Holiday Closures: City Offices and Facilities Closed Tuesday, Dec. 24-Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2024 & Wednesday Jan. 1, 2025

As always, The Takoma Park Police Department is open 24/7 for emergency services. For a full breakdown of Holiday Closures and changes to the Holiday Collection Schedule, click "More Information".

Library Renovations Update 12/13: Latest Updates and Presentation from City Staff

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

Active Alerts
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Takoma Park Festivals, Events, and Venues

Takoma Park is an artistically-minded place because of its citizens! Takoma Park artists, musicians, and performers showcase their talents at community events, such as  Art Hop, the Folk Festival, the Jazz Festival, and the Street Festival.

Residents can also share their skills and enjoy the arts and humanities at these local venues:

In addition to the Takoma Park Maryland Library, the City has 16 Little Free Libraries sponsored by several neighborhoods. These take-a-book, leave-a-book kiosks promote resident relationships and an appreciation for literature!

"A Mano," an installation by local artist Peter Bankson.
“A Mano,” an installation by local artist Peter Bankson.

Funding the Arts

Montgomery County and the state of Maryland believe in funding  the arts and humanities. Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County,  Maryland State Arts Council, and Maryland Humanities Council endow artists and scholars with grants each year!

The City of Takoma Park does not endorse, review, control, or recommend viewpoints, materials, or products contained in third party websites, unless noted.

Arts and Humanities Sections