Category Archives: Takoma Park Newsletter

Category for original news items as well as Takoma Park Newsletter articles that are copied into as web content.

A Decade of High School Students Speaking Through the Ballot Box

By Eric Bond

Ten years ago, Ben Miller, a junior at Montgomery Blair High School, made history as the first 16-year-old to register to vote in Takoma Park under the May 2013 amendment lowering the voting age in municipal elections. With the 2013 election, Takoma Park became the first jurisdiction in the United States to lower the voting age to 16. Twenty years previously, Takoma Park enfranchised city residents who are not U.S. citizens. (See the October 2023 Newsletter for an article on the 30th anniversary of non-citizen voting.)

“I voted to show that it is a valuable chance to be able to vote,” Miller said according to a 2013 Washington Post article.

“One of the reasons why I voted was because I was involved in getting the legislature passed,” said Nick Byron, according to a 2013 Silver Chips article. Byron and many other teenagers attended city council meetings to express their support for the amendment. “I wanted to be part of the history being made,” Byron said.

Today, Miller works in New York City as a case manager for incarcerated people reentering society. He says that he still supports the right of 16- and 17-year-olds to vote, but he is also quick to remind that in 2013 the Takoma Park City Council also extended the right to vote to people convicted of felonies. In 2016, the Maryland General Assembly overrode the veto of Gov. Larry Hogan and restored the voting rights of all formerly incarcerated people in Maryland to vote—but Takoma Park had led the way.

And Takoma Park also led the way with 16+ voting, with six other Maryland cities, later, extending that right. Ten cities around the county now allow 16- and 17-year-olds to vote.

“As I see it, any way that we can reach the people who are currently not [part of] the political system and bringing them in to having a voice,” says Miller now. “I definitely think that’s a beautiful thing, and I think young people are definitely included in that.”

Tim Male, the Ward 2 councilmember in 2013, sponsored the legislation because he was concerned about low turnout in city elections.

“During the [2011] election, talking to voters, walking the neighborhoods, I heard a call for us to do something around protecting elections, like pass a proclamation,” says Male. “But I wanted it to be something that has substance to it. So after being elected, I spent time trying to fi nd ideas that I thought would matter, that would increase the electorate.

“Scotland was looking at an independence referendum and they let 16-year-olds vote. And I was like, Aha, we need to do that. We need to get more young people involved because if you look at the people who do vote in Takoma Park, it’s [mostly] very old people. Sixteen is [an age] when neuroscientists say that the human brain is developed to a point where it’s really good at making slow cognitive decisions. So part of the rationale is that this is a great set of people to engage in a thoughtful process around voting.”

“Sixteen-year-olds are old enough to assume a job and thus, have taxes come out of their paycheck, so it’s a pretty originating kind of argument of taxation without representation,” says Andrew Wilkes, the citizens chief policy and advocacy officer at VOTE16USA. “If you’re old enough to participate economically, you’re old enough to participate politically and cast a ballot on the issues of your choice.

“The objections or concerns that are sometimes raised are that 16- and 17-year-olds are not ready or mature enough to vote or that their vote will be a necessary replication of what their parents or mentors in their life necessarily think. And the research doesn’t bear either of those things out. We have seen that 16-year-olds, particularly in Takoma Park, show quite a bit of readiness relative to their older counterparts in terms of being ready and energized and coming out to the ballot box.”

In fact, registered 16- and 17-year-old voters have outperformed all registered voters in each municipal election from November 2013 onward, with 63% of them voting in 2022, compared to 49% of all registered voters.

“From a research perspective, this is a really interesting thing to study,” says Mike Hamner, the director of the Center for Democracy and Civic Engagement at the University of Maryland. “Takoma Park is particularly instructive because of the way that young people were involved from the start. It really was the young people coming together with the wider community and making this happen. It doesn’t work as well in places where it’s just top down and there hasn’t been an initial engagement and then support.

“But at the end of the day, it’s about voting rights in efficacy and capacity and the way that the government does or doesn’t work for the people,” says Hamner.

Male also sees younger voting as a way to set a pattern of en – gaging in civic life.

“When I started digging into Scotland and Austria, what they had found was that people who were given the chance to vote at 16 are far more likely to keep voting. In other words, it’s habitforming to vote at 16, when they’re at home still living in the community they grew up in. It’s a great time to tap them as voters as opposed to 18, when everyone is just on the brink of college or leaving home.”

