Category Archives: Takoma Park Newsletter

Category for original news items as well as Takoma Park Newsletter articles that are copied into as web content.

Book Sale a Sunny Success

Despite the threat of rain, the skies remained sunny, and the Friends of the Library spring book sale was well attended, netting more than $2,200, to be used by the Friends for Library programs and services.

Many thanks to those who made the sale possible: Co-coordinators Merrill Leffler and Patti Mallin, Walter Mulbry, Mary Rein, Sylvie Shafer, Nancy and Dan Kunkel, Pat Hanrahan, Maurice Belanger, Tim Rahn, Sherelyn and Jerry Ernst, Barbara Natanson, Suzanne Morgan, Amy Beal, Sam McCollin, Pam Coffey, Rebekah Zanditon, Pat MacMahon, Sierra Grey-Coker, Abby Alcott, Emily Koechlin, Meg Smolinski, Camden Roberts, Joe Scorza, Walker Latimore and Denva Drummond of the Department of Public Works, Librarian Kati Nolfi, and especially Dave Burbank of the Library staff, who sorted and transported myriads of donated books for many months before the sale.

This article appeared in the June 2015 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here

New hair salon, reopened thrift shop update the Crossroads

There’s a new spot to get your hair done since America Hair Design opened at the beginning of May at 1011 University Blvd E, #101. This is owner Miriam Lemus’s third salon in the area – her others are at Piney Branch Road and Flower Avenue, and 7984 New Hampshire Ave. just north of the Crossroads. The new shop occupies a renovated building. Lemus’s business is a family affair: She’ll be assisted by her son Danny Santa-Cruz.

Also look for a newly re-opened favorite, when the Salvation Army Thrift Store starts up again. After being shuttered for nearly two years, this popular stop for bargain hunters and browsers is scheduled to re-open June 13 at 7505 New Hampshire Ave. The store, which sports a complete facelift, anchors the shopping center there, with neighboring businesses Ram’s Fast Tax Service, Claudette’s Braiding Gallery and Liberty State Insurance.

Also in April, A Plus Medical relocated to 7505 New Hampshire Ave., #314-B. Crown Insurance Agency relocated from 1017 University Blvd #201, to 1015 University Blvd., #201. And IHOP got new siding and copper wrap on the exterior and has nearly finished interior renovations.

This article appeared in the June 2015 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

A Takoma Park foodie weighs in on saving energy in the kitchen

By Jaime Rothbard

As Takoma Park continues to compete with 50 small to mid-size cities for the Georgetown Energy Prize, bringing food into the dialogue of energy efficiency creates an opportunity to rethink and expand how residents can all participate. Food is our most essential fuel, and consequently it’s the amount of fuel, energy and resources it takes to produce (and discard) food that makes it one of the most significant ways that we impact the environment. In much the same way, the types of foods we choose to consume have direct consequences that shape the direction of the food industry, as well as our own bodies.

The nutrition that is present or absent from our food greatly determines how we are able to show up in the world and contribute resourcefully. Rethinking what it means to be energy efficient by including food in the dialogue can spur more engagement and innovative thinking.

  • According to Reuters, Americans throw away nearly half of all our food every year. That’s worth $2,275 for the average household.
  • Food production is estimated to be responsible for 33 percent of the total global warming effect, according to
  • The United States leads the world in energy waste. Different analyses have yielded anything from the range of wasting 58 percent of the energy we produce, to a jolting 86 percent energy being wasted, according to the Energy Collective and Clean Tecnica.
  • Food-related energy use accounts for 15 percent of our national energy budget, per the Center for Sustainable Systems.

By broadening our dialogue of energy efficiency to include food, we can expand our capacity to make daily impacts to reverse climate change. We have so many tools we can use! Looking at energy efficiency through the lens of food can help you see the interconnectedness between your inner world with the outer world. Engaging in this way can cultivate an inspired and optimistic worldview about what can be done to simultaneously impact your body while respecting our limited natural resources. Here are some new ways to rethink energy efficiency, food and fuel that you can begin using today.

Think like a Chopped competitor and act like you’re at Chipotle: Instead of relying on cookbooks to come up with meal ideas, plan your meals by taking an inventory of what’s in your kitchen. What perishable items are on the verge of going bad and need to be used right now? Separate them into foundations, toppings and condiments. Think along the lines of making bowls, salads, wraps and tacos. Just about anything can become a taco. Try it out and amaze yourself!

