All posts by Ryan Kelly

Takoma Park City Council Directs Montgomery Planning to Hold Work Sessions to Address Community Questions and Comments Regarding the Minor Master Plan Amendment

On September 14, the Montgomery County Planning Board held a public hearing on the draft Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment (MMPA), providing an opportunity for Takoma Park residents to comment on the plan. Montgomery Planning—the Montgomery County division of the Maryland-National Park and Planning Commission (M-NPPC)—will consider those comments, along with comments submitted in written form as it develops the next draft of the Minor Master Plan Amendment. The Takoma Park City Council passed a resolution on September 13 that provides some guidance to Montgomery Planning as it addresses community concerns and questions through a series of work sessions this fall.

The Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment re-envisions the Washington Adventist Hospital and University campuses, the Erie Center, and the area along Maple Avenue. The Public Hearing Draft recommends mixed use zoning (commercial and residential) in the plan area, updates zoning along Maple Avenue for uniformity and conformity, and rezones the site of the former Washington Adventist Hospital so that it can be developed for housing and
commercial uses. The plan is meant to address the need for improved infrastructure, varied housing types, and additional public amenities such as parks and open space in a walkable and bikeable milieu.

Comments at the hearing began with remarks by Takoma Park Mayor Talisha Searcy, highlighting feedback included in Resolution 2023-33, which was shared separately with the Planning Board. The resolution requests that “the Montgomery County Planning Board ensures that the MMPA addresses seven priorities:

• incentivizing the creation of a range of housing types,

• retaining and improving existing affordable housing,

• retaining existing and attracting new local businesses,

• creating new public space opportunities,

• strengthening social and environmental factors,

• continuing community engagement throughout the planning review process, and

• assessing the impact of increasing residential units and retail on the provision of public services in the plan area.”

In the resolution, the City Council further “requires that the Montgomery County Planning Board holds work sessions that critically examine the following topics during development of the Planning Board Draft Plan”:

• Potential Redevelopment of the Washington Adventist Site and the Flower Avenue District

• Promoting a Diversity of Housing in the Plan Area

• Public Space, Infrastructure, and Amenities within the MMPA

• Protecting Existing Housing Affordability in the MMPA

Under each topic area, the City Council lists critical questions for Montgomery Planning to examine, such as “What is the impact of the density proposed in the Plan on access to and provision of public space, infrastructure, recreational facilities, school capacity, roads, public utilities, and healthcare?” To read the full resolution, including these notes, visit the Takoma Park Minor Master Plan webpage. On that page, you will find a link to the public hearing video, information about the MMPA, and a link to Resolution 2023-33.

After Mayor Searcy spoke at the September 14 hearing, residents provided their feedback, identifying potential issues and commenting on specific aspects of the plan. Some commenters stated concerns regarding such topics as scale, affordable housing, racial equity, and environmental impacts. Others expressed their approval of the goals of the plan and/or identified details of the plan that they favored. Residents also asked for greater clarity about how some aspects of the plan would be implemented. The hearing lasted approximately three hours and can be viewed on the City of Takoma Park’s YouTube page.

Montgomery Planning Board work sessions are scheduled to begin October 19 to incorporate public comments and review and revise the draft plan. The City Council has the opportunity to provide additional feedback to the Planning Board. The Takoma Park City Council may review the Planning Board changes and provide
resolutions to the Planning Board as part of its review and approval process and to the County Council when it undertakes its review. The community may continue to provide feedback on the draft plan to the Montgomery County Council during its public review process. The County Council has final approval of the plan.

You can find more information about the proposed Minor Master Plan Amendment on theTakoma Park Minor Master Plan webpage. and Montgomery Planning website.  Updates will appear on the City website and in the Newsletter.

30 Years of Non-Citizen Voting in Takoma Park


November marks the 30th anniversary of the first non-U.S. residents voting in Takoma Park.

The landmark initiative first passed by the Takoma Park City Council in 1992 gave immigrants—regardless of their legal status—the right to vote in municipal elections. In Takoma Park, nearly one-third of the residents are foreign-born, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

“Even if it’s only a handful voting in elections—and it’s more than that—it’s a huge step forward for democracy,” said Seth Grimes, co-founder of Takoma Park Mobilization a volunteer organization that
supports local immigrants, among other issues. “Non-citizens have a stake in civic affairs, and everyone should have a voice in who governs them.”