In the decade since Ben Miller cast his first vote, national politics have shifted to such an extent that some Takoma Park residents wonder about the future of the democratic process in the United States. Miller expresses his own discouragement. But he maintains his belief in the voting process, especially at the local level.

“I think voting when you’re 16 is a good way to teach young people about the process, about how to vote,” he says. “A lot of the young generation does not have too much faith in the partisan system. What is particularly exciting about voting in Takoma Park is that there’s so much more ability to effect change, to apply social pressure, and to organize.”

Takoma Park’s next municipal election will be in November 2024. Any resident who is 16 or older on election day and has registered is eligible to vote. Registration is available on the city website:

An Update on the Library and Community Center Renovation Project


After years of conversations and planning, the Takoma Park Maryland Library and Community Center renovation project has begun. Note that the Community Center back parking lot is now closed. City Planning anticipates welcoming the community to the new Library and Computer Center facilities in spring 2025.

In the meantime, the Library and Computer Center have relocated to ensure that access to our books, media, and computers will be available throughout this project. We will also continue to offer Books-to-Go curbside pickup at the new location and Books-to-You deliveries to Takoma Park residents.

During renovation, visit the temporary library facility at 7505 New Hampshire Ave. You can contact the library at or 301- 891-7259.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I go for updates?
Please sign up for the City’s Takoma Insider electronic newsletter or check the City’s website:

Will books and computers still be available?
Yes. Please visit, call, or email the Library and Computer Center. We are also still ordering new books. If you would like to search our catalog, visit

Where will Library programs be held?
Library programs will primarily be held at the interim location at 7505 New Hampshire Ave., but please call or visit our website to verify. Other departments may relocate programs and activities as necessary; please contact those departments for more information.

Will Recreation programs and facilities reservations be available?
A portion of Recreation programs have been temporarily moved to the Takoma Park Recreation Center (7315 New Hampshire Ave.), and we plan to keep a portion (including childcare) on-site at 7500 Maple Ave. during the renovation. Most rentals at the Takoma Park Community Center have been discontinued due to limited parking.
Please contact the Recreation Department at 301-891-7290 for availability.

Will the Takoma Park Police Department be impacted?
The Takoma Park Police Department will remain open throughout this process. It is open 24/7 for emergency services. If you have an emergency, please call 911 for the fastest response.

Will residents be able to access other Community Center services throughout construction?

Passports, Finance, Housing and Community Development, and other City offices will remain open and accessible to residents for the majority of construction. Occasionally, there may be brief periods of closures for utility work. Please consider calling or visiting the City’s website to ensure that the office you intend to visit is open or to make an appointment.

Will parking be impacted?
Parking at the Community Center will be limited. Please consider walking or taking public transportation to the Community Center when possible. See the below map.

Will the City be communicating with the schools?
Yes. We will be communicating regularly with nearby schools, and we will work with them to minimize the impact on dropping off and picking up students. More information will be available through the schools and on our website.

What changes can we expect to see in the near future?
When work begins, there are four trees that must be removed; we will attempt to repurpose these trees as furniture in the new building if the wood is found to be in suitable condition. Three trees are maple oaks, and one is a spruce. The plaque commemorating the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial tree will be preserved and reinstalled on the grounds once construction is completed. Once the trees have been removed, the Library building will be razed and rebuilt. Other work will be taking place inside the facilities.

What work has already been completed?
Several tasks have already been completed, including the removal and storage of solar panels, disconnection of gas and water utilities at the construction site, hazardous material abatement, and interior demolition. The mosaic from the front of the library has been carefully removed and stored to ensure its preservation until it can be reinstalled on the new building’s façade.

We are excited to offer you new and improved facilities when we reopen in 2025. Thank you for your patience while we are
in transition to serve you better.

Takoma Park City Council Directs Montgomery Planning to Hold Work Sessions to Address Community Questions and Comments Regarding the Minor Master Plan Amendment

On September 14, the Montgomery County Planning Board held a public hearing on the draft Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment (MMPA), providing an opportunity for Takoma Park residents to comment on the plan. Montgomery Planning—the Montgomery County division of the Maryland-National Park and Planning Commission (M-NPPC)—will consider those comments, along with comments submitted in written form as it develops the next draft of the Minor Master Plan Amendment. The Takoma Park City Council passed a resolution on September 13 that provides some guidance to Montgomery Planning as it addresses community concerns and questions through a series of work sessions this fall.

The Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment re-envisions the Washington Adventist Hospital and University campuses, the Erie Center, and the area along Maple Avenue. The Public Hearing Draft recommends mixed use zoning (commercial and residential) in the plan area, updates zoning along Maple Avenue for uniformity and conformity, and rezones the site of the former Washington Adventist Hospital so that it can be developed for housing and
commercial uses. The plan is meant to address the need for improved infrastructure, varied housing types, and additional public amenities such as parks and open space in a walkable and bikeable milieu.

Comments at the hearing began with remarks by Takoma Park Mayor Talisha Searcy, highlighting feedback included in Resolution 2023-33, which was shared separately with the Planning Board. The resolution requests that “the Montgomery County Planning Board ensures that the MMPA addresses seven priorities:

• incentivizing the creation of a range of housing types,

• retaining and improving existing affordable housing,

• retaining existing and attracting new local businesses,

• creating new public space opportunities,

• strengthening social and environmental factors,

• continuing community engagement throughout the planning review process, and

• assessing the impact of increasing residential units and retail on the provision of public services in the plan area.”

In the resolution, the City Council further “requires that the Montgomery County Planning Board holds work sessions that critically examine the following topics during development of the Planning Board Draft Plan”:

• Potential Redevelopment of the Washington Adventist Site and the Flower Avenue District

• Promoting a Diversity of Housing in the Plan Area

• Public Space, Infrastructure, and Amenities within the MMPA

• Protecting Existing Housing Affordability in the MMPA

Under each topic area, the City Council lists critical questions for Montgomery Planning to examine, such as “What is the impact of the density proposed in the Plan on access to and provision of public space, infrastructure, recreational facilities, school capacity, roads, public utilities, and healthcare?” To read the full resolution, including these notes, visit the Takoma Park Minor Master Plan webpage. On that page, you will find a link to the public hearing video, information about the MMPA, and a link to Resolution 2023-33.

After Mayor Searcy spoke at the September 14 hearing, residents provided their feedback, identifying potential issues and commenting on specific aspects of the plan. Some commenters stated concerns regarding such topics as scale, affordable housing, racial equity, and environmental impacts. Others expressed their approval of the goals of the plan and/or identified details of the plan that they favored. Residents also asked for greater clarity about how some aspects of the plan would be implemented. The hearing lasted approximately three hours and can be viewed on the City of Takoma Park’s YouTube page.

Montgomery Planning Board work sessions are scheduled to begin October 19 to incorporate public comments and review and revise the draft plan. The City Council has the opportunity to provide additional feedback to the Planning Board. The Takoma Park City Council may review the Planning Board changes and provide
resolutions to the Planning Board as part of its review and approval process and to the County Council when it undertakes its review. The community may continue to provide feedback on the draft plan to the Montgomery County Council during its public review process. The County Council has final approval of the plan.

You can find more information about the proposed Minor Master Plan Amendment on theTakoma Park Minor Master Plan webpage. and Montgomery Planning website.  Updates will appear on the City website and in the Newsletter.

30 Years of Non-Citizen Voting in Takoma Park


November marks the 30th anniversary of the first non-U.S. residents voting in Takoma Park.

The landmark initiative first passed by the Takoma Park City Council in 1992 gave immigrants—regardless of their legal status—the right to vote in municipal elections. In Takoma Park, nearly one-third of the residents are foreign-born, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

“Even if it’s only a handful voting in elections—and it’s more than that—it’s a huge step forward for democracy,” said Seth Grimes, co-founder of Takoma Park Mobilization a volunteer organization that
supports local immigrants, among other issues. “Non-citizens have a stake in civic affairs, and everyone should have a voice in who governs them.”

According to the latest city data from 2017, of the 347 registered non-citizen voters in Takoma Park, 72 cast ballots, making up roughly 20% of those registered. Overall turnout in 2017 was 22%.The original idea for non-citizen voting in Takoma Park started as a grassroots effort to give a voice to those who didn’t have one before. Spearheaded by former Montgomery County Council Member George Leventhal and current U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin (who was a law professor at American University at the time), the “Share the Vote” campaign was launched to get non-citizens the right to vote.

“I was serving on a city committee on redistricting at the time,” said Leventhal. “I lived in Ward 5, as we reviewed the numbers it was clear there were so many more registered voters in other wards. Because Ward 5 had so many non-citizens, it had the smallest number of registered voters, even though it had the same number of residents.”

