Category Archives: Public Notices

Public Notices are primarily generated by the City Clerk and are mostly compromised of messages notifying residents and other stakeholders of public hearings.

Rescheduled: A Cuba Conversation

A Community Conversation with Miguel Fraga, First Secretary for the Cuban Embassy – Sunday, February 5, 2017 at 4:00 PM

Our community has a rich history with Cuba and the Cuban people. Recent changes in the relationship between Cuba and the United States (namely, the reestablishment of diplomatic relations) have created increased opportunities for people-to-people exchange and government-to-government negotiations.

Where is the relationship between Cuba and the U.S. going? How do the elections and the recent passing of Fidel Castro impact this relationship? What does this all mean to our local community?

Join Mayor Kate Stewart, County Executive Isiah Leggett, County Councilmember Marc Elrich in a community conversation with Mr. Miguel Fraga, the First Secretary for the Cuban Embassy. During the conversation, Mr. Fraga will share with us his thoughts on these questions plus many others.

This will be an interactive conversation, with plenty of opportunity for Q&A.

When: Sunday, February 5, 2017 @ 4:00 PM

Where: Takoma Park Community Center, Auditorium
City of Takoma Park
7500 Maple Avenue
Takoma Park, MD 20912

Reserve your spot here.

Warming Center Directory

As temperatures continue to drop around Takoma Park and the region, warming centers are available to help those in need. The contact information for warming centers in Montgomery County, Prince George’s County and Washington DC are provided here.


For Information

 Montgomery County

240-777-4000 or 240-777-0311

 Prince George’s County


 Washington D.C.

1-800-535-7252 or 311

 Established Warming Shelters

 Community Vision

8210 Dixon Avenue

Silver Spring, MD

(301) 585-4471

 Silver Spring Recreation Centers


 Silver Spring Civic Center

1 Veteran Plaza

Silver Spring, MD


 Langley Park Community Center

1500 Merrimac Drive

Hyattsville, MD

(301) 445-4508

 Washington Takoma Park Neighborhood Library

416 Cedar Street, NW

Washington, D.C.

(202) 576-7252

 Washington E. Thornton – Shepherd Park

7420 Georgia Avenue, NW

Washington, D.C.

(202) 541-6100


UPDATE: Due to circumstances beyond our control, this event has been postponed indefinitely. We will provide notice when a new date is determined. 

A Community Conversation with Miguel Fraga, First Secretary for the Cuban Embassy – Sunday, December 11, 2016 at 4:30 PM

Our community has a rich history with Cuba and the Cuban people. Recent changes in the relationship between Cuba and the United States (namely, the reestablishment of diplomatic relations) have created increased opportunities for people-to-people exchange and government-to-government negotiations.

Where is the relationship between Cuba and the U.S. going? How do the elections and the recent passing of Fidel Castro impact this relationship? What does this all mean to our local community?

Join Mayor Kate Stewart, County Executive Isiah Leggett, County Councilmember Marc Elrich in a community conversation with Mr. Miguel Fraga, the First Secretary for the Cuban Embassy. During the conversation, Mr. Fraga will share with us his thoughts on these questions plus many others.

This will be an interactive conversation, with plenty of opportunity for Q&A.

Note: We strongly recommend that you RSVP for this event!

When: Sunday, December 11, 2016 @ 4:30 PM

Where: Takoma Park Community Center, Auditorium
City of Takoma Park
7500 Maple Avenue
Takoma Park, MD 20912

Noise Control Board Volunteer Positions Available

The City Council is seeking residents to serve on the Noise Control Board.

The Board is being reestablished since the City Council adopted amendments to the Noise Ordinance. The Board adjudicates noise disturbance complaints submitted through the two-party noise complaint process and advises the City Council on noise control issues. Members serve three-year terms, but initial appointments will be for one, two, or three years.

Application for Appointment or Reappointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee

If you have questions, please contact your City Councilmember or Jessie Carpenter, City Clerk.

Public Hearing: Extension of Permit Parking Area 6 to Include the 1100 Block of Kingwood Drive

Attend the Public Hearing

Interested persons are encouraged to attend and testify at the public hearing.

Extension of Permit Parking Area 6 to Include the 1100 Block of Kingwood Drive
Wednesday, July 13
7:30 PM

Takoma Park Community Center – Sam Abbott Citizens’ Center
7500 Maple Avenue
Takoma Park, MD 20912


The City Council will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 7:30 PM in the Auditorium of the Takoma Park Community Center located at 7500 Maple Avenue, Takoma Park, Maryland.

The purpose of the hearing is to receive public comments on residents’ petition to extend the Area 6 permit parking zone to include the 1100 block of Kingwood Drive, with parking restricted to permit holders from 7:00 PM – 7:00 AM, seven days a week.

If permit parking is implemented on the 1100 block of Kingwood Drive, persons residing on the block must display a parking permit from the City of Takoma Park in order to park on the 1100 block of Kingwood Drive or on any block included in Area 6. One permit may be purchased for each motor vehicle registered at a resident’s address within the designated area. Two-year permits will be sold to permanent residents and tenants with a two-year lease at a cost of $20.00. One-year permits will be sold to tenants with less than a two-year lease at a cost of $12.50.

Questions or Comments

Questions or written public comments may be directed to the City Clerk.

City Clerk
Phone: 301-891-7267

Seeking Volunteers for the Noise Control Board

The City Council is seeking volunteers to serve on the Noise Control Board. The Board has been reestablished to hear and decide on noise disturbance complaints submitted through the two-party noise complaint process. It will be comprised of five to seven City residents appointed by the Council. Initial terms will be one, two, or three years to ensure continuity. To apply, submit an application along with a resume or statement of qualifications.

To learn more about the Ordinance and the role of the Noise Control Board, review the Noise Control Ordinance.

Apply soon! Appointments are scheduled to be made in July. Contact your City Councilmember or the City Clerk for additional information.

Confirm your Polling Place for the April 26 Primary Election

*NOTE: Grace United Methodist Church (7001 New Hampshire Ave.) is no longer a polling place.

Primary election voting hours are 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM on Tuesday April 26. This election is conducted by the Montgomery County Board of Elections. For complete information, see the County Board website or call 240-777-8500.

Voting Precincts 13-67* and 13-68 have been combined by the Montgomery County Board of Elections. The Takoma Park Recreation Center, 7315 New Hampshire Avenue, is the voting location for Precinct 13-68 (and former voters of Precinct 13-67).

Other Takoma Park precincts are likely the same as in 2014. However,  to confirm or check the polling place assigned to your house, enter your number, street, and zip code in the Polling Place Lookup Tool.

Better still, check your polling place, voter registration status, party affiliation, and see a sample of the ballot you will receive by using the Voter Lookup Tool.