Tag Archives: regulation

Proposed Administrative Regulation – Residential Rental Facility Fees

An Administrative Regulation is being proposed to provide specifics to Chapter 6.16 Landlord-Tenant Relations, Section 6.16.090 Fees. The regulation establishes general provisions and maximum fees for optional services and amenities in residential rental facilities.

View the Proposed Administrative Regulation

Pursuant to the requirements of the “Administrative Regulations Ordinance” (Authority: Chapter 2.12 “Administrative Regulations,” of the Takoma Park Code), notice of the City’s intention to adopt an administrative regulation must be publicly noted, allowing residents the opportunity to comment on the proposal.

To obtain further information about the proposed regulation, contact Sara Anne Daines, Housing and Community Development Department, 7500 Maple Ave., Takoma Park, Md. 20912, 301-891-7224, sarad@takomaparkmd.gov. Written comments on the proposed regulation may be sent to the City Clerk, 7500 Maple Ave., Takoma Park, Md. 20912 or e-mailed to clerk@takomaparkmd.gov. The deadline for receipt of public comments is Jan. 31.