The topic was divisive—even for progressive-leaning Takoma Park-and a nonbinding referendum was passed in 1991 by fewer than 100 votes. The next year, the City Council approved a change to the city’s charter allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections. The first citywide elections where non-citizens voted took place on Nov. 2, 1993.

“It was a new idea for a lot of people and there were anti immigration activists against it and spreading misinformation that the city would become a welfare state and such, things that never happened,” said Leventhal. “We combated that through an appeal to Takoma Park residents’ generosity and inclusivity.”

Since Takoma Park allowed non-citizens to vote, municipalities in Maryland—including Hyattsville, Mount Rainier and Riverdale Park—have adopted similar initiatives. Some smaller municipalities in Montgomery County—including Somerset and Barnesville—had previously allowed non-citizens to vote.

“This was one of many steps Takoma Park took to enshrine the values of democratic participation in this town,” Leventhal said. “It’s a statement of Takoma Park’s values of inclusion and participation.”

In March of this year, the D.C. Council passed a bill to allow non citizens to vote in local races over the objections of Congressional Republicans.

The Mayor will issue a proclamation on Wednesday, Nov. 1, recognizing the 30th anniversary of non-citizen voting and the 10th anniversary of youth voting in Takoma Park.

To vote in Takoma Park elections as a non-citizen, all you need is proof of identification and Takoma Park residency. To register to vote, contact the City Clerk at or call 301-891-7214.

New Tool Will Help Determine Public Space Priorities

by Alexander Freeman, City Planner

On October 18, the City Council will conduct a work session to review a draft of the Public Space Management Plan. The plan proposes a holistic approach to thinking about the city’s public spaces, areas meant to be used and enjoyed by all residents, such as parks, plazas, roadways, sidewalks, streeteries—and all the amenities that support such spaces.

In addition to 37 policy and practice recommendations, the plan proposes a new decision-making tool to help City Council, staff, and the public more rigorously compare projects and priorities. Often decision makers are pressed to advance a new project or initiative without data to compare the project under consideration with other priorities.

The Project Evaluation Scorecard attempts to fill that gap. The scorecard uses a set of eight benefi t categories, each encompassing several criteria. New projects or initiatives would be scored by city staff. Three benefit categories receive an added weight to their score to reflect recent City policies that prioritize racial equity, environmental sustainability, and safety. The completed scorecard would be shared publicly as an attachment to council cover memos. The scoring becomes a tool for city staff and the City Council to begin comparing different projects.

The scorecard is not meant to be a judgment upon the merit of a project. Instead, it evaluates how a project stacks up against existing city priorities, and then that score can be compared to the scores of other projects. The scorecard would not be prescriptive or determine whether or not a project advances; it would be one of the considerations, publicly shared, for how to advance new projects.

The tool may be used to compare two or more projects under consideration at a given time. It may also be used longer term to test potential projects against a benchmarked level of benefit. Over time, certain scores may emerge as minimum thresholds for project consideration.

The tool will be made publicly available so that community members and City Council members can try it out to develop project scores on new proposals and initiatives.

To download the Project Evaluation Scorecard Exploration Kit, visit the City’s Public Space Management Plan page on the City website.

Check out the full October Newsletter on the City of Takoma Park webpage.

Step into Walktober: Embrace the Joy of Walking in Takoma Park

by Kaysi-Ann Webley
Safe Routes to School Coordinator

October is here, and it’s time to lace up those sneakers, breathe in the crisp autumn air, and embrace the countless benefits of walking. As the leaves change and the weather cools, our charming city offers a perfect backdrop for exploring on foot. But it’s not just about leisurely strolls; it’s about community, education, and healthy habits.

This Walktober, we’re highlighting the importance of walking to school and encouraging you to participate in Walk to School Day, Walking Wednesdays, and even form walking school buses with other parents and students. Let’s step into this exciting journey together!

Walk to School Day

Walk to School Day, celebrated on October 4 this year, is the perfect way to kickstart Walktober. This international event encourages students, parents, and community members to ditch the car and choose the healthy and eco-friendly option of walking to school. It’s not just about getting exercise; it’s also about promoting safety, reducing traffic congestion, and fostering a sense of community.

Here’s how you can participate:

1. Plan your route: Choose a safe and scenic route to school that adheres to traffic rules.

2. Join or organize a group: Walking with friends and neighbors makes the journey more enjoyable. Consider forming a walking school bus, a group of students and parents who walk to school together.

