Category Archives: Takoma Park Newsletter

Category for original news items as well as Takoma Park Newsletter articles that are copied into as web content.

Visiting authors

We’ve got two interesting author programs in March, so mark your calendars!

First, on March 7 at 7:30 p.m., award-winning author Winifred Conkling will help us kick off Women’s History Month as she discusses her new book Radioactive!: How Irene Curie and Lise Meitner Revolutionized Science and Changed the World. Aimed at readers in middle school and high school, Radioactive! tells of how two overlooked women scientists made major contributions in the field of nuclear science; Curie won the 1935 Nobel Prize in chemistry, along with her husband, Frederick Joliot, while Meitner had a periodic table number – 109, Meitnerium – named after her.

In a starred review, Booklist called the book “a thorough and engaging study of two female scientists worth their weight in radium.” School Library Journal noted, “Luminous and fascinating, it recounts the lives and amazing findings of chemist (and daughter of Curie) Irène Joliot-Curie, co-discoverer of artificial radiation, and physicist Lise Meitner, co-discoverer of nuclear fission.”

Conkling is the author of two other books for young readers. In her novel Sylvia & Aki, she tells the well-researched, but fictionalized, story of how institutionalized racism connected two real girls, Aki Munemitsus and Sylvia Mendez during World War II. When Aki’s family was forced to move to a Japanese internment camp, Sylvia’s family moved into their house, and Sylvia’s father became the plaintiff in a landmark case when he challenged California’s segregated schools law.

In Passenger on the Pearl, Conkling tells the story of Emily Edmonson, who at the age of 13 was part of the largest slave escape in U.S. history. The slaves were eventually captured, but Emily was ransomed by her parents and abolitionist Harriet Beecher Stowe. After graduating from Oberlin College, Emily became a teacher in the first school in Washington, D.C. dedicated to the education of AfricanAmerican girls.

Our second author event is something totally different, but also a way of celebrating strong females during Women’s History Month. On Monday, March 14 at 7:30 p.m., author/illustrator Ursula Vernon will present the second book in her Hamster Princess series, Of Mice and Magic. The series is focused on a hamster named Harriet Hamsterbone, a “warrior princess” who “prefers swordfighting and fractions to sighing and fainting.”

In the first book in the series, Harriet learns that like Sleeping Beauty, she was cursed at birth to fall into a deep sleep at the age of 12. Undaunted, Harriet realizes that until then, she’s invincible, and she plans to make the most of it. Kirkus praised the book, calling it “creatively fresh and feminist” while Booklist noted in a starred review: “The spunky, slightly bonkers Harriet is a delightful heroine who turns this fairy tale on its head, and the book is peppered with clever two-color cartoon illustrations that will attract even the more reluctant readers.”

Harriet’s adventures continue in the new book, which offers a twist of the tale of the Twelve Dancing Princesses. In a starred review, School Library Journal concluded, “A quick and satisfying read that is as hilarious as it is fun.”

Vernon first found popularity among young readers with her Dragonbreath series. Like the books in that series, the Hamster Princess books are “hybrid” books with numerous illustrations interspersed with the text. The books are aimed at readers ages 7-10.

Politics & Prose bookstore will be selling copies of the authors’ books at both of these events. But the programs are free, and no purchase is required to attend. Please join us for one or both of these great events.

This article appeared in the March 2016 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

Kavitha Cardoza to speak at the library

Photo of Kavitha Cardoza
Kavitha Cardoza

Join us at the Friends of the Library Annual Meeting on Tuesday, March 15 at 7:30 PM at the Library when NPR reporter Kavitha Cardoza will be our guest speaker.

Cardoza is a senior reporter for WAMU, who covers area news with a special focus on children, education and poverty. She has won numerous awards for her work. In 2012 she received the regional Edward R. Murrow Award for Hard News. That same year, her five-part series on childhood obesity won first place in the series category in the National Awards for Education Reporting and recognition from the Chesapeake Associated Press Broadcasters Association.

On Feb. 23, 2011, she was interviewed on “People’s District of Washington D.C.” Here is an excerpt: “I made a decision to go into radio, which was new for me because we don’t have public radio in India. I got my start in Springfield, Illinois and then moved to Washington almost three years ago. Working as a journalist in this country, I have come to realize how nuanced this place is.

“Because I have not grown up here, I am constantly asking questions about everything. Sometimes, those questions are about language and how English is used differently in America and India. Sometimes, the questions are about how things work here. Sometimes, those questions are about the bag tax and Michelle Rhee. In asking these questions, it gives me a really broad view of this place and lets me see things that some here don’t see because they may be so used to seeing things a certain way.

