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2020 Census - Everyone Counts in Montgomery County

About 2020 Census

Every 10 years, the federal government conducts a complete count of every person residing in the United States. The next Census will take place on April 1st, 2020. Census counts determine how many representatives each state gets in Congress,  the way that federal funding is allocated throughout communities, and helps municipalities better predict housing, infrastructure, and other community needs. In 2020, individuals will have the ability to complete the Census online as well as by phone and mail.

More information: Census2020

2020 Census 

Jurisdictions across the country are gearing up for the 2020 Census. Getting accurate counts is extremely important, as the numbers are used to determine how federal and state dollars are distributed at the local level.

  • City staff has been working closely with the County in planning for how we get the word out.
  • We have educational materials that will be posted online and distributed throughout the City, including businesses, and in apartment buildings,
  • A new website page that provides pertinent information,
  • A social media campaign in the works,
  • We are assisting the County with recruiting efforts for canvassers needed to confirm address lists and characteristics of the types of dwellings (this information ensures that residents will be invited to participate in the census and that the census counts residents in the correct location).

Who Should I Count?

The 2020 Census will count every person living in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the five U.S. territories.

If you are completing the census for your home, you should count everyone who is living there as of April 1, 2020 (Census Day). That means everyone who is living and sleeping there most of the time.

You may have questions about how people in some special circumstances are counted on the 2020 Census, including people who move on Census Day, people born on Census Day, military members, and more.


In advance of the 2020 Census, the Census Bureau is recruiting thousands of people across the country for temporary jobs to assist in the 2020 count. More information can be found here.





See the video: 2020 Census Made Simple

Who should be counted in the 2020 Census and does age matter?

  • Counting every person in the United States in a census every 10 years is a challenge. But counting every infant and toddler in the country may be one of the most challenging parts of the job.
  • Parents and adults with young children often don’t realize they need to include all children who live with them fulltime or at least most of the time.

What if my child divides their time between homes?

  • Did you know – if a child’s time is divided between more than one home, you should count them where they stay most often? If their time is divided evenly, count them where they are staying on Census Day – April 1, 2020

Military,  Students: Read Special Circumstances – if you have other questions.

Why is there a 2020 Census Count?

  • The census provides critical data that lawmakers, business owners, teachers, and many others use to provide daily services, products, and support for you and your community. Every year, billions of dollars in federal funding go to hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other resources based on census data

How do I take the 2020 Census?

In March 2020 every address in the country will receive a questionnaire. You can respond using the following ways:

  • Do it online
  • Call by phone
  • Send by mail
  • For those who don’t respond, a Census taker from your community will follow up to assist you with filing.

Is my Census Data safe?

After sending in your Census response, your personal information is kept confidential. The Census Bureau is bound by federal law to protect your information, and your data is used only for statistical purposes.

By law, your personal information can’t be shared with any government agency. law enforcement, or landlord, no one. Take your Census wit peace of mind

2020 Census Made Simple

Project Info & Timeline

Budget & Funding Source

Montgomery County received funding for Census promotion through the State of Maryland. Promotional efforts will include the City of Takoma Park.

Resources and Links

For more information and updates, please use the following resources:

Montgomery County Census 2020

Prince George’s County Census 2020

United States Census Bureau

2020 Census Made Simple: https://youtu.be/tunMBo2GifQ

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