According to the latest city data from 2017, of the 347 registered non-citizen voters in Takoma Park, 72 cast ballots, making up roughly 20% of those registered. Overall turnout in 2017 was 22%.The original idea for non-citizen voting in Takoma Park started as a grassroots effort to give a voice to those who didn’t have one before. Spearheaded by former Montgomery County Council Member George Leventhal and current U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin (who was a law professor at American University at the time), the “Share the Vote” campaign was launched to get non-citizens the right to vote.

“I was serving on a city committee on redistricting at the time,” said Leventhal. “I lived in Ward 5, as we reviewed the numbers it was clear there were so many more registered voters in other wards. Because Ward 5 had so many non-citizens, it had the smallest number of registered voters, even though it had the same number of residents.”

The topic was divisive—even for progressive-leaning Takoma Park-and a nonbinding referendum was passed in 1991 by fewer than 100 votes. The next year, the City Council approved a change to the city’s charter allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections. The first citywide elections where non-citizens voted took place on Nov. 2, 1993.

“It was a new idea for a lot of people and there were anti immigration activists against it and spreading misinformation that the city would become a welfare state and such, things that never happened,” said Leventhal. “We combated that through an appeal to Takoma Park residents’ generosity and inclusivity.”

Since Takoma Park allowed non-citizens to vote, municipalities in Maryland—including Hyattsville, Mount Rainier and Riverdale Park—have adopted similar initiatives. Some smaller municipalities in Montgomery County—including Somerset and Barnesville—had previously allowed non-citizens to vote.

“This was one of many steps Takoma Park took to enshrine the values of democratic participation in this town,” Leventhal said. “It’s a statement of Takoma Park’s values of inclusion and participation.”

In March of this year, the D.C. Council passed a bill to allow non citizens to vote in local races over the objections of Congressional Republicans.

The Mayor will issue a proclamation on Wednesday, Nov. 1, recognizing the 30th anniversary of non-citizen voting and the 10th anniversary of youth voting in Takoma Park.

To vote in Takoma Park elections as a non-citizen, all you need is proof of identification and Takoma Park residency. To register to vote, contact the City Clerk at or call 301-891-7214.

New Tool Will Help Determine Public Space Priorities

by Alexander Freeman, City Planner

On October 18, the City Council will conduct a work session to review a draft of the Public Space Management Plan. The plan proposes a holistic approach to thinking about the city’s public spaces, areas meant to be used and enjoyed by all residents, such as parks, plazas, roadways, sidewalks, streeteries—and all the amenities that support such spaces.

In addition to 37 policy and practice recommendations, the plan proposes a new decision-making tool to help City Council, staff, and the public more rigorously compare projects and priorities. Often decision makers are pressed to advance a new project or initiative without data to compare the project under consideration with other priorities.

The Project Evaluation Scorecard attempts to fill that gap. The scorecard uses a set of eight benefi t categories, each encompassing several criteria. New projects or initiatives would be scored by city staff. Three benefit categories receive an added weight to their score to reflect recent City policies that prioritize racial equity, environmental sustainability, and safety. The completed scorecard would be shared publicly as an attachment to council cover memos. The scoring becomes a tool for city staff and the City Council to begin comparing different projects.

The scorecard is not meant to be a judgment upon the merit of a project. Instead, it evaluates how a project stacks up against existing city priorities, and then that score can be compared to the scores of other projects. The scorecard would not be prescriptive or determine whether or not a project advances; it would be one of the considerations, publicly shared, for how to advance new projects.

The tool may be used to compare two or more projects under consideration at a given time. It may also be used longer term to test potential projects against a benchmarked level of benefit. Over time, certain scores may emerge as minimum thresholds for project consideration.

The tool will be made publicly available so that community members and City Council members can try it out to develop project scores on new proposals and initiatives.

To download the Project Evaluation Scorecard Exploration Kit, visit the City’s Public Space Management Plan page on the City website.

Check out the full October Newsletter on the City of Takoma Park webpage.

October is Crime Prevention Month


Please take a few minutes to review the information below about home security and how to take steps to reinforce the security of your residence.

Quick Fact #1:  The greatest crime of opportunity is burglary.

Quick Fact #2:  More than 50% of burglaries committed do not involve forced entry.

Quick Fact #3:  When a burglar forces entry, it is typically through a rear or side door or window, where he/she is less likely to be visible.