“I feel like I learn more about myself in this profession than in any other profession out there. Every day I meet someone new and match what they say with what I believe. It forces me to always think about every angle of an issue and take a very nuanced approach to things.” (See more at

Cardoza joins other distinguished journalists who have been guests at the Friends’ annual meetings, including Jeffrey Bartholet, Armando Trull, Richard Harris, Clarence Page and Michael Dirda.

Friends Board Election

Following the program, there will be a brief election of board officers and time for refreshments and socializing. The following positions are up for re-election: president, vice president, secretary, and one or more member at large positions. Candidates for president must have served previously on the board for at least one two-year term.

Any member of the Friends whose dues are current may be a candidate for office and may vote in the election. Those wishing to be candidates for vacant positions should send a brief biographical statement to Anand Parikh at by March 8. for inclusion in a printed ballot. Nominations may also be taken from the floor at the election.

The Friends of the Takoma Park Maryland Library have been active in fundraising and advocacy for the Library since 1994. For information about their many activities, see their newsletters and other information at

This article appeared in the March 2016 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.


Getting Back to Nature

Amirah Bellamy is the instructor for the City of Takoma Park Recreation Department’s brand new “Tots Nature Camp.” Amirah is an artist, yogi, veganista, nature photographer, author of Hidden Wildlife of the Nation’s Capital and executive board chair of the Life Arts Institute in Washington, D.C. She has been developing creative ways to get children excited about nature since her son was a toddler over 20 years ago. Since then Amirah has instructed several children’s camps, classes and workshops throughout the DMV.

Amirah is now offering a Tots Nature Camp for the City of Takoma Park. Amirah brings a wealth of creativity, love of nature and passion for working with children, which she has developed over the years to inspire tots to develop an awareness of the beauty of their natural surroundings, respect for nature’s gifts and adoration for all that nature and wildlife has in store for them.

There are two sessions you can choose from, Monday – Friday, July 18 – 22 and July 25 – 29, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. for ages 3-4. You can register for Tots Nature Camp in person with the Recreation Department or online at www.takomaparkmd. gov/governmnet/recreation. The fees are $125/TP Residents and $145/Non-residents per session. For additional information, please contact Michael Kurland at

This article appeared in the March 2016 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

Safe Routes to School News

Maybe there is a spring in your step as another season approaches. With the warmer weather, students can get out and use some of the safety skills they learned during the Bike Rodeo and Crosswalk Simulation Activity presented by the Safe Routes to School Coordinator and the Takoma Park crossing guards this school year. Students in the fourth grade at Piney Branch and East Silver Spring and the fifth grade at Rolling Terrace enjoyed learning about bike safety and practiced on a cool obstacle course. The first grade and kindergarten classes at Takoma Park and at East Silver Spring participated in the Crosswalk Simulation activity, learning about the best practices for crossing the street in a fun and engaging way.

Here is what’s coming up this spring: Monday, March 14 Together with the Montgomery County Safe Kids Coalition, TP Safe Routes to School has acquired a bike trailer for the purpose of offering countywide bike safety education using the Bike Rodeo model. Anyone interested in using the trailer must complete a training session to become certified. This spring, the certification training is scheduled for Monday, March 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. It will be held at the Takoma Park Community Center, 7500 Maple Ave., in the Hydrangea Room. A Bike Rodeo will follow at Piney Branch Elementary School, 7510 Maple Ave. from 1:25 – 2:10 p.m. Please RSVP by Wednesday, March 2, 2016.

Sunday, May 1 The Takoma Park Safe Routes to School 5K Challenge, better known as the TKPK5K, will be held on Sunday, May 1, 2016. Registration is now open at There are events for all ages and abilities: 5K run, 5K walk, 1 mile run, .25 mile fun run. Sign up before April 18 for early bird registration prices and guaranteed t-shirt sizes. Proceeds benefit PTA programs at Piney Branch, Rolling Terrace, East Silver Spring and Takoma Park ES and Takoma Park MS.

Wednesday, May 4 Bike to School Day is Wednesday, May 4. Students, parents and school staff are encouraged to ride to school together. Check with your school for specific details.

Tuesday, June 7 Crossing Guard Appreciation Day is held on the first Tuesday of June each year. On this day, we take a moment to express gratitude to the wonderful Takoma Park Crossing Guards for another year of service. Watch for more information in early June.

