Library Renovations Update 11/27: Community Center Renovations Continue/Maple Ave Sidewalk Work Nears Completion

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

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Tip 411 Program

Text a tip to the Takoma Park Police Department and remain 100% anonymous.

  • Text to 847411
  • Type TPPDTIP at the beginning of your message.
  • Type your message including as much detail as possible to ensure that your tip is thoroughly investigated.

You can also send a tip using the Takoma Park Police Department’s Facebook page. In the left hand column you will find a link to “submit a tip.” Your tip is important and CAN make a difference!

For instances where a crime or suspicious activity is occurring in real time, please call our non-emergency number at 301-270-1100 or for an emergency, 911.

** The TIP line is not monitored 24/7 **


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