All posts by Ellen Arnold-Robbins

Bond Bill for Library Renovation Approved!

It has been announced that Takoma Park’s Bond Bill  request for $150,000 for Library renovation has been approved!

Many thanks to former Friends of the Library Board President Tim Rahn, who raced to the Library on a rainy night to testify before the State Legislature representatives in support of this Bill.

Thanks also to Ward 1 Council Member Peter Kovar who testified in support of the Bond bill in Annapolis, and was instrumental in securing its approval.

We are on our Way!

Special author appearance – Yudhijit Bhattacharjee !

Join us at the Library on Tuesday December 6 at 7:30 p.m. when Takoma Park author Yudhijit Bhattacharjee will discuss his new nonfiction book, “The Spy Who Couldn’t Spell : A Dyslexic Traitor, and Unspeakable Code, and the FBI’s Hunt for America’s Stolen Secrets”

Rave reviews, including a ‘long read’ in “The Guardian” and a recent interview on NPR.

Books will be available for purchase and signing, through Politics and Prose Bookstore.  Brought to you through The Friends of the Takoma Park Maryland Library.   All invited!

Favorite Poem Evening! April 26

Join us at the Library for the 19th. annual Favorite Poem Evening – Tuesday, April 26, 7:30-9:00 p.m.

Submit a poem you would like to share by April 22 – to Ellen Robbins

Your poem will appear in a printed program.

Refreshments provided by the Friends of the Library.

All are welcome – to share or listen !

Tour with Architect!

Please join us for a tour of the Library grounds this Wednesday, April 6 at 6:30 p.m., prior to the City Council meeting at 7:30.

Members of the Council will meet outdoors to explore various Library expansion possibilities with the architect, Greg Lukmire.   This is your opportunity to see how the outdoor and indoor space might be impacted by the forthcoming renovation, and to address any questions you may have.  All are invited!

Special Event! – Lecture on “An American Tragedy” – Thursday April 7

Please join the Friends’ “Big Book” group on Thursday night, April 7, at 7:30 p.m. at Historic Takoma (7328 Carroll Ave.) for a special event.

Dr. Adam Wood, Chair of the English Department at Salisbury University, will introduce a series of discussions on Theodore Dreiser’s “An American Tragedy,” with a lecture on this widely acclaimed novel,  followed by a reception with refreshments.

“ “An American Tragedy” is one of the greatest ‘social novels’ produced in America, one that paints the fullest and deepest picture of American society. It is a novel about a murder that not only illuminates the dark regions of the criminal mind, but plays a searchlight across the landscape of American society…Dreiser’s power originates in such raw, sincere eloquence; in his great humanity and deep sympathy with the lowly, and in his patient accretion of facts – and not only the facts themselves but the psychological resonances behind them.” [Richard Lingeman]

This book caused a sensation when it appeared in 1925. Many scholars consider it the defining work of American naturalism. In 2005 it appeared on Time Magazine’s top 100 novels written in English since 1923.

All are welcome at this event, whether or not they have read or plan to read the book. Further discussions will be held in the Takoma Park Community Center on April 20, May 4 and May 18. The Big Book club and the Bi-monthly Book club are sponsored by the Friends of the Takoma Park Maryland Library.


“An American Tragedy” – Lecture & Reception!

“An American Tragedy,” by Theodore Dreiser, Lecture and reception with Dr. Adam Wood, at Historic Takoma, 7328 Carroll Avenue on Thursday April 7 at 7:30 PM. This introduction to the classic work will  be the first in a series of discussions sponsored by the Friends of the Library “Big Book Club. ” All are invited! Check at the Library for discussion dates.

Library Links

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Visit Our Catalog and Digital Resources
Check Your Library Account (Sign in with your card number)
News: Children’s Room; Library Blog; Books; Teen Buzz

Please Respond to the Library Renovation Survey!

The Takoma Park Maryland Library needs your input! Please consider taking the Library Renovation Survey, an important survey that you are encouraged to fill out with open-ended comments. The survey is available here:

Library Renovation Survey (Google Forms)

For more information on the the Library Renovation visit the Takoma Park Maryland Library’s Library Renovation page in the Project Directory.

Library Links

Register for Library Events
Visit Our Catalog and Digital Resources
Check Your Library Account (Sign in with your card number)
News: Children’s Room; Library Blog; Books; Teen Buzz