Library Renovations Update 12/13: Latest Updates and Presentation from City Staff

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Police & Accident Reports - Background Checks



You may request a police report by emailing  In your email, include the police report number.  If you do not know the police report number, please be sure to include as much information as possible when making your request – such as the date of the incident, the location of the incident, type of incident, and names of involved people.  You must include a copy of your government-issued photo identification with the request. After verification of the report is made, payment of a $10 fee by credit card can be made (we accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover).  A convenience fee of 2.9% or $1.50, whichever is greater, will also be charged.  Report Dissemination Form

By Mail 

You may request a police report by mail using the Report Request form.  If you do not know the police report number, please be sure to include as much information as possible when making your request – such as the date of the incident, the location of the incident, type of incident, and names of involved people.  We cannot guarantee that we will be able to locate a police report without a case number; however, we will make every effort to identify the report based on the information provided. Requests by mail must include a required $10 fee.  Fees are payable by money order, check, and/or credit card (we accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover). A convenience fee of 2.9% or $1.50, whichever is greater, will also be charged.

Mail the request to:  City of Takoma Park Police Department, 7500 Maple Avenue, 1st floor, Takoma Park, Maryland 20912.  You must include a copy of your government-issued photo identification with the request.

NOTE:  After an officer has completed a police report, it must undergo an approval process. This process may take up to five (5) business days and reports are not available prior to this time.

**You can receive copies of police reports; however, under the rules of the Maryland Public Information Act, certain information is required to be redacted from police reports before it is issued to a person. **


Accident reports are available 24/7 on for a fee of $10.  You will need to provide the police report number and the name of the involved party.  Accident reports can also be obtained by mail and/or online.  See instructions above.

NOTE: The Police Department is required to verify that the person requesting the accident report is an involved party in the accident.

Background Checks

The Records Department will provide a local criminal history check for residents and related applications. This is a Record Check for Adult Criminal Charges that occurred in the City of Takoma Park ONLY.   Information regarding arrest dispositions must be requested through the court.

If it’s a third party request through an attorney/investigator, you must have a release/authorization from the involved party. 

You must provide a government-issued photo identification in order to obtain a police Background Check.

Background check requests can be requested by mail:  City of Takoma Park Police Department, 7500 Maple Avenue, 1st floor, Takoma Park, Maryland 20912 or by fax 301-270-1230.



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