  • If you are going low-carb, remember that green leaves make awesome wraps. Blanched collard greens and fresh romaine lettuce are my favorite choices.

Rethink energy efficiency. Save energy and optimize radiant heat by using oven energy for multiple meals. If you know you want to bake one thing, think about how you can bake many things.

  • If you want to bake potatoes for one meal, consider batch prepping all of the root veggies in your pantry while you’ve got a hot oven. Now you have plenty of “Chipotle fodder” so you can easily convert these into other meals throughout the week.
  • Same goes for boiling potatoes and pasta. Make enough for at least one more meal that will feed your household.

Rethink how you cook. Instead of approaching meal preparation as one beginning-to-end activity, think about how you can prep foods for several meals simultaneously. For instance, while you are waiting for your morning coffee to brew, you can prep out some vegetables and store them in the fridge for when you get home from work. Or after frying bacon for breakfast, you can reuse (some of but not necessarily all) the fat by tossing a bag of baby spinach into the hot pan and covering it. In a few minutes you will have a much cleaner pan, plus sauteed greens for your lunch. Note: your body needs fat in order to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins in the spinach.

Rethink what it means to eat “superfoods.” You don’t have to buy expensive and exotic foods that travel halfway around the globe to reach your plate. There are simple preparation techniques you can use on easy-to-find ingredients can transform them into culinary gold. My favorite tip:

Leave fresh minced garlic to rest for 10 minutes before adding it to a hot pan. This allows it to release copious amounts of allicin. Recent studies show this potent compound is the most aggressive antioxidant found to date. If you cook garlic immediately after chopping it, you lose this benefit.

Re-think water catchment — from your faucet! Strategize your clean-up by keeping a large pot of water in your sink, preferably one you recently boiled pasta or cleaned veggies in, and re-use the water several times before dumping it. You can toss dirty utensils into it as you continue to cook your meal. After eating, let dishes and silverware soak briefly in the pot to remove debris instead of pre-rinsing them under the faucet. Now you can load your dishwasher and use the shortest cycle to sanitize your dishes after the dishwasher is completely full.

  • Sequence tasks so that you can soak dirty dishes instead of expending energy to scrub them.
  • Reduce water wasting by soaking vegetables in a natural cleaning solution of water and white vinegar instead of running the water faucet in a constant stream.
  • When pre-cleaning dishes in your water catchment pot, sequence from cleanest to dirtiest so you don’t have to keep changing out your water

Rethink what it means to eat local. If you aren’t lucky enough to have gardening space (or time) you can still cultivate massively nutritious foods in your own kitchen. By harnessing natural processes, you can soak and sprout beans and seeds on your counter in a couple days time, which boosts their nutritional potency. If you love kombucha and artisan-crafted sauerkraut, you may be astonished to learn that these items are very easy to make. Be your own alchemist!

Rethink “Food is Love”: Most of us enjoy indulging our senses from time to time. Foodie culture has taken indulgence to new and sometimes downright ridiculous heights from presenting absurdly rich concoctions to broadcasting food as a competitor sport. I believe this can obscure our relationship with food. Next time you plan to treat yourself, show love by making the treat yourself and sharing with your people.

  • Learning how to make your favorite treats will give you control over the ingredients.
  • Savoring food while sharing it amongst people you care about will lessen the odds that you overindulge, and it will keep the pleasure you experience within a greater context than sensory.
  • Hosting a dinner party is more cost effective than footing the bill at your favorite restaurant. It won’t be as expertly crafted, but you will learn more each time and it can be a wonderful expression of your affection. And that’s priceless.

Jaime Rothbard, aka the Foodie Alchemist, is a nutrition coach, licensed massage therapist, mosaic artist and home cook who loves all things food. After 10 years of travel on three different continents studying and developing simple tools and practices for self-healing, she recently settled into Takoma Park with her family. You can follow her as she works to transform her home into a permaculture homestead, get tips on how to transform your own food journey and check out her eBook, “Fast Fuel,” at

This article appeared in the June 2015 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

Final budget lowers tax increase, retains staff salary adjustment

City property tax will increase slightly less than originally proposed, the city will make an additional contribution to the police pension fund and there will no money for a proposed management position in the city manager’s office, or for a $50,000 boundary survey in the recently adopted city budget.

