Category Archives: News Alert

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Budget Public Hearings – Monday, May 1, 2023 (including Constant Yield Tax Rate Public Hearing)

The City Council will hold two public hearings on Monday, May 1, beginning at 7:30 pm.

A. Public Hearing on the FY 2024 Tax Rate Increase


The City Council of the City of Takoma Park proposes to increase real property taxes.

1. For the tax year beginning July 1, 2023, the estimated real property assessable base will increase by 4.1%, from $2,688,034,783 to $2,798,767,009.
2. If the City of Takoma Park maintains the current tax rate of $0.5397 per $100 of assessment, real property tax revenues will increase by 4.1% resulting in $597,622 of new real property tax revenues.
3. In order to fully offset the effect of increasing assessments, the real property tax rate should be reduced to $0.5183, the constant yield tax rate.
4. The City is considering not reducing its real property tax rate enough to fully offset increasing assessments. The City proposes to adopt a real property tax rate of $0.5705 per $100 of assessment. This tax rate is 10.1% higher than the constant yield tax rate and will generate $1,459,642 in additional property tax revenues.

A public hearing on the proposed real property tax rate increase will be held at 7:30 pm on Monday, May 1, 2023 at the City of Takoma Park Community Center, 7500 Maple Avenue, Takoma Park, Maryland.

The hearing is open to the public, and public testimony is encouraged.

Persons with questions regarding this hearing may call 301-891-7267 for further information.

B.  Notice of Public Hearing on the FY 2024 Budget

The City Council will hold a public hearing on the FY 2024 budget on Monday, May 1, immediately following the Constant Yield Tax Rate Public Hearing.

C. How to Testify

Testify in person. Advanced sign up is not required, but feel free to sign up on the sheet when you arrive at the Auditorium. People who sign up will be called before others.

Testify over Zoom. To testify over Zoom, advanced registration is required before 5 pm on the day of the meeting. Register to testify over Zoom.

Send written comments.  Send written comments to the City Clerk ( Written comments received will be distributed to the City Council and will be added to the record.

Questions? Call the City Clerk at 301-891-7267 or email

TKPK5K Virtual General Interest Meeting, tonight, April 25 at 7:30pm


General Interest Meeting: What’s Next for the TKPK 5K Race?

This year, the annual TKPK 5K is going through organizational restructuring and has been postponed from its traditional May race date. After many years of racing, the mission and purpose of the race have evolved, and the City is working to transition its management into the hands of an external organization or coalition of partners supported by a sponsor organization to continue the race into the future. 

In order to identify and connect interested community members, organizations, and fiscal partners, the City of Takoma Park is hosting a Virtual General Interest Meeting on Tuesday, April 25, at 7:30 pm.

  • At the meeting, City staff will share the history of the race, the logistics for its management, and suggestions for ways the race might move forward. 

We invite residents, businesses, and organizations who are interested in potentially participating in the organizing of the race in the future to join and learn more about how it’s been done in the past and what it could look like in the future.

Please share this information widely with your friends and neighbors.

Public Hearing on the Proposed FY 2024 Budget – Wednesday, April 19, 7:30 PM

Don’t miss this first formal opportunity to comment on the Proposed FY 2024 Budget at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, April 19. The City Council wants to hear from you!

The public hearing will take place in the Community Center Auditorium, 7500 Maple Avenue.  Residents are encouraged to attend the hearing and sign up to speak.

If you would rather comment on Zoom, register before 5 pm on Wednesday.

Written comments are also welcome. Send to for distribution to the full Council.

Questions? Contact Jessie Carpenter, City Clerk by email or phone (301-891-7267).

Shorts Night Film Screening Featuring Local Youth on April 28


Friday, April 28 at 7:30 pm

Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium

7500 Maple Avenue

Free Admission

Don’t miss our latest and greatest Shorts Night in the Takoma Park Arts series to see five original short films by D.C.-area filmmakers, including dramas, a documentary, modern dance, and a homegrown feature starring Takoma Park youth. This will be the worldwide premiere for some of the films, and the directors will share their insights in a Q&A with the audience.