3. Dress comfortably: Wear weather appropriate clothing and comfortable shoes to make the walk enjoyable.

4. Capture the moment: Take photos of your Walk to School Day experience and share them on social media using the hashtag #WalkToSchoolDayTakomaPark.

Walking Wednesdays

But why stop at just one day of walking? Why not designate every Wednesday in October as Walking Wednesdays? It’s a simple way to build a healthy habit and explore your neighborhood on foot. Whether it’s a leisurely stroll or a brisk walk, Walking Wednesdays provide an opportunity to connect with your surroundings, discover hidden gems, and reduce your carbon footprint.

Take the Walking School Bus!

Imagine a safer, more eco-friendly, and community-driven way for children to get to school. That’s where the concept of a walking school bus comes in. This innovative approach to school transportation not only benefits the environment but also builds a sense of camaraderie among students and parents.

A walking school bus is a group of students who walk to school together, accompanied by one or more responsible adults. The bus doesn’t involve any vehicles but instead relies on the power of foot traffic. It promotes a sense of community, ensures children’s safety,  nd encourages healthy habits—all while reducing the number of cars on the road.

The Benefits of a Walking School Bus

Safety: With adult supervision, children can navigate busy streets and intersections more safely, reducing the risk of accidents.

Physical activity: Walking to school promotes physical activity, contributing to children’s overall health and wellbeing.

Environmental impact: Fewer cars on the road mean reduced traffic congestion and lower carbon emissions, making a positive impact on the environment.

Community-building: Walking school buses bring parents, students, and neighbors together.

Quick Tips for Organizing a Walking School Bus

1. Gather interested parents: Start by reaching out to parents in your neighborhood or school community who are interested in participating.

2. Identify routes: Determine the safest routes to school, considering factors like pedestrian-friendly pathways, crosswalks, and traffic lights. See the Safe Routes to School page on the City website.

3. Set up a schedule: Establish a  consistent schedule for the Walking School Bus, including pick-up times and locations.

4. Assign responsibilities: Divide responsibilities among parents, such as lead walkers, crossing guards, and communication coordinators.

5. Communicate: Ensure that all parents and students involved have a reliable way to communicate, such as a group chat or email list.

6. Be safe: Emphasize safety rules and practices to parents and students. Teach them how to use crosswalks, look both ways before crossing, and follow traffic signals.

7. Start small: Begin with a manageable group of students and parents. As the program gains momentum, you can expand. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend one adult for every six children. If children are age 10 or older, fewer adults may be needed. If children are ages 4 to 6, one adult per three children is recommended.

8. Promote it: Spread the word within your school and community about the Walking School Bus. Use flyers, social media, and school newsletters to create awareness. Share your school bus with your local Safe Routes to School Coordinator Kaysi-Ann Webley at

9. Celebrate success: Recognize the achievements of your Walking School Bus, whether it’s reaching milestones, promoting safety, or building a stronger community.

Organizing a Walking School Bus is an effective and rewarding way to promote safety, health, and community spirit within your neighborhood. It’s a practical solution to reduce traffic congestion and minimize your carbon footprint while giving your children a healthier and more enjoyable way to get to school. So, put on those walking shoes and start your journey towards a safer, greener, and more connected community today!

Check out the full October Newsletter on the Takoma Park Newsletter webpage. 

Meet Takoma Park’s New Advocate for Pedestrian Safety



Takoma Park’s new special projects coordinator says she is excited to support the city in becoming more walkable for its residents, especially children walking to and from school.

Kaysi-Ann Webley began working for the city in June and hit the ground running to make walking in the city safer.

“It bugs me to no end when I see children walking and looking at their phones and not paying attention to traffic,” she says. “I want to do something to improve that.”

Webley says she already conducted several “walk audits” near schools, with the involvement of school staff, PTA members and other city staff. These audits looked at traffic conditions, street signs, sidewalks and other areas that could use improvements.

“We walk on the same routes that children will take to school and see what traffic is like, what the street crossings look like and see if any changes need to be implemented to make it safer,” she says. “That’s the main goal to make it safer for children to get to school whether walking, riding or rolling.”

She says they’ve already seen a few places where improvements could be made so people are safer.

“There are a few areas that we noticed that some work needs to be done,” she says. “Whether the sidewalks would benefit from
being widened or are overgrown, or reevaluating a crossing. I want to understand the unique challenges schools are having to keep children safe as they walk or bike to school and help them improve.”