These are among the changes City Council made before approving the $29.5 million fiscal year 2016 budget on May 11.

Over two months of public hearings and biweekly budget meetings, City Council knocked off a half a cent from the original tax hike proposed by City Manager Suzanne Ludlow. She proposed a 59 cent per $100 of assessed property value, up from 57 cents in FY2015. The increase, the first that has been implemented in 13 years, will address several fiscal challenges the city faces: stalled municipal tax duplication funds from Montgomery County; a three-year property tax assessment cycle that reflects recession-level property values (and correspondingly low tax revenue); and staff compensation that requires significant increases in order to reach market levels. Those staff salary increases will be phased in over three years.

“I’ve never worked with a budget this tight,” Ludlow told the council just before it voted on the tax rate, near midnight at a particularly long budget reconciliation meeting April 27. “I would not have proposed a tax rate increase if I did not think it was the appropriate thing.”

The vote on the tax rate decision came after long negotiations and discussions over how much the city’s reserve fund should maintain and when – and by how much — city officials can anticipate property taxes rising with the rise in property values expected with new assessments this year.

Other changes made to the city manager’s proposed budget, which was described in the April 2015 Takoma Park Newsletter, included:

  • A contribution of $100,000 to the Police Retirement Plan over the amount required to meet minimum obligations
  • $10,000 for a consultant for police/ community engagement, reflecting a proactive concern among city council members sensitive to recent turmoil over the deaths of unarmed black men in police custody elsewhere in the country
  • $30,000 for Maple Avenue crosswalk improvements, where “stamped” crosswalk markings are fading and in need of repair
  • $30,000 for the MANUP program, which works with African American youth
  • An increase of $10,000 for the Lunch and Learn program, which provides food and tutoring over the summer months to children who normally rely on subsidized school lunches
  • Elimination of a $174,000 proposed management position in the city manager’s office
  • Reduction of $25,000 in proposed funding for City TV part time and consultant staff
  • Elimination of a proposed $50,000 survey of the city’s boundaries
  • Reduce by $7,000 proposed funding for the Takoma–Langley Crossroads Development Authority – funds that were offered unsolicited and for which there were no immediate plans
  • Elimination of a 50 percent discount parking permit fee for hybrid cars

In a lively and thorough treatment of the budget process, city councilmembers wrangled over many suggested changes, and their close votes on several items meant lengthy discussions over the minutiae of city services. Among the more controversial issues were funding a $200,000 library renovation initiative – the detailed design passed on a vote of 4 to 3. A move to cut $50,000 from the police budget for expenditures to be determined by the police department was thwarted on a vote of 4 to 3. Reducing City TV’s budget by $25,000 passed on a vote of 5 to 2.

Members were more in agreement and voted 6 to 1 to retain $80,000 for renovation of the police station on the lower floor of the Community Center. Describing the offices as “a maze” and “a nightmare,” most agreed they were in need of improvement as soon as possible.

Other aspects of the budget remained as proposed. Staff salaries were a big focus this year after a staff compensation and classification study last year showed Takoma Park lagging behind market rates, with many staff members being underpaid. The new budget will give a partial increase to staff being paid more than 14 percent below market level, so that their salary is only 7 percent lower than it should be for FY17. Staff will get raised half-way to what they should be paid in FY17 during the FY16 year, with the remaining increase scheduled to take place in FY17. Total cost of bringing staff salaries up to market level is about $2 million, over three years.

“I’ve never worked with a budget this tight”

The city will also continue to make infrastructure and facility improvements on roads, sidewalks and stormwater management. Projects include the Flower Avenue Green Street Project, improvements at the New Hampshire/Ethan Allen intersection, and detailed design and engineering work for renovation of the Library. Two park projects will be underway: playground construction at Sligo Mill Overlook Park and a dog park on city-owned land near the Darwin Avenue parking lot.

Planning for future improvements in the Police Department, at the Public Works complex and of the Heffner Community Center are on a multi-year schedule, with some planning work regarding the Police Department scheduled for FY16. Renovation of the Library could begin as early as FY17.

This article appeared in the June 2015 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

Showing the love for local crossing guards

On Crossing Guard Appreciation Day, June 2, the PTAs at Takoma Park and Piney Branch Elementary schools and Takoma Park Middle School have joined forces with the City of Takoma Park Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS) to make it easy for families to demonstrate their appreciation for these important members of our community. Families are urged to take a few moments on their way to school in the morning to personally thank the guards and offer tokens of appreciation. Tables will be set up near each crossing guard to receive cards, flowers or treats, and carry on an appreciation day tradition that dates back to 2009.