CRIME PREVENTION = The ability to recognize the risk of crime AND initiate action to reduce that risk.  By doing so, you are taking steps to eliminate a criminal’s opportunity to commit a crime.

HOME SECURITY = The ways and habits of an individual to safeguard his/her home from burglars.

To be successful at crime prevention and home security, individuals should be proactive and seek out information, tips, and techniques on how to strengthen the security of their homes before it is too late.

The most cost-effective and successful way to safeguard your home is to follow good security habits.  This includes:

1.  Locking and securing your windows and doors, especially when no one is home;
2.  Drawing your blinds so burglars cannot “window shop;”
3.  Securing gates and fences, which is one more obstacle a burglar would have to consider when choosing a home to burglarize;
4.  Trimming shrubs and bushes so your home is more visible to the street because burglars do not want to be seen; and
5.  Utilizing and arming an alarm system if you have one installed – Audible alarms generally deter burglars from entering the residence.

Other ways to be proactive in home security:

1.  Participate in services offered by the police department (see below);
2.  Notify the proper authorities of problem items in your neighborhood such as non-functioning street lamps, trees/shrubs that need trimming, homes that look in disarray, graffiti, etc.; and
3.  Get to know your neighbors – They are more likely to call in suspicious activity to your home if they know you and your daily routine/schedule.

FREE services offered by the Takoma Park Police Department:

1.  Residential Security Surveys:  An assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of security measures of a residence (fences, doors, lighting, etc.).  An officer will go to your house, assess the security of the home, and provide cost-effective solutions for observed weaknesses.

2.  House Checks:  Service provided for those who will have their home unoccupied for an extended period of time (vacation, renovations, etc.).  Your residence will be visited two times a day by a patrol officer, who makes sure your home is still secure.  You will be notified immediately of any discrepancies.

Crime will never be completely eliminated and anyone can fall victim to crime, but the chance and risk of falling victim to a crime such as burglary can be greatly reduced by being aware of what is going on in your neighborhood, understanding the importance of home security, and making it a habit to follow daily security routines to safeguard you and your home.

Direct Cash Assistance Applications Close on Tuesday, October 31

The last day to apply for funding from the City of Takoma Park Direct Cash Assistance Program is Tuesday, October 31, by 11:59 pm!
Program Description

The City of Takoma Park will use State and Local Recovery Funds (SLRF) received under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to assist residents economically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic by distributing Direct Cash Assistance. A majority of low- to moderate-income households in the City experience a housing cost burden and may have experienced the inability to pay rent, monthly mortgage payments, or lost employment during this unprecedented period. Learn more about the Direct Cash Assistance program.

The City of Takoma Park Direct Cash Assistance Program will provide a one-time, lump-sum payment per eligible household in the amount of $1,000. This is NOT a new program but a last chance to get those families who have not applied.


Library In-Person Event:

Date: Thursday, October 26
Time: 4-8pm
Location: Interim Library Location
7505 New Hampshire Avenue
Suites 201-208
Takoma Park, MD 20912

Volunteers will be in person to assist with completing an application.


Apply to the Takoma Park Direct Cash Assistance program online.

There are also physical applications available to be completed in person at:

Takoma Park Community Center
7500 Maple Ave
Takoma Park, MD 20912


Stay tuned for more Direct Cash Assistance events throughout October.


Adventist Hospital Campus Changes and Bus Stop Closures for Ride On routes 17 & 18 begin Sept. 29


The Washington Adventist Hospital campus in Takoma Park is now vacant as the property transitions ownership and purpose. The empty hospital buildings will be secured and fenced off.


Starting this Friday, September 29, Ride On Routes 17 & 18 will no longer be able to access the Adventist Hospital property in Takoma Park. Both routes will detour using Flower Avenue to Maplewood to return to their normal route on Maple Avenue. Stops 26950, 26952, 26954, and 26956 will be discontinued. Riders should use alternate stops 22332, 22274, 23854, and 23856. This will become a permanent change with our next service change in January.


For the most up-to-date service information, riders should follow @RideOnMCT on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. In addition, information is available at, by subscribing to receive email alerts at, or texting MONTGOMERY RIDEON to 468311 to receive text alerts.

For information on MCDOT programs and services visit, follow @MCDOTNow on  TwitterFacebook and Instagram and subscribe to MCDOT’s “Go Montgomery!” newsletter.

