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City Façade Improvement Grants

Grant Purpose

The City of Takoma Park’s City Façade Improvement Grants assist local businesses in repairing or improving their storefronts in order to encourage vibrant, welcoming, commercial districts.

Funding Facts

City Façade Improvement Grants are funded through the City of Takoma Park’s Neighborhood Commercial Corridor fund, part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). This fund has $75,000  allocated for FY25. Grant applications are open, and awards will be approved on a rolling basis until funds are depleted. Grant agreements must be signed by Friday, December 13, 2024, and funds must be spent and submitted for reimbursement by November 1, 2026.

Grant (award)

Grants are reimbursable up to $10,000 per business for approved activities.

How to Apply

Interested business owners may apply online.

Applicants will need to provide two bids from licensed contractors or vendors for the proposed work, as well as a rendering if the work involves new signage or other significant changes to the storefront beyond basic repair and replacement.

Note that the application will ask for the lease or deed, the business license or proof of nonprofit status, a Certificate of Good Standing from the State of Maryland, and a completed W-9 and City Vendor form.  Links are provided in the application for the W-9 and vendor form.

Businesses who rent rather than own their space must have the approval of the property owner before the grant application will be considered.  Applicants should share the following link with the owner of their storefront in order to for them to sign off on the proposed facade improvement:  https://takomapark.seamlessdocs.com/f/CFIGOwnerSignOff

Apply here.

Preview the application (PDF).

Eligible Grant Uses

Grant funds may be used for façade improvements such as new signage, awnings, windows, doors, or repair of the street-facing portion(s) of the structure.

Quick Links

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible applicants are businesses who

  • Are located within the City of Takoma Park boundaries, with an ownership deed or a signed lease for at least three years for the property;
  • are in Good Standing with the State of Maryland;
  • are in compliance with all City, County, and State regulations, and;
  • have a valid Use & Occupancy Certificate.

Award Determination and Process

All confirmed eligible applicants, applying for allowable activities, will receive awards pending fund availability. Awards will be made on a rolling basis as long as funds are available. Grant agreements must be signed by Friday, December 13, 2024, and funds must be spent and submitted for reimbursement by November 1, 2026. Expenses for approved façade improvement activities will be reimbursed up to $10,000 per business upon proof of completion and payment to the contractor or vendor.


Contact the City’s Grants Coordinator at grants@takomaparkmd.gov or 301-891-7235.

Economic Development Sections