“Crossing guards are essential. I would not allow my child to walk without crossing guards,” reported one parent on the Safe Routes to School Survey. Many comments like this appear year after year. In fact, many residents make a point to thank the crossing guards daily for their dedication to keeping our students safe while walking to and from school. On the morning of June 2 parents and students can do just a little more.

SRTS suggests leaving a few extra minutes during the walk to school to stop at the guard post. The guards know many of the students by name and enjoy the chance to reflect on the year and wish the students a nice summer.

“Walk in the middle of the crosswalk! (clap, clap) Now you sing it Mom and Dad!”

In addition to standing at their posts, Takoma Park’s guards assist SRTS with the bike rodeos and crosswalk activities in the schools and at community events, educating students about safe practices while walking and biking to school. One guard overheard a student sharing the strategies with her parent on the way to school: She taught her mother the song she learned from the crossing guard in the classroom, “Walk in the middle of the crosswalk! (clap, clap) Now you sing it Mom and Dad!”

This article appeared in the June 2015 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

Taco Bell proposes move back to the Crossroads

After vacating space to make way for the Transit Center at Takoma Langley Crossroads, Taco Bell is proposing a comeback, this time on Holton Lane, a block south of its original location.

Plans are underway for a 40-seat Taco Bell at the corner of New Hampshire Avenue and Holton Lane, in what is currently a parking lot in front of ALDI’s supermarket. According to the Crossroads Development Authority, the eatery would include some outdoor seating on the Holton Lane side of the building, free wi-fi and a drivethrough window. The drive-through would accommodate one car every two minutes during busy times, and according to Taco Bell consultants would have no effect on traffic flow on New Hampshire Avenue. The restaurant would also add islands of grass and trees to the existing ALDI’s parking lot.

A meeting to explain the proposal to the public was held at the Takoma Park Community Center in April, a mandatory requirement before the plans are formally submitted to the Montgomery County Planning Department. Once submitted, the Takoma Park City Council will have an opportunity to publicly weigh in on the proposal before it is reviewed by the Montgomery County Planning Board, likely in the fall.

The Taco Bell is owned by Texas-based franchise restaurant company MUY! Companies, which also owns Wendy’s and Pizza Hut locations. Representatives of the company presented their plans to the Crossroads Development Authority meeting of local businesses in May.

Some concern has been expressed by residential neighbors regarding traffic and litter around a new restaurant, as well as the drive-through aspect of the project in an area slated for more pedestrian-friendly development. City Council discussed the development standards affecting the Takoma Langley Crossroads area on May 26, including the City’s role and involvement in the development review process. The discussion can be accessed at

MUY! hopes to break ground on the Taco Bell project later this year.

This article appeared in the June 2015 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

Cheerleading, step and dance keep things moving at the Community Center

For the past nine months Linda Marshall, owner of Maryland Cheers Chargers Inc., has been teaching weekly dance classes to the children of the Afternoon Addition program at the Takoma Park Community Center. Now they are ready to show off what they’ve learned – and many hope to learn more at summer camps right in Takoma Park.

This dance program, one of many clubs at the Community Center, covers a wide variety of movement styles, including ballet, hip-hop, step (a percussive, stomping and clapping dance) and modern dance as well as some cheer-style moves. The show, scheduled for June 5, will involve a performance for parents, peers and staff at the Takoma Park Community Center auditorium.

Maryland Cheer Chargers Inc. (MCC), is a local, family-owned and operated organization. Founded by husband and wife Maurice and Linda L. Marshall in 2010, it is designed to encourage youth fitness awareness through cheer, dance and step programs. Prior to 2010, Linda volunteered for 15 years on the Glenarden Boys and Girls Club Executive Board as vice president and cheerleading coach. It was through that experience she decided to form her own competitive cheer, dance and step organization.

Since its inception in 2010, MCC has grown from one single program to multiple locations in Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties. The program offers coaching for young people from ages 3 to 18, and some teams enter competitions; the award-winning cheer teams do not cheer for athletic teams, but learn routines for performance and competition.

