Published on: Wednesday, September 18, 2024 News

Step into the School Year with a Walking School Bus

What is a Walking Bus?

A Walking Bus involves a group of children walking to school together, led by adult volunteers, such as parents. Similar
to a traditional school bus, it follows a designated route and schedule, allowing children to meet at specified stops before walking to school under supervision.

Benefits of a Walking Bus
  • Promotes Physical Activity: Walking helps children meet their daily exercise needs, combating obesity and improving overall health.
  • Enhances Safety: Walking in a group increases visibility and safety. Adult leaders assist children with traffic navigation and safe crossing practices.
  • Builds Community: Fosters connections among families and neighbors, creating a sense of belonging and community spirit.
  • Benefits the Environment: Reduces car traffic and emissions, promoting a healthier environment.
  • Alleviates Traffic Congestion: Minimizes cars around school, making drop-off and pick-up times safer and less chaotic.
How to Start a Walking Bus
  1. Gather Interest: Connect with other parents to discuss forming a walking bus group.
  2.  Plan Your Route: Identify a safe route with sidewalks, crossing guards, and pedestrian crossings. Visit the City of Takoma Park’s “Map Your Route” page to find recommended and safe paths.
  3. Set a Schedule: Determine a pick-up and drop-off schedule that aligns with school hours.
  4. Recruit Volunteers: Find adults willing to supervise the walking bus. Adequate supervision is key to safety.
  5. Communicate with the School: Inform your school and the Special Project Coordinator Kaysi-Ann Webley ( about your walking bus plans, for additional resources, or for suggestions.
  6. Promote Your Walking Bus: Use flyers, or school newsletters to inform other parents and encourage participation.
  7. Hold an Orientation: Organize a session to explain the walking bus operation and address questions before the school year starts.
Pedestrian Road Safety Tips
  • Look Both Ways: Always look left, right, and left again before crossing the street.
  • Use Crosswalks: Cross streets only at designated crosswalks or intersections.
  • Stay Visible: Wear bright or reflective clothing to ensure drivers can see you.
Get Involved!

We invite you to consider launching a walking bus to your school. This initiative promotes health, safety, and community engagement. Takoma Park is committed to providing safe walking routes to all our schools. We encourage parents and students to visit our Safe Routes to School page. On that webpage, detailed maps outline the safest paths to each school in our Safe Route to School Program highlighting designated crosswalks, crossing guards, where sidewalks are missing, and routes that minimize exposure to vehicular traffic.

If interested or needing support, contact Kaysi-Ann Webley at or visit for more resources.

Let’s work together to make this school year a safe, active, and enjoyable experience for our children!

This article appeared in the September Edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. Check out this article and more on the City webpage.