June 27 –July 1 Once again, Takoma Park will host the iCan Shine bike Camp for students with special needs. Maryland residents between the ages of 8 and 14 are invited to participate free of charge. The camp will be held at Takoma Academy, 8120 Carroll Ave., June 27 – July 1, 2016. Visit for additional information. Riders and volunteers needed.

This article appeared in the March 2016 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

Five Questions for Sarah Hutcheon Mancoll

Sarah and her husband Peter closed on their house in Takoma Park on Valentine’s Day in 2014. She said, “It was the best Valentine’s Day gift!” The couple lives in the PEN neighborhood close to the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church with their two kids, Sammy and Maayan, and their au pair Martyna. “My house’s claim to fame is that Goldie Hawn, who grew up in Takoma Park, used to take dance lessons in our living room,” Sarah explained.

She is the policy director at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues in Washington, DC. Inspired by Facebook COO Cheryl Sandberg’s bestselling book, almost a year ago, Sarah started two Lean In groups in Takoma Park. “I was pregnant with my second child and ready to move up in my career and really struggling to wrap my head around how I was going to ‘step up’ professionally with two young kids at home,” she said.

In honor of Women’s History Month, Sarah kicks off our series of “quick-question” interviews.

  1. Favorite Place/Activity in Takoma Park: The annual house and garden tour—I love to see what other people have done with their homes, and it’s a great opportunity to meet more people in the neighborhood
  2. Best Thing about Living in Takoma Park: I can walk everywhere!
  3. On My Desk Right Now: A “Congress at Your Fingertips” directory, a box of chocolate truffles that my boss brought back from a work trip to New Mexico, and a steno book.
  4. In My “Spare Time”: Lots of reading and yoga at Willow Street
  5. Best Advice I Ever Got (and from whom): Whenever I’ve found myself in a rough patch, my mom reminds me, “This too shall pass.” This saying helps me stay grounded and weather out tough situations.

After reading the book during her pregnancy, she went to the Lean In website, registered a Lean In circle, and started to advertise her circle on neighborhood listservs. “I now have a group of five to ten women who meet about once a month to talk about career and life issues,” she said.

For more information about Takoma Park Women Leaning In or to join the group, visit Send your suggestions for future interviews to

This article appeared in the March 2016 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

Only one month left in the Neighborhood Energy Challenge

It’s a close competition with four teams neck and neck for the $2,000 grand prize. Forest Park, Longbranch Sligo, BF Gilbert and Old Town Resident teams all have over 200 points. However, it’s still anyone’s game. Light Green Certifications are easy to achieve and are worth 10 points each. Medium Green Certifications take a bit more effort to achieve, but are worth 40 points, and Dark Green Certifications are worth 100 points each. That means with even just one more home earning a Dark Green Certification, the standings could change substantially.

Green Home Certification applications are due by March 31 in order to earn points for the energy challenge. If you have been putting off your Green Home Certification because you are stuck on an action in the checklist, let the sustainability manager know; substitutions are allowed. If you need a new application, you can download one from tkpkenergychallenge, or you can pick up a printed copy from Public Works at 31 Oswego Ave.

For the past year, 18 neighborhood teams and more than 700 households have been competing to get the biggest reductions in energy use. Residents participate by taking actions in their houses and apartments to save energy. To earn points, residents complete a Green Home Certification checklist and mark off all the actions they’ve taken to save energy at home. Residents can earn Light, Medium, or Dark Green certifications for their efforts. To help, the City has been offering energy coaching, rebates and meetings throughout the past year. The challenge is helping the City in its efforts to win the overall $5 Million Georgetown University Energy Prize Competition for the community that reduces its energy use the most. Currently, Takoma Park is ranked #25 out of 50 in the competition.

If you have questions about the Neighborhood Energy Challenge, would like free energy coaching or a second opinion on your energy audit, contact Sustainability Manager Gina Mathias at Don’t forget to turn in your applications by March 31!

This article appeared in the March 2016 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

Library Renovation Update

By Ellen Robbins

This year we are observing the 80th anniversary of the City Library – not only with cake and special birthday cards – but with steps toward what we hope will be a significant renovation, which will also give us additional space.

A new concept design was presented to the City Council on Oct. 29, which incorporated their own recommendations, as well as those of Library and other City staff.

Architect Greg Lukmire presented this concept design at public meetings on Dec. 12 and Jan. 7 – eliciting some spirited discussion and suggestions for the next phase, which involves schematic design and detailed design development.