Linda Marshall, along with her coaches and instructors, will run the Recreation Department’s dance camps and cheerleading/step camps this summer at the Takoma Park Community Center. The camps are available for both girls and boys ages 6 to 12.

Registration for the camps is at www.

This article appeared in the June 2015 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

Takoma Park JazzFest 20th Anniversary: The Best of the Fest

Free performances all day June 14

On Sunday, June 14, downtown Takoma Park, Maryland, will once again jump, swing and jive to the sounds of America’s music: jazz. The 20th annual Takoma Park JazzFest will bring an eclectic range of performers to town for more than a dozen free performances from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Full information is available at “Jazz music is America’s gift to the world,” says festival president Bruce Krohmer. “It’s a uniquely American sound, and enjoying it outdoors at one of our two stages is a fantastic way to pass a Sunday afternoon. And it’s free!” To celebrate the completion of its teenage years, JazzFest will bring back some of the most popular performers of the festival’s first two decades. “Whatever your taste in jazz, you’ll find something to love,” says Krohmer.

Takoma Park’s own Chuck Redd, an internationally acclaimed drummer and vibraphonist, will be a featured performer and will conduct one of the workshops. His swinging sounds have been featured on more than 75 recordings, and he’s toured with legends such as Dizzy Gillespie and Mel Torme.

Local enthusiasts can also look forward to the sounds of Veronneau, the Hokum JazzTrio, the Nicole Saphos After Hours Duo, the Dave Kline Band, Flutevisions, Matt Wigler, the Uptown Vocal Jazz Quartet, the Mary Alouette Quartet, the Lovejoy Group, and the acclaimed Takoma Park Middle School Jazz Ensemble.

“JazzFest embraces a broad range of styles, both instrument and vocal: bossa nova and samba, swing, R&B and contemporary sounds, vintage sounds from the ’20s and ’30s – you’ll hear your favorites, and sounds that are new to you, too,” says Krohmer.

Takoma Park Jazz Fest
June 14, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Carroll Ave., downtown Takoma Park

Making its debut this year will be Brulee, a quintet with a sound that’s been described as “jazz-infused, Americana-marinated, alt-pop.” This band wowed the judges to win the 2015 Jazz Brawl, sponsored by JazzFest to showcase emerging new performers.

In addition to performances, JazzFest will provide a wide range of other activities, for a full day and evening of entertainment:

  • Free drum and guitar workshops in the Olive Lounge, adjacent to festival activities.
  • Crafts, clothes and collectibles from more than 60 local vendors.
  • Food trucks and booths for every palate.
  • An official after-party at Takoma Republic restaurant, adjacent to festival events.

And for those who can’t get enough jazz, JazzFest is again partnering with the American Film Institute. The AFI Silver Theater in downtown Silver Spring (three blocks from Red Line Metro) will show several jazz-themed movies in the week leading up to the big event.

The films are:

  •  “Anita O’Day: The Life of a Jazz Singer,” June 5,
  • “Keep on Keepin’ On,” about trumpeter Clark Terry, June 5,
  • “Whiplash,” for which J.K. Simmons won an Academy Award, June 6, 7 and 10.

JazzFest is an all- volunteer communitybased organization, supported by the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County, the Maryland State Arts Council; the City of Takoma Park, Long and Foster Real Estate and the Takoma Foundation.

This article appeared in the June 2015 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

Beyond Bike Month: City plans year-round improvements

As another year passes and winter gives in to spring, bicycling continues to be an important part of life, work, and play in Takoma Park. While the recent utilities work has created challenges for cars and bikes along Carroll Avenue, there is reason to be optimistic as new bike-friendly projects and plans in Takoma Park and beyond take shape.

In March, the city’s agreement with the Maryland Department of Transportation was executed, committing $100,000 to bike improvements in Takoma Park, including bike lanes in the Ethan Allen Gateway Streetscape project and new and improved bike parking at the Community Center and Recreation Center on New Hampshire Avenue. There will also be “sharrows” – arrows painted on the road surface to indicate a shared road for bikes and cars – along Carroll Avenue where it is too narrow for a bike lane, and on Takoma Avenue near the Metropolitan Branch Trail (MBT).