Step into Walktober: Embrace the Joy of Walking in Takoma Park

by Kaysi-Ann Webley
Safe Routes to School Coordinator

October is here, and it’s time to lace up those sneakers, breathe in the crisp autumn air, and embrace the countless benefits of walking. As the leaves change and the weather cools, our charming city offers a perfect backdrop for exploring on foot. But it’s not just about leisurely strolls; it’s about community, education, and healthy habits.

This Walktober, we’re highlighting the importance of walking to school and encouraging you to participate in Walk to School Day, Walking Wednesdays, and even form walking school buses with other parents and students. Let’s step into this exciting journey together!

Walk to School Day

Walk to School Day, celebrated on October 4 this year, is the perfect way to kickstart Walktober. This international event encourages students, parents, and community members to ditch the car and choose the healthy and eco-friendly option of walking to school. It’s not just about getting exercise; it’s also about promoting safety, reducing traffic congestion, and fostering a sense of community.

Here’s how you can participate:

1. Plan your route: Choose a safe and scenic route to school that adheres to traffic rules.

2. Join or organize a group: Walking with friends and neighbors makes the journey more enjoyable. Consider forming a walking school bus, a group of students and parents who walk to school together.

3. Dress comfortably: Wear weather appropriate clothing and comfortable shoes to make the walk enjoyable.

4. Capture the moment: Take photos of your Walk to School Day experience and share them on social media using the hashtag #WalkToSchoolDayTakomaPark.

Walking Wednesdays

But why stop at just one day of walking? Why not designate every Wednesday in October as Walking Wednesdays? It’s a simple way to build a healthy habit and explore your neighborhood on foot. Whether it’s a leisurely stroll or a brisk walk, Walking Wednesdays provide an opportunity to connect with your surroundings, discover hidden gems, and reduce your carbon footprint.

Take the Walking School Bus!

Imagine a safer, more eco-friendly, and community-driven way for children to get to school. That’s where the concept of a walking school bus comes in. This innovative approach to school transportation not only benefits the environment but also builds a sense of camaraderie among students and parents.

A walking school bus is a group of students who walk to school together, accompanied by one or more responsible adults. The bus doesn’t involve any vehicles but instead relies on the power of foot traffic. It promotes a sense of community, ensures children’s safety,  nd encourages healthy habits—all while reducing the number of cars on the road.

The Benefits of a Walking School Bus

Safety: With adult supervision, children can navigate busy streets and intersections more safely, reducing the risk of accidents.

Physical activity: Walking to school promotes physical activity, contributing to children’s overall health and wellbeing.

Environmental impact: Fewer cars on the road mean reduced traffic congestion and lower carbon emissions, making a positive impact on the environment.

Community-building: Walking school buses bring parents, students, and neighbors together.

Quick Tips for Organizing a Walking School Bus

1. Gather interested parents: Start by reaching out to parents in your neighborhood or school community who are interested in participating.

2. Identify routes: Determine the safest routes to school, considering factors like pedestrian-friendly pathways, crosswalks, and traffic lights. See the Safe Routes to School page on the City website.

3. Set up a schedule: Establish a  consistent schedule for the Walking School Bus, including pick-up times and locations.

4. Assign responsibilities: Divide responsibilities among parents, such as lead walkers, crossing guards, and communication coordinators.

5. Communicate: Ensure that all parents and students involved have a reliable way to communicate, such as a group chat or email list.

6. Be safe: Emphasize safety rules and practices to parents and students. Teach them how to use crosswalks, look both ways before crossing, and follow traffic signals.

7. Start small: Begin with a manageable group of students and parents. As the program gains momentum, you can expand. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend one adult for every six children. If children are age 10 or older, fewer adults may be needed. If children are ages 4 to 6, one adult per three children is recommended.

8. Promote it: Spread the word within your school and community about the Walking School Bus. Use flyers, social media, and school newsletters to create awareness. Share your school bus with your local Safe Routes to School Coordinator Kaysi-Ann Webley at

9. Celebrate success: Recognize the achievements of your Walking School Bus, whether it’s reaching milestones, promoting safety, or building a stronger community.

Organizing a Walking School Bus is an effective and rewarding way to promote safety, health, and community spirit within your neighborhood. It’s a practical solution to reduce traffic congestion and minimize your carbon footprint while giving your children a healthier and more enjoyable way to get to school. So, put on those walking shoes and start your journey towards a safer, greener, and more connected community today!