To keep improving on the city’s walkability, the city conducts a survey of parents in the fall and spring to help better understand how children commute in the mornings and afternoon.

“That will give us a baseline for how our children get to school,” she says. “It gives us a lot of data on how to implement these programs and gives parents support so they feel good about having their children walk to school.”

Another way to bring focus on walking to school safely is the city’s annual Safe Routes to School Day, held this year on Wednesday, October 4, which gets children and their parents out to walk or bike to school.

“The simple act of choosing to walk to school instead of drive contributes so much to our goals of reducing traffic congestion
and emissions and providing built in exercise for the students and parents,” says Webley.

She says there are plenty of other advantages to walking to school too, including increased attentiveness and confidence. Webley says she hopes to have a lot of participation in the event and that it encourages growth in walking over the school year.

Webley says her own interest in street safety stems partially from her 3-year-old son who she teaches to be safe near roads. She says he’s already learning about road signs, is developing a keen sense of direction and can tell when they are close to home.

“We want to make the whole roadways safe for our children, not just for today, but tomorrow and into the future. We always want to keep improving.”

Webley, who lives in Washington, D.C., just a few blocks from the Takoma Park border, has a background in civil engineering and real estate and says she loves to dance and has been since she was 3 years old.

“I’m looking forward to meeting and talking with the parents and getting feedback from them,” she says. “I’m excited to get parents and students out walking or riding and being active.”

If you’d like to volunteer for Safe Routes to School, email For more information, visit the City Safe Routes to School Webpage.

Grasses in Masses


by Anna Mische John
Vegetation Maintenance Supervisor

Often people only think of grass as the short green stuff in a front yard or play field, but did you know that there are over 200 species of grass native to the state of Maryland? The short stuff (referred to as turf when in a mowed setting) can have utility as a play space and permeable ground cover, but from an ecological perspective, it doesn’t offer much.

Native grasses, on the other hand, support insects and birds by offering habitat. And they have ecological benefits, including soil stabilization and structure.

Ornamental bunch grasses have been used in gardens and landscapes for decades. Allowed to grow to full height and flower, they can be an interesting addition to perennial plantings. However, just like flowers and trees, some of the grasses planted for ornamental use are invasive and may escape from where they are planted, becoming established in natural areas, displacing other plants.

This spring, the vegetation maintenance team replanted six traffic-calming areas along Ritchie Avenue between Piney Branch Rd. and Oswego Ave., each featuring a single grass species with an informational label.

With this project I hope to both spotlight some of the beautiful Maryland grasses for their potential for ecological benefit, as well as offer alternatives to some of the ornamental invasive grasses (namely Miscanthus/Chinese silver grass and Pennisetum/fountain grass). Species were chosen for commercial availability, adaptability to roadside conditions, and “garden worthiness.”

I hope you will enjoy taking a tour of the grasses in masses on Ritchie Ave. Come now to see them in flower and throughout the year to see how they change with the seasons.

Want more? Continue around the traffic circle to Heffner Park to see Indian Grass (Sorghastrum nutans), this tall species was once the dominant grass of eastern tall grass prairies.

For more information

• Maryland Native Plant Society:

• Maryland Manual Online:


Check out more stories from August on the Takoma Park Newsletter webpage:

Chief Tony DeVaul: Motivating Police to Be Community Guardians

by Gayle Stewart
Takoma Park Police Department Chaplain

Over the summer, several police departments around the country were in searches for police chiefs in addition to being in competition for police officers. Chuck Wexler, the executive director for the Police Executive Research Forum, a police think tank, commented on the police chief searches and said, “It’s a real challenge to find someone who meets the goal of dealing with crime while also reforming a police department.”

When I saw those words, I thought, We are fortunate, as I sat across from Chief Antonio DeVaul in his office—his arm was just out of the sling, having undergone shoulder surgery. We are fortunate in that we have a chief who understands the needs of this community and how to lead a police department. His office shows his love of policing. It is full of memorabilia, challenge coins, miniature police cars, awards, and certificates detailing his life in policing.

I’ve watched this department ever since I moved here in 1984 when my colleague Tony Fisher was chief. I have watched as officers were hired, advanced through the ranks, and then retired and went to other police departments. In the 1990s, I worked closely with the department in the implementation of community policing.