Meanwhile, the District of Columbia is moving forward to extend the MBT north from Fort Totten Metro into Maryland (see story on page 11), and the Montgomery County Planning Department is revamping its 10-year old Bicycle Master Plan. Takoma Park residents can celebrate Bike Month this May in Takoma Park with the following local events:

Bike to School Day

Wednesday, May 6

All Takoma Park elementary and middle school students are invited to ride their bikes to school on Bike to School Day, Wednesday, May 6. Get your bike ready for spring and summer fun. Wipe off the spider webs, check the tires, brakes and chain and be sure to strap on your helmet. Here’s what’s happening in Takoma Park on May 6:

Takoma Park Middle School students participating in Bike to School Day will be met with refreshments when they arrive at school. Bike related prize drawings will occur during the course of the day.

Rolling Terrace Elementary School encourages walking and biking to school every Wednesday throughout the year and especially on Bike to School Day.

Piney Branch Elementary School will meet at the Franklin apartment building parking lot, 7620 Maple Ave. at 8:45 a.m. The ride to school will start at 8:55. Maple Avenue will be closed to traffic during the ride and the Takoma Park Police will escort the bicyclists. Extra bike parking will be available in the Community Center basketball court. Students riding a bike, scooter or skateboard must wear a helmet to participate.

Piney Branch will also celebrate the #SaveKidsLives Campaign for Global Road Safety Week (May, 4-10) during ts Bike to School Day event on Wednesday, May 6. Piney Branch joins communities around the world working hard to stop deaths and injuries to children on our roads. On Bike to School Day, students, teachers, staff, parents and other community members will have the opportunity to sign the United Nations’ Child Declaration urging decision makers to take strong action to make roads safer for children.

They can also take a #safie (not a selfie – a #safie). Taking a #safie is a fun way to show your support. To take part in this campaign, download the #safie signboard, write a safety message and share it on social media including the #Safie and #SaveKidsLives hashtags. All city residents who are concerned about road safety can sign the Declaration and take a #safie. For more information about the Declaration and to download the signboard go to

Bike to Work Day

Friday, May 15

If you’ve been telling yourself this will be the year you start commuting to work by bike, then why not start on Bike to Work Day? For the past several years, thousands of commuters in the greater Washington metropolitan area have participated in this morning event to celebrate bicycling as a clean, fun and healthy way to get to work. Three Bike to Work Day pit stops will again be in Takoma Park, at the Gazebo in Old Takoma, on Sligo Creek Trail at New Hampshire Avenue, and at the Takoma/Langley Crossroads Professional Building (7676 New Hampshire Ave.). All three locations have been a big hit with local riders as the event grows every year. Even in last year’s torrential storms, cyclists made their way to the rain-orshine pit stops. Registration is free and participants receive a T-shirt, refreshments, and are entered into a raffle for a bicycle and other fun prizes! Register at

This article appeared in the May 2015 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

Prepare for summer storm season

Were you in Washington, D.C. or College Park area in early April when the power went out at the White House, the Capitol, 13 metro stations, the Smithsonian, the University of Maryland campus and surrounding areas? How did you manage? Was your cell phone working to call family or were you underground at a Metro station without power? Were you in College Park wandering around trying to do without street-crossing lights?

Although the April power outage was caused by the failure of a transmission conductor in Charles County, Md. it’s a good warning for what may happen in Takoma Park in the summer due to storms or generator problems. So—what can you do?

Long-term outage, continuing storms

The following will ensure you’re ready if the power goes out for days:

  • Have a plan to stay in touch with your family and a meeting place if you get separated.
  • Make a basic emergency kit: 1 gallon of water per person per day; food for three days per person; flashlight and batteries; and a battery-operated radio to stay informed.
  • Schedule a block or building preparedness meeting with our City Emergency Preparedness manager Ron Hardy (
  • Go to or www.redcross. org to learn more on preparedness.

Short term outage

  • Consider this an ‘indoor camping’ experience – without having to put up the tent! Make sure you have the following on hand:
  • A lantern with a large battery (periodically check this to make sure the battery is OK)
  • Several flashlights close at hand (near the bed, the desk, and downstairs) that you can easily retrieve when the power goes out
  • Working batteries that fit each item (try using masking tape to mark when they were bought)
  • Phone numbers for contacts that are easily accessible
  • Alternative phone options, such as a non-cell phone or car charger (be careful going down the stairs to get to the car!)
  • Easy access to medications that must be taken in evenings (take the flashlight or lantern);
  • Bottled water

This article appeared in the May 2015 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.