The featured films include:

Hugo’s Big Fix by Alice Weiss and Mike Kepka

Based on The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick, this film owes its life to a burst of creativity during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Faced with having to cancel their local Halloween play, Takoma Park Middle School students and parents made a short film from start to finish in just one week!

The film tells the magical story of Hugo Cabret, a street urchin who lives in the clock tower at the Gare du Nord train station and finds mischief and adventure with his friend Isabelle in the streets of Paris.

Alice Weiss is a health policy attorney who co-wrote and filmed the play with her daughter Dalia Badt and husband Steve Badt. Mike Kepka is an Emmy Award-winning filmmaker and father of June Kepka who acted in the film. He served as cinematographer and helped direct, edit, and score the film.

Requiem Today by Olga Aru

This one-act ballet film breaks through the barriers of prejudice and reflects upon the courageous nature of humankind. Expressive and bold, the performance offers a glimpse of hope and unity, as well as a gender-neutral approach in dance partnering. Some film chapters are dedicated to the BLM movement, mental health awareness,  and LGBTQIA+ acceptance.

Olga Aru is a Ukrainian-born American director, actress, writer, and choreographer. She is the founder and artistic director of the Aru Dell’Arte modern dance company, and she screened an earlier film at our Shorts Night in 2021.

The World We Wanted by Richard Hall

In the 1950s and ‘60s, 30 bright teens from around the globe gathered each year to learn about America and discuss social issues in a TV program for the New York Herald Tribune World Youth Forum. Now more than 60 years later, Richard Hall and historian Catherine Bishop have reunited some students from the 1959 forum to see how their perspectives on world issues have changed over the years.

Richard Hall is an independent filmmaker specializing in educational films on history and politics. An archival film enthusiast, he presents the popular Vintage Movie Nights in the Takoma Park Arts series.

Memories by Sarah Molot

In a bittersweet drama, Olly hasn’t seen Mara in a long time but they reunite to spend time together as if they were still kids. If only it wasn’t the last time.

Sarah Molot is a film student at the University of Maryland and a video editor who will be interning with NBC this year.

Main Character by Lexi Christie

A melancholy college student fears she is losing her best friend when her roommate moves away to start a new life with a boyfriend. Through a weekend with her mother and a series of daydreams in different film genres, Sadie wrestles with feelings of loss and envy and what it means to be the “main character” of her own life.

Lexi Christie is a writer, filmmaker, and recent graduate of the University of Virginia where she studied drama and media studies.

The City of Takoma Park’s Takoma Park Arts series includes free film screenings, poetry readings, art exhibitions, concerts, theater, and other events at the Takoma Park Community Center. Please go to for more info and to sign up for our e-newsletter.

Refuse and Recycling Regulations Proposed – Opportunity to Review and Comment

An Administrative Regulation is being proposed to provide guidance for compliance and enforcement of Title 10 (Refuse) of the Takoma Park Code as Authorized Under Takoma Park Code Sections 10.04.030 and 10.08.050. The regulation addresses refuse and recycling requirements and mandatory notices, collection of single-family residential refuse and recyclables, City collection of refuse and recyclables from certain multifamily facilities and the fees associated with the collection, multifamily facilities with a private collection, and business recycling.

Pursuant to the requirements of the “Administrative Regulations Ordinance” (Authority: Chapter 2.12 “Administrative Regulations,” of the Takoma Park Code), a notice of the City’s intention to adopt an administrative regulation must be publicly noted, allowing residents the opportunity to comment on the proposal.

The proposed regulation is available for review at

To obtain further information about the proposed regulation, contact:

Daryl Braithwaite, Director
Public Works Department
301-891-7615 or by email.

Written comments on the proposed regulation may be emailed to the City Clerk. The deadline for receipt of public comments is Friday, April 28, 2023.

