2024 City Election for Mayor & Council

Takoma Park Elections Will Take Place on Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Library Renovations Update: Water Utility Work to Begin Monday, July 8, 2024 - Parking Impacts

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

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Vacant and Distressed Properties Initiative

About the Vacant and Distressed Properties Initiative

This initiative aims to develop programming and legislation designed to discourage the abandonment and neglect of residential, commercial and institutional properties.

Do you need to register a vacant or vacant distressed property? Visit our Vacant Property Registration page.

Current Project Status

Ordinance 2016-12 amending Chapter 6 of the City Code to provide for the registration of Vacant and Distressed Properties was adopted on March 23, 2016.  Applications for the registration of both Vacant and Vacant Distressed Properties are available  online and from the Housing and Community Development Department.

Additional information on the registration  requirements and the registration forms can be found in Links & Notes.

Project Lead & Contact Info

Sara Anne Daines
Director of Housing & Community Development
Phone: 301-891-7224
Email: SaraD@takomaparkmd.gov

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