Published on: Thursday, August 1, 2024 News Alert

Ward 6 and Traffic Issues Surrounding the Purple Line Construction


The New Hampshire Gardens Community Association in Ward 6 has experienced heavy traffic, with pressure from drivers trying to avoid the Purple Line construction on University Boulevard and New Hampshire Avenue. City staff have been working with State Highway Administration (SHA) staff to understand and address some of the dangerous conditions.

  • SHA, in cooperation with the City, has been examining the data and developing options for quick responses intended to reduce the number of cars going through the neighborhood. The City continues to meet quarterly with the SHA staff to track projects and concerns.
  • The City is hiring a new Transit Planner, which will bring some of the focus and skills in-house to increase staff responsiveness to these issues. The job is currently posted and on track to be filled in the fall.
  • The FY25 Budget includes funds specifically for traffic studies. Staff is currently evaluating the research already completed by the City and the State, particularly along State roads, as part of the development of the scope of work.
  • The City received a Transportation-Land Use Connection grant from the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments for the New Ave Bikeway Purple Line Connection Study. This study, which will kick off in the fall, will determine routing and infrastructure recommendations for safe and comfortable pedestrian and bike connections that will support transit access, as well as the impact of considering the closure of Anne Street at University Boulevard.

For additional information:

Purple Line:

The most recent Purple Line Community Advisory Team  for the Long Branch area can be seen here: (slides and video)

New Ave Bikeway:

Crossroads Community Food Network – Crossroads Farmers Market

Questions may be directed to:
Planning @