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Library Renovations Update: Back-to-School Impacts - August 15, 2024

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Library Renovation/Reconstruction

About the Library Renovation/Reconstruction Project

Based on the results of a 2014 needs assessment and long-time community interest and support, the City plans to reconstruct its Library. The current facility has served the community well for decades, but it no longer adequately meets our collections and programming needs and is in need of accessibility improvements.

When discussions about renovations began, the assumption was that we would work within the existing building and modernize and improve the space. However, in the course of our due diligence after engaging an architect to assist with conceptual designs, it was determined that the City needed a flood plain delineation study to ascertain whether the current floodwall (which was planned to be incorporated into the expanded Library building) was adequate.

A preliminary report was concluded in August of 2018 and submitted to the Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services for review.  Based on the conclusions of the flood plain study, it was determined that a higher elevation for the Library was needed.  In 2019, the architect submitted design options for a library building that would meet the elevation criteria but would preserve the same footprint.

Current Status:

On February 26, 2020, architect Greg Lukmire of RR/MM Lukmire Architects made a presentation to the City Council on the current status of plans for a replacement Library. Regarding the flood plain study: An initial flood plain study was accepted by the County.  The second flood plain report has just been completed, and shows that the expanded Library footprint  causes minimal impact on the height of the flood plain. While it still needs to be submitted to the County, the findings mean that substantial regrading is not required for the new Library.   The current plans for the project were submitted to an independent cost estimator,  The report, received on February 25, estimated construction costs at $8.3 million, including a large contingency. The previous estimate was about $7.6 million. The difference reflects recent increases in construction material costs of about 5%, labor costs of 10-12%, and a different estimate for site work costs.  The architect also shared drawings of a preferred interior and several possible exteriors for the new building. The current library is 9,400 square feet – the proposed design increases the square footage to 19,025 square feet.

Additional information was presented by the architect and discussed at the Council Work Session of March 11, 2020. In sum, floodplain findings were consistent with earlier projections that raising the floor of the building would be sufficient to meet flood plain requirements without substantial redesign of the site. And, the estimated total hard and soft costs of the project are very close to the amount of funds available for the project – $9.8 million.

On April 15, 2020, the City Council  considered and voted unanimously to authorize the City Manager or her designee to enter into a contract with RR/MM Lukmire Architects for the next phase of the project :  continued concept design and potential detailed design and engineering for Library renovation, at a cost of $499,835. Funding for this contract and the Library project overall is available through the State Infrastructure Loan Program, Maryland Capital Grants, and City Cable Grant funds.


Updated Plan (2020-01-20)

Project Lead & Contact Info

Jessica Jones, MSI
Library Director
Phone: 301-891-7259
Email: JessicaJ@takomaparkmd.gov

Library Renovation/Reconstruction Details

Project Info & Timeline

  • Target completion date: To be determined
  • Takoma Park’s role in project: Lead
  • Departments involved:  Administration, Library, Public Works

Budget & Funding Source

The FY18  approved Budget contained funding for completion of the concept design, detailed design development, construction of a renovated and expanded Library, and relocation of collections and services during construction, at a total cost of approximately $7,000,000.  In March of 2017, the City was awarded $150,000 in Bond Bill Funding.  In June of 2017, following two public hearings on the Budget, the City Council voted unanimously to approve funding for the Library Renovation, and the subsequent borrowing of $7,000,000. through the Maryland State infrastructure Loan Program.   In 2019, the city was awarded an additional $150,000 in Bond Bill Funding.   Funding for the Library project overall is available through the State Infrastructure Loan Program, Maryland Capital Grants, and City Cable Grant Funds.

A schedule of loan payments is here included.

Funding Source: CIP – General Fund

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) proposal for Takoma Park Maryland Library construction funding FAQ.