We’ve had a pretty good police department over those years, but with Chief DeVaul, we have an excellent police department, and he’s been able to do what Chuck Wexler believes is missing in policing: deal with crime and reform the department. During his five years as chief, he’s overseen a turnover of 70% of both sworn and civilian personnel. We have a brand-new police department that is aligned with and responsive to the needs of this community.

Tony Fisher, our first African American police chief, had an impact on 15-year-old Tony DeVaul, whose family moved to Takoma Park when he was 3 years old—such that when DeVaul joined policing, he wanted to emulate Fisher. Like many African American youth, DeVaul had not always had a good relationship with the City’s police, but he admired Chief Fisher and community sports leaders like Lee Jordan.

Tony DeVaul knew he wanted to make a difference when he joined policing, pursuing his career with Maryland-National Capital Park Police, before coming back to Takoma Park as the police chief.

Chief DeVaul says that preventing crime means looking at the root causes of crime and disorder and putting programs in place that address those issues. The chief is a proponent of recreational programs like those he participated in. He wants to help make sure that people have housing, jobs that pay a decent wage, and an education that points to a future. He wants young people to have the upbringing and opportunities he had because he knows that people—particularly young people—who have opportunities, who know they are valued don’t commit crime. He’s excited about the City’s mental health pilot program, through which two mental health counselors are embedded with police officers. Calls can be diverted from the police to those counselors, who are trained to handle people who are experiencing mental health crises. This frees up police officers for other calls that require their services.

Chief DeVaul encourages a guardian mentality rather than a warrior mentality. All of this is a culture change for the police and for the community. It takes a strong constitution to advocate for and make these changes—because there will be complaints, there will be pushback from those who want the police to just lock up people and from those who just don’t understand.

He has worked to raise morale among all department employees. Since Tony DeVaul became chief, the starting salary has been increased, and there are other incentives for officers to transfer from other departments. The reward and promotional systems have been changed so fairness is the underlying component. Transparency is also key when it comes to sharing crime data throughout the community. The department is fully staffed, something most departments around the country cannot say.

Diversity is key in the department that serves a diverse community. Across the department, officers speak seven languages. Residents can see themselves reflected in the backgrounds of the police officers, in the racial, gender, and sexual orientation of department members.

Is there still crime? Of course, there is. The only way to eliminate crime is to have a police state—and even then there will be crime. But, here, data are used to deploy officers and to determine how crime is managed. The focus is on serious crime, and officers are assigned to areas where they will have the most impact. Again, the focus is on prevention, with arrests as necessary. There are no arrest quotas in this department. Good police work is rewarded and encouraged.

The Takoma Park Police Department culture gives officers the latitude to make decisions in the best interests of the residents. That is innovative. And it is also difficult in a national climate in which every action of police officers is scrutinized and videotaped.

Chief DeVaul is both thankful for and proud of the department’s personnel who never know what type of reception they will receive when responding to a call or answering the phone. But there are more compliments than complaints and the chief is quick to praise personnel formally and informally. Personnel have gone out of their way to assist people in need and that is because of the culture that values people regardless of their circumstances.

Police personnel work with the weight of the world on their shoulders and then go home to their own families—that is the goal, to go home to their families. These officers have experienced horrific incidents, and still they keep plugging on.

Under Chief DeVaul’s leadership, the department was among the first police departments in the state to sign the 30/30 pledge which commits the department to having 30 percent of sworn personnel female by 2030. They have signed a pledge committed to transparency concerning body-worn camera footage. The department’s use-offorce policies are consistent with #8CantWait, which requires de-escalation before using deadly force. All operational procedures have been evaluated to ensure that they align with best practices and that they were consistent with the department’s changed philosophy to truly serve and protect.

Personnel have undergone Active Bystandership Law Enforcement (ABLE) training offered by Georgetown University that trains officers to “successfully intervene to prevent harm and to create a law enforcement culture that supports peer intervention” when they observe bad behavior on the part of other officers. His job, according to the chief, is to maintain a culture that encourages personnel to remain.

We have a police department that can serve as an example to others around the country. To be the chief of police is to be the hinge point between the department, the community, and government leaders. It is to be our contact for policing at the country, state, and federal levels.

To be chief is to put a human face on a system that resists reform and is derided by many—sometimes with good cause. And at the end of the day, to be chief is to be that 15-year-old teen who saw something in another chief and ended up leading that very same department.

The Little Chatbot that Could (but Should It?)