Review the Proposed Regulation (PDF)

Celebrating National Poetry Month Poetry Reading on April 20



April 20 at 7:30 pm 

Takoma Park Community Center

7500 Maple Avenue 

In celebration of National Poetry Month, please join us for our next Takoma Park Arts poetry reading where four local poets will share their diverse range of work. The featured poets include David Dayton, Amy Eisner, E. Laura Golberg, and Bonnie Naradzay.
David Dayton specialized in technical and business writing for 30 years. After retiring in 2019, he revived an earlier career devoted to creative writing. Copper Beech Press published his first poetry book, The Lost Body of Childhood, which is available for free online at Google Books. A second poetry collection and a novel will be published soon on
Amy Eisner teaches creative writing at the Maryland Institute College of Art, helping students develop as poets and integrate writing into their art practices. Her poetry has appeared in Fence, The Journal, Nimrod, Reed, Sugar House Review, and other journals. She has been nominated twice for the Pushcart Prize.
E. Laura Golberg emigrated to America from England in 1969, and she has lived in D.C. since 1972. Her poetry has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Prize, and her work has appeared in Barrow Street, Rattle, Poet Lore, and other publications. She won first place in the Larry Neal Poetry Competition in D.C.
Bonnie Naradzay’s poems have appeared in AGNI, New Letters, Tampa Review, Florida Review, Crab Creek Review, and other publications. She was awarded the New Orleans MFA program’s poetry prize in 2010 with a month’s stay in the castle of Ezra Pound’s daughter, Mary. She has led poetry sessions at homeless shelters and a retirement center in D.C.
This poetry reading is part of the Takoma Park Arts series organized by the City’s Arts and Humanities Division. The series includes free art exhibitions, film screenings, poetry readings, concerts, theater, and dance performances at the Takoma Park Community Center. Please go to for more info and to sign up for our e-newsletter.

Ward 2 Community Meeting to Discuss Public Safety


The Police Department and Ward 2 City Councilmember Cindy Dyballa will be holding a community meeting to discuss public safety issues in Ward 2.

Police Department staff will be providing an update on recent incidents in Ward 2 and provide an overall overview of crime stats/trends and security measures put in place to address these trends.

The meeting will be in-person, and a Zoom Webinar will also be available to join and ask questions.

Meeting Information

Date: Thursday, April 27, 2023
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 PM

Takoma Park Recreation Center
7315 New Hampshire Avenue
Takoma Park, Maryland.

Zoom Registration: Ward 2 Community Zoom Meeting Registration


If you have questions in advance of the meeting, please email them to Cathy Plevy with the title “Ward 2 Public Safety Meeting.”

Join us for our Arbor Day Tree Walk on Saturday, April 22


Join us at Circle Woods for a celebratory gathering and tree walk. The City’s Urban Forest Manager, Marty Frye, will lead the session identifying some of our choice native trees and expounding upon their virtues. We will also have rain gauges and trunk guards for deer protection to give away; first come, first served! Please RSVP on Eventbrite so we can keep tabs on expected attendance.

Read more and RSVP on Eventbrite.

Date & Time

Day: Saturday, April 22
Time: 10:00 am


Circle Woods
6605 Cockerille Avenue
Takoma Park, MD 20912

About Arbor Day

Arbor Day is also a time to recognize that a city can be a hard place for trees to live, and that they need our tender love and care! It is a time to redouble our commitment to providing our trees what they need to thrive in our urban environment. One of the most important acts you can take to support our urban forest is to plant a tree where there wasn’t one. Residents and property owners across the City are planting trees this season in solidarity with this mission. For the trees you already have, remember that a broad area of woody or leafy mulched soil for the roots to grow in is ideal. And don’t forget to water your new trees. Typically, fifteen gallons once a week is sufficient for a new young tree, though watering twice a week can be a good idea during times of drought.

Maryland Arbor Day

This year, Maryland Arbor Day is April 5, while nationally recognized Arbor Day is April 28. Tree planting is best done earlier in the spring, but any time is a good time to celebrate trees! See the City’s Urban Forestry page to learn more about tree care and City tree programs.