Links & Notes

2021 Updates


October 2021:  The Montgomery County Planning Board approved the mandatory referral application for this project on October 28.  Permitting approval and preparation of the Request for Bids for construction contractors is ongoing.  The competitive bid process for project construction is expected to be completed in time for construction to begin in late February.

April 2021: The Library project team has progressed steadily through final Design Development decisions with a focus on LEED requirements and energy efficiency to the Construction Documents phase.

2020 Updates

December 2020 – City Council voted to allow City staff to proceed with construction document preparation, permit application preparation, and competitive bidding while continuing to explore design modifications to enhance the green aspects of the design. Council Resolution 2020-30.

December 2 Council Presentation – RRMM Lukmire Architects presented updates to the building plans and construction costs, which were adjusted after building code analysis, technical documentation, and staff and public feedback on design development.

July 8 Council Presentation – 577 people voted in a July public survey on the three options.  The results of the public survey were presented to the Council during the July 8 Council hearing along with the library exterior options below.

  • Option 2 emerged as the winning design.















2019 Updates

On July 31, 2019 the City Council authorized a contract with architect Greg Lukmire, RR/MM Lukmire Architects, to begin detailed design necessary to determine cost estimates for construction. This phase is expected to last until late winter of 2020.

The most current information about where things stand, including a presentation by architect Greg Lukmire and Jason Fritz of Adtek Engineers, is available at the following links:

The most recent concept design options are available here.

Earlier designs under consideration are available here.

Preliminary Library Flood Plain Conditions Report

2018 Updates

August 2018- Preliminary Hydrologic and Hydraulic Report received.

Permit application submitted to Montgomery County.

2017 Updates

March 31- City Awarded $150,000 Maryland Bond Bill grant.

March 13-  City officials participated in a Maryland Bond Bill Hearing to secure a $150,000 grant.

January 5-Topographical and utility survey done by our architect.

2016 Updates

Chart of many previously considered design alternatives, with information on square footage, cost, illustrations and analysis. (PDF)

July 20 – The Lukmire Partnership has provided an Estimated Construction Costs slide.

July 7 – Images and video walkthrough produced by The Lukmire Partnership detailing two design options that are currently under consideration in the FY18 Proposed Budget.

January 7 – Second public meeting with new concept design. (Video)

2015 Updates

December 16 – Public meeting with new concept design. (Video)

October 29 – Greg Lukmire presented a modified concept design to the City Council, which incorporated their recommendations. PowerPoint presentation to the Takoma Park City Council on October 29, 2015.

February 9 – The Lukmire Partnership’s presentation to the Takoma Park City Council, February 9, 2015. (Video)

February 9 – Final report of The Lukmire Partnership: “Design of Interior Space – Takoma Park Maryland Library” (PDF) This report details the entire process undertaken by The Lukmire Partnership in its contract with the City, its conclusions and recommendations, including options for Library renovation and possible expansion, with their costs.

2014 Updates

December 9 – Second Public Meeting with Greg Lukmire. (Video) At this meeting the space needs program of requirements, and renovation/ expansion options were discussed.

October 8 – First public meeting with the Lukmire Partnership. (Video) There were surveys administered to the approximately 38 people who attended this meeting, asking what their preferences and priorities were for the Library space.

January 23 – In November of 2013 Providence Associates conducted seven “community conversations” (or focus groups) with Library and City Management staff, City Council members, and 35 residents who were Library users and representative of the demographics of Takoma Park. In addition, an on-line survey elicited 252 responses, with 212 open-ended comments. Major recommendations of the report were:

  1. A new integrated library system (ILS);
  2. A program of aggressive weeding of collections, reducing their contents to what is most up-to-date, pertinent and viable, with improved access to materials;
  3. Planning for additional and/or renovated space and re-design of the Library building.

The full report is available as a PDF: “Community Needs Assessment and Visioning for a 21st Century Public Library,” January 23, 2014. (PDF, prepared by Providence Associates, Laura Isenstein, Principal.)

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