Tenant Resources
Emergency Rental Assistance
The City Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is designed to provide additional funding to residents who are at risk of homelessness due to financial difficulties. The program provides financial assistance to residents who are behind on rent and make 50% of the area median income.
Apply to the program by filling out the online application or by calling Housing and Community Development at 301-891-7119.
Tenant Displacement Fact Sheet
The Housing Department has put together a fact sheet for both renters and landlords detailing important points to know about the Tenant Displacement process in Takoma Park.
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Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Program
Interested in owning your apartment building with your neighbors? If so, you may be eligibile for assistance in the purchase of the building and making needed repairs to extend the life od the home!
The City is providing assistance to tenant associations who are interested in purchasing their building. Learn more on the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Program webpage.
Landlord-Tenant Mediation
Conflicts or misunderstandings can sometimes occur in a landlord-tenant relationship. The Division of Landlord-Tenant Affairs has the authority to investigate concerns raised by either a tenant or a landlord. Staff works with both parties to help resolve a complaint through a combination of mediation and conflict resolution.
Learn more on the Landlord-Tenant Mediation webpage.