Published on: Thursday, September 14, 2023 News

Minor Master Plan Update: City Council Resolution 2023-33 Public Comments on the Public Hearing Draft of the Minor Master Plan Amendment

The Takoma Park City Council has passed resolution 2023-33 to address public comments on the Public Hearing Draft of the Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment (MMPA).

The Resolution states that the City Council continues to request that the Montgomery County Planning Board ensure that the MMPA addresses seven priorities:

  1. incentivizing the creation of a range of housing types;
  2. retaining and improving existing affordable housing;
  3. retaining existing and attracting new local
  4. creating new public space opportunities;
  5. strengthening social and environmental
  6. continuing community engagement throughout the planning review process;
  7. assessing the impact of increasing residential units and retail on the provision of public services in the plan

Read the full City Council Resolution here.

For more information on the Minor Master Plan, including timeline and blogposts, check out the Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Webpage.