By Jessica Jones

It’s hard to read the headlines now and not encounter news stories, think pieces, and personal opinions of varying levels of informed-ness about artificial intelligence (AI). We can feel all kinds of ways about it, but I believe we all have an obligation to do what we can to learn to recognize, use, and coexist with it, in order to mitigate harmful potential.

To be clear, a lite version of AI is what we are seeing now with ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and Microsoft’s Sydney. None of these are really what we associate with the term “artificial intelligence.” None are 2001: A Space Odyssey’s HAL, for instance. They are powerful programs and algorithms that can be widely manipulated, though—so for the purposes of this article, when referring to “AI,” I am referencing the likes of ChatGPT, Bard, and Sydney.

Much of my personal background is in the humanities (emphasis on human-ities), and I fully recognize that it is a bias I bring to this topic, so efforts have been made to perform due diligence in understanding the positive potential of AI, as well as its pitfalls.

I wanted a more holistic look at the implications of AI in our lives, so I spoke with a friend who has as well-rounded an outlook on it as I could imagine. Dr. Jason Hemann is a professor of computer science at Seton Hall University with degrees in history, philosophy, and computer science—a perfect combination to put AI in context.

Dr. Hemann says that he has already changed how he teaches based on AI’s accessibility to the public. He believes that the technology isn’t going anywhere and that we need to adapt to it. For instance, in addition to straightforward coding assignments, Dr. Hemann has asked students to give a chatbot instructions to write the code for a program. The students have to learn how to effectively delegate tasks to it and understand its limitations. To demonstrate mastery of the material, he asks them to evaluate the programs that AI writes, as well as scale the programs up to test their flexibility and usability.

This type of assignment is an excellent example of applied machine learning, a field that is gaining exponential prominence in computer science and engineering curricula. Machine learning is essentially the practice of teaching computers (machines) how to learn and produce the desired outcomes.

Machine learning will facilitate the automation of many tasks, but humans still need to understand the code it generates. AI will never fully replace programmers in the same way that Google hasn’t replaced librarians (as so many people have been predicting … for years). But, just as the Internet has changed the way libraries operate, AI will likely change the programming landscape.

Will we need as many programmers in five years as we have today? I don’t know, but as AI comes for white collar jobs, I do expect conversations about universal basic income to escalate. But that’s another topic for another day!

One of the benefits of AI and machine learning is that programming and coding will become more accessible to people who do not have extensive experience and training—much of which is expensive and time consuming. Less gatekeeping can mean more inclusive innovation and fewer barriers to entrepreneurship. It can also be a form of informal oversight.

A more diverse programming landscape is good for all of us, especially in light of the biases that programmers can bring to their code. Scientific American published an article in May 2023 that found that “law enforcement agencies that use automated facial recognition disproportionately arrest Black people. We believe this results from factors that include the lack of Black faces in the algorithms’ training data sets, a belief that these programs are infallible and a tendency of officers’ own biases to magnify these issues.”

The AI bot Midjourney was asked to generate images of professors in different areas of study, and almost all of the generated images appeared to be white people, and the majority appeared to be men. That is not entirely misrepresentational of the demographics of American academia, but is it what academia should look like? Is that an impression we want to reinforce? This is a rhetorical question of course, because a diverse instructional body is better able to connect with a more diverse study body, which in turn facilitates better learning outcomes.

Earlier this year, a new Drake and The Weeknd track, “Heart on My Sleeve,” hit streaming services and quickly went to the top of the chart, but it wasn’t actually Drake and The Weeknd. Their voices, lyrics, and beats were generated by AI. The artists’ record companies immediately mobilized to have the tracks taken down because of copyright infringement, but the other issue that arises is
more existential: What is the role of authenticity in our lives now?

Is “Heart on My Sleeve” a real song? If the person(s) who wrote the commands that generated the work is not Black, does using Drake’s and The Weeknd’s likenesses count as cultural appropriation? How do we know how to respond to art when we doubt its origins?

I listened to the song, “Heart on My Sleeve,” and it was good! It sounds like Drake’s and the Weeknd’s voices, the lyrics are interesting, and the beat is catchy. If AI can fake art this convincingly, I feel for the English and history instructors out there who are already inundated with AI-generated essays and papers in their grading piles.

AI is a powerful tool, but it is not above criticism. It opens doors, but it can also reinforce problematic practices and ideologies from racism to plagiarism to copyright infringement. Now, none of us is above falling for a fake. Keep questioning, keep factchecking, and, when in doubt, go to the Library!

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