Marty Frye, Urban Forest Manager
Email Marty Frye

Code Enforcement in the Neighborhoods


A primer on how we keep Takoma Park safe and tidy

It’s common to see Code Enforcement staff out and about in Takoma Park neighborhoods, looking for overgrown weeds, derelict cars, peeling paint, and unshoveled sidewalks. It’s also not unusual for neighbors to get upset about code violation notices – the process can be confusing and even alarming. Who wants a notice of a violation? What will the punishment be?

City staff assures residents that the system is not about punishment– it’s about keeping homes safe and in good repair. It’s also meant to take care of the eyesore properties that threaten to pull down property values across the board.

How It Works

The Property Maintenance Code applies to the exterior of all buildings, vacant land, and even sheds and carports. It establishes basic standards for repair only – it does not address aesthetic choices like paint color. You can paint with any color you like!

Among the most common violations: are grass over 12 inches high, an untagged vehicle, peeling paint, trash on the ground or left out on the curb, rotted wood, or broken fencing. If there is a code violation, residents get a Courtesy Notice hung on the door, with the violation(s) listed and a deadline of 15 days for correcting it. The name of the inspector and the phone number is on the notice in case you have questions or need more time. Staff issues notices so that there will be a weekend between the time the notice is posted and the deadline for correction.

If during the initial inspection, the violation noted is a significant item or a justified complaint from another person, a Notice of Violation (NOV) is issued. A major violation could be any life safety issue, extensive peeling paint, trash left out, structure damage, or graffiti. An NOV is also issued if the items noted on the Courtesy Notice are not corrected. It comes by certified mail, involves no fines, and allows seven to 20 days for compliance.

What if a resident can’t make the corrections? Staff urges residents to call to discuss the issue before the deadline for compliance. If there is more than one violation and one or more have been corrected, residents can request more time to take care of the rest. The decision to extend the deadline is made on a case-by-case basis.

Still no progress? The city issues a Uniform Civil Citation for each of the violations not abated and attaches fines to each. Residents have 25 days to correct the violation from the date it is issued and the option of requesting a trial. Even if you pay the fine, the case is brought to a hearing in District Court if the violation is not abated.

And, even if you’ve got a court date, you should continue to work on addressing the violation. Also, be sure to attend the hearing, as it is the District Court judge that makes the final decision on fines and abatement dates.

Courts typically issue an order requiring the owner to correct the violation, and the Judge may also assess a fine. Once the violations have been corrected, the case is closed, and the owner is notified.

Throughout this process, the owner is encouraged to contact the inspector. The city’s goal is to bring the property into compliance with the code, not to go to court.

Code Enforcement in Takoma Park

Information about the Division can be found in the Code Enforcement web section.

Contact Code Enforcement

Concerned about the condition of a property? Contact the Code Enforcement Manager at (301) 891-7113 or submit your concerns online.

Code Enforcement staff are happy to meet with individual citizens or neighborhood groups to provide information about the code enforcement process and answer any questions. Please reach out to us at 301-891-7113 or email Rick Baravechia, Code Enforcement manager.


Housing & Community Development (HCD) announces RFP #HCD-2023-03-14 Rental Licensing and Rent Reporting Software


The City of Takoma Park (“City”) invites qualified firms (“Firms”) to submit responses (“Proposals”) to this Request for Proposals in order to develop two deliverables: 1) the implementation of a new software solution for the City’s Licensing and Rent Reporting Programs, and 2) ongoing maintenance and support. The selected firm will work with City staff to implement the chosen software solution and address ongoing issues as the solution is used by the City to administer its rental licensing and rent reporting programs.

Information Meeting

Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Time: 1:00 pm
Zoom Registration

Publication Date

Request for Proposals (RFP) documents were made available on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. Bid packages may be obtained from the City’s website: Rental Licensing and Rent Reporting Software


Proposals are due no later than 11:59 pm on Friday, April 14, 2023.


Devin McNally
Housing Manager
Email Devin