Approximately 25 people of varying ages attended both meetings. A group of about five elementary age kids attended the Dec. 16 meeting. Here are some of the topics that came up at both meetings.

Light was a big concern. Though people were not opposed to the larger windows shown in the character sketches, which allow more natural light to enter the Library, there were concerns that the effect remain substantially different from the new Silver Spring Library, which was described as having “an excess of glass,” making it “blinding” and “too open.” One person asked, “Could an excess of light damage library materials?” Would it be distracting or too bright? The architect discussed the attributes of the newer glass, which is thermally broken, with two or even three panes, allowing for considerable specificity. One person commented there might be insufficient light in the central part of the library, away from the windows. Might a skylight be an option?

Adequate space for different functions came up repeatedly – as this has been a continuing concern. Will there be enough space for books, periodicals, comfortable seating, quiet space, and storage space as well as enough work space for staff? Will the program room be large enough? Greg Lukmire addressed all these concerns. Several group study spaces are enclosed (with exterior glass) and can be used as collaborative or quiet study space. The program room is intended as a flexible, multi-purpose space with very light-weight modular tables and chairs that can be easily moved. There will be comfortable seating and designated space for periodicals and other collections. A petition was submitted, signed by 14 kids, asking for a designated “read-aloud section” in the children’s room.

Space outside the library, which was not part of the design process, also generated a lot of comments. People wanted to know how the flood wall and the area around the flag pole might be dealt with. Though there was general agreement that it is cumbersome to leap over the wall or walk around it, several people also voiced concern that there be a gathering place somewhere on the grounds – for kids, care-givers, and parents picking up kids. A wish for personal bike-space was also expressed as a way to preserve the attractive bike racks now in front of the library. One person voiced concern about the flat roof and the load it carries in winter; another suggested that the mosaic might be sacrificed to allow expansion toward Maple Ave. However, the transformer and the police parking area would seriously limit that expansion. There was a general wish for a future design for the outdoor space that included seating and other attractive components.

The planned new entrance facing the parking lot was viewed favorably, but there was insistence on a walkway from Philadelphia Ave. up to the new Community Center Entrance. There was an associated concern about some loss of parking spaces, which are already at a premium. The architect mentioned the possibility of narrowing the spaces along-side of the buildings, which are unusually wide.

Other suggestions for the interior were a place for permanent art and a designated space to highlight new books. Another observation was that the access from the library to the senior room was round-about and might be problematical for people with mobility issues.

All in all, both meetings prompted lots of constructive discussion – and pointed the way forward to the next, more detailed phase of Library renovation. Your comments and questions are welcome. Please direct them to me at ellenr@

This article appeared in the February 2016 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

Beer and wine sales increase local choices

By Kevin Adler

Looking for something to do on a Thursday evening? Maybe it’s time to check out the Co-op’s weekly wine tastings.

Wine tastings at the Co-op? You read that right. In December, the TPSS Co-op, located at 201 Ethan Allen Ave., began to test a series of tastings after a fall rollout of its new beer and wine section.

The Co-op and PhotoPressArt have been the first two businesses in the city to take advantage of a change in city and state law to allow takeout beer and wine sales. They represent Takoma Park throwing off one of the last vestiges of its nonalcohol Adventist past.

These new options have been rapidly embraced. “People come in, and they pick up a bottle or two; they’re excited. Boomers, Millennials, they like having wine with dinner,” said Greg Czech, who runs the alcohol operation for the Co-op. “We’ve got a lot of really good wines at reasonable prices.”

For the 200 or more selections available at any given time, Czech focuses on wines for $20 or less, and he has scoured the “best of” lists and wine ratings guides. “I come from a family in the restaurant and liquor store business,” he said. “I like doing the research, and I try to find selections that might not be at other stores in the county.”

Reflecting his audience, Czech stocks organic wines, as well as wines made from sustainably grown grapes. For beer, Czech goes local and regional, taking advantage of a strong craft-brewing scene in the Metro DC area with choices from DC Brau, Heavy Seas (Baltimore) and Bold Rock Hard Cider (Nellysford, Va.). “Craft beers are very popular, and they’ve been a good business for us,” Czech said.

According to him sales have far exceeded expectations, and he’s had to put in unexpected hours to keep up with demand. “Some wines that I thought we’d sell two or three bottles in a week have been selling at two or three cases per week. We’ve had to build extra storage facilities. That’s a nice problem to have,” he said.

