools are back in session on Monday, August 26. Whether your child walks, bikes, or takes the bus to school, it’s essential to be aware of the best practices for navigating our streets safely. Here are some valuable tips and resources to help ensure a smooth and secure transition back to school:

Safe Walking Routes:

Takoma Park is committed to providing safe walking routes to all our schools. We encourage parents and students to visit our Safe Routes to School page to access detailed maps outlining the safest paths to each school in our Safe Route to School program. These maps highlight

designated crosswalks, crossing guards, where sidewalks are missing, and suggested routes that minimize exposure to vehicular traffic.

Biking Safely:

For students who ride their bikes to school, it’s crucial to follow all traffic laws and wear appropriate safety gear, including helmets. Ensure bikes are equipped with reflectors and lights to enhance visibility, especially during early morning or late afternoon hours when daylight may be limited. Parents, be sure to reinforce good biking habits with your children.

Crossing Procedures:

Teach children to use designated crosswalks and always wait for the crossing signal or for traffic to come to a complete stop before proceeding. Encourage younger children to cross streets with a trusted adult or older sibling whenever possible.

Visibility Matters:

As the days grow shorter heading into fall, visibility becomes increasingly important. Consider adding reflective gear or clothing to your child’s attire, especially if they walk or bike during dawn or dusk hours. Bright backpacks and jackets can also help drivers spot pedestrians more easily.

Walk to School Day Wednesday, October 9:

Join schools across Takoma Park in celebrating this national event promoting the benefits of walking and biking to school. It’s a fantastic opportunity for students and families to experience firsthand the joy of active transportation while reinforcing safe practices.

Volunteer Opportunities:

We’re seeking volunteers to start and support walking and biking buses throughout the school year. These volunteer-led groups will help ensure safe travels to and from school by organizing supervised walking and biking routes. If you’re interested in contributing your time and making a positive impact on our community’s safety efforts, please contact Kaysi-Ann Webley, special projects coordinator at

As we prepare for the new school year, let’s work together to prioritize safety on our streets. By following these tips and participating in community events, we can ensure a safe and enjoyable school year for all Takoma Park students. For more information and resources, visit

This article appeared in the August Edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. Check out this article and more on the City webpage.