2 Hour Delay for Morning Care- Wednesday and Thursday, Jan 22 & Jan 23

Due to MCPS’s delayed opening, TPRD’s morning care …

Launch Postponed: New Website to Go Live Feb. 6, 2025

The transition to the CivicEngage® platform is expected to occur on February 6, 2025, at around 10 am. The City URL (www.takomaparkmd.gov) will remain the same after the transition. For more details on what to expect, click "More Information"

Library Renovations Update 12/13: Latest Updates and Presentation from City Staff

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

Active Alerts
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Social Security Scam


A caller leaves a voicemail asking to be called back because of an issue with your social security number.  Please note that this is a scam intended to garner information and/or money – the caller will ask you for personal information, such as your social security number, your date of birth, address, etc.  Please remember that the Social Security Administration officials would never ask you for your social security number, or other identifying information over the phone.  In addition, the Social Security Administration does not call you – they will send a letter if there are legitimate issues.  But, even letters should be verified.

Takoma Park Police would like to remind everyone to be cautious about who they talk to and to never blindly give personal information or money to anyone.  Government agencies will not call or text asking for money on gift cards or wire transfers, nor do they call to find out your personal information.

The Social Security Administration advises that if anyone has fallen victim to this scam, it can be reported to the Social Security Inspector General.

More information about this scam, and to file a report, can be found at: https://www.ssa.gov/antifraudfacts/



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