At PhotoPressArt, located at 914 EastWest Highway, owner John Kirakosian stocks well-known beers and modestly priced California wine labels, such as YellowTail, Coppola and Jacobs Creek.

“Beer is selling better – especially Heineken and Corona,” he said on a recent Friday night, while serving a steady flow of customers, who came in to stock up for the weekend.

For Kirakosian, it’s part of a strategy to offer something for everyone from his compact, bright storefront. Patrons can pick up a snack, LavAzza coffee, and now beer and wine, or use services, such as passport photos and printing.

“This shop has been here since 1982, and I bought it four years ago because it had a good reputation,” he said. “I ask people what they want, and then I try to get it. That’s what I do with my beers.”

Doing what people want is what got the City to this point, said former City Council Member Seth Grimes, who supported changing the alcohol law when he was in office. “The Co-op went all-in on this effort, and I’m glad it did,” Grimes said. “There are a lot of people who appreciate having a convenient place to get beer and wine.”

Passage of the law in 2014 was not a foregone conclusion. The City Council had considered changing Takoma Park’s alcohol rules in 2010, and a number of citizens testified against it.

Fast forward a few years, and a similar proposal passed the City Council with strong support and little opposition last January. The state legislature heeded the City’s request and changed state law so that Montgomery County alcohol licensing rules would apply in Takoma Park.

The January 2015 City Council resolution included support for Montgomery County Councilmember Hans Riemer’s initiative to curtail the county’s alcoholdistribution monopoly. The Montgomery County Department of Liquor Control (DLC) oversees distribution of all alcohol (beer, wine, hard liquor) and is the only allowed retailer of hard liquor.

Meanwhile, for the shopper seeking liquor to make the perfect martini or mojito, county-owned liquor stores are still the only choices. There’s one exception – TJ Beer Wine and Liquors, which is in Takoma Park, of course.

“TJ’s is the only privately owned liquor store in Montgomery County,” said Takoma Park City Manager Suzanne Ludlow. “It’s on New Hampshire Ave. and was in Prince George’s County, so it was grandfathered when the boundaries for Montgomery and Prince George’s were changed.”

“I think we were the first [body] to call for ending the monopoly,” said Grimes. “There’s resistance in the county because the monopoly is so lucrative, but we’re starting to see movement on it.”

For now, Czech and Kirakosian are learning how to work through DLC’s byzantine distribution system. It can be slow, but Czech said the Co-op is able to obtain almost anything that a customer requests and he’s “happy to do special orders.”

This article appeared in the February 2016 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

Beat your feet at Go-Go fitness

There is a new fitness class that will help you with your New Year’s resolution. It’s called Go-Go Fitness. Provided by GoGo Fitness LLC, this class is a comprehensive 60-minute, high cardio dance fitness workout that incorporates various dance styles and toning moves as well as the classic call and response of a live Go-Go music workout set.

Go-Go Fitness was the creation of Danette Tucker (a.k.a. Dani) in February 2012. Her reason for starting this class was to give families the opportunity to work out together. She wanted to create the same “Family Affair” that was the vision of the legendary Chuck Brown. Dani says, “Our classes are one hour long and provide a great cardio workout with several toning moves incorporated throughout each routine.”

Go-Go Fitness has 15 instructors and is offered at various recreation/community centers throughout the Washington Metropolitan area. It is now offered at our own Takoma Park Recreation Center on Saturdays at 12:00 noon.

Go-Go Fitness was just featured at the NBC4 Fitness Expo at the Washington Convention Center last month. It was the absolute hit of the event with more 200 people participating in the demonstration.

Dani has a very simple goal. She wants Go-Go Fitness to continue to be a “family affair” and to be an accepted genre in the music and dance/fitness industry. Don’t miss out on a fun way to get in shape. For more information, contact Takoma Park Recreation Center at 301-891-7289.

This article appeared in the February 2016 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

Community Conversations

YOU ARE INVITED to join the City Council for a Community Conversation on Affordable Housing on Saturday, Feb. 6 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.

The meeting, the first in a series of Community Conversations on various topics, will provide an opportunity to learn and engage in a discussion about the City’s approach to housing, current trends at the local and state level and some new ideas for addressing the issue of affordable housing in Takoma Park.

In addition to City Council, subject matter experts from City staff and national and community organizations will be present to share information, respond to questions and participate in the conversation. The meeting will take place at the Takoma Park Community Center/ Sam Abbott Citizens’ Center located at 7500 Maple Ave.

This article appeared in the February 2016 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.