Check out the full October Newsletter on the Takoma Park Newsletter webpage. 

Public Space Management Plan: Digging in to the Project Evaluation Scorecard



Planning Division staff invite members of the public to test out the functionality of the Project Evaluation Scorecard by joining an in-person exploration session:

  • Additional dates to be determined

To download the Project Evaluation Scorecard Exploration Kit, visit the City’s Public Space Management Plan website:

A key component of the Public Space Management Plan is a new tool to help with decision-making. City staff and the project consulting team identified that often decision-makers are pressed to advance a new project or initiative without data to compare the project under consideration with other priorities. The Project Evaluation Scorecard attempts to fill that gap.

The scorecard uses a set of eight benefit categories, each with several criteria listed below. New projects or initiatives would be scored by city staff. Three benefit categories receive an added weight to their score to reflect recent City policies that prioritize Racial Equity, Environmental Sustainability, and Safety. The completed scorecard would be shared publicly as an attachment to council cover memos. The scoring becomes a tool for city staff and the City Council to begin comparing different projects against each other.

The scorecard is not meant to be a judgment upon the merit of a project. Instead, it evaluates how a project stacks up against existing city priorities, and then that score can be compared to the scores of other projects. The scorecard would not be prescriptive or determine whether or not a project advances, but it would be one of the considerations, publicly shared, for how to advance new projects.

The tool may be used to compare two or more projects under consideration at a given time. It may also be used over the longer term to test potential projects against a benchmarked level of benefit. Over time, certain scores may emerge as minimum thresholds for project consideration. The tool, itself, is also meant to be public-facing so that community members and City Council members could take on the task of generating their own project scores, or use it as a tool for planning new initiatives.


Meet Takoma Park’s New Advocate for Pedestrian Safety



Takoma Park’s new special projects coordinator says she is excited to support the city in becoming more walkable for its residents, especially children walking to and from school.

Kaysi-Ann Webley began working for the city in June and hit the ground running to make walking in the city safer.

“It bugs me to no end when I see children walking and looking at their phones and not paying attention to traffic,” she says. “I want to do something to improve that.”

Webley says she already conducted several “walk audits” near schools, with the involvement of school staff, PTA members and other city staff. These audits looked at traffic conditions, street signs, sidewalks and other areas that could use improvements.

“We walk on the same routes that children will take to school and see what traffic is like, what the street crossings look like and see if any changes need to be implemented to make it safer,” she says. “That’s the main goal to make it safer for children to get to school whether walking, riding or rolling.”

She says they’ve already seen a few places where improvements could be made so people are safer.

“There are a few areas that we noticed that some work needs to be done,” she says. “Whether the sidewalks would benefit from
being widened or are overgrown, or reevaluating a crossing. I want to understand the unique challenges schools are having to keep children safe as they walk or bike to school and help them improve.”

To keep improving on the city’s walkability, the city conducts a survey of parents in the fall and spring to help better understand how children commute in the mornings and afternoon.

“That will give us a baseline for how our children get to school,” she says. “It gives us a lot of data on how to implement these programs and gives parents support so they feel good about having their children walk to school.”

Another way to bring focus on walking to school safely is the city’s annual Safe Routes to School Day, held this year on Wednesday, October 4, which gets children and their parents out to walk or bike to school.

“The simple act of choosing to walk to school instead of drive contributes so much to our goals of reducing traffic congestion
and emissions and providing built in exercise for the students and parents,” says Webley.

She says there are plenty of other advantages to walking to school too, including increased attentiveness and confidence. Webley says she hopes to have a lot of participation in the event and that it encourages growth in walking over the school year.

Webley says her own interest in street safety stems partially from her 3-year-old son who she teaches to be safe near roads. She says he’s already learning about road signs, is developing a keen sense of direction and can tell when they are close to home.

“We want to make the whole roadways safe for our children, not just for today, but tomorrow and into the future. We always want to keep improving.”

Webley, who lives in Washington, D.C., just a few blocks from the Takoma Park border, has a background in civil engineering and real estate and says she loves to dance and has been since she was 3 years old.

“I’m looking forward to meeting and talking with the parents and getting feedback from them,” she says. “I’m excited to get parents and students out walking or riding and being active.”

If you’d like to volunteer for Safe Routes to School, email For more information, visit the City Safe Routes to School Webpage.