Candidates for Mayor or Councilmember who wish to have their names placed on the ballot for the Nov. 3, 2015 City election must receive a nomination and a second at the Nominating Caucus, which will be held on Sept. 29. All information for candidates is available online. Any resident thinking of running for office May contact Jessie Carpenter, City Clerk, at 301-891-7267 with questions or
Mayor: Candidates for the office of Mayor must be At least 18 years of age on the day of the election, must have resided in the city for at Least Six Months Immediately preceding his / her election, and must be a qualified voter of the City . The Mayor must Maintain principal residence in the city During his / her term of office. If the Major Changes his / her principal residence from the city, the Mayor’s term Shall Be Immediately terminated and the vacancy Shall be filled as provided in Section 308 of the City Charter. The Mayor is prohibited from holding other publicly elective offices during his / her term of office, and is prohibited from serving on any city board, commission, or other body that has authority to adjudicate or resolve disputes otherwise.
City Council: Candidates for the office of Councilmember must be At least 18 years of age on the day of the election, Shall Have resided in the city (and ward from Which They are Elected) At least six months for preceding immediately their election, and shall be qualified voters of the city. The Councilmembers shall maintain their main residence in the city and in Their ward During Their term of office. If a Councilmember Changes his / her principal residence from the city or from the ward from the Councilmember which was elected, the Councilmember’s term shall be immediately terminated and the vacancy shall be filled as provided in Section 308 of the City Charter. The Councilmembers are prohibited from holding other publicly elected offices during the term of office, and are prohibited from serving on any city board, commission, or other body that has authority to adjudicate or resolve disputes otherwise.
Nominating Caucus
The Nominating Caucus will convene at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, Sept. 29, to accept nominations of candidates for Mayor and Councilmember. The Nominating Caucus will be held in the Auditorium of the Takoma Park Community Center-Sam Abbott Citizens’ Center, 7500 Maple Ave. Only qualified voters of the City May Participate in the Nominating Caucus. Residents May register before the meeting is called to order.
Nominations of candidates for Mayor Shall be made on motion by any qualified voter of the city, and if Such nomination is seconded by a qualified voter of the City, the person so nominated Shall Be Considered a candidate. Nomination of each candidate for Councilmember Shall be made on motion of any qualified voter of her / his ward, and if Such nomination is seconded by a qualified voter of his / her ward, the person so nominated Shall Be Considered a candidate. Any nominated candidate nomination During May decline to the nomination meeting. A person May only accept a nomination of one city office. The name of each person nominated for the office of Mayor and Councilmember Shall Be Placed upon the official ballot UNLESS he / she Shall file a declination With the City Clerk Within three (3) days after his / her nomination.
Any person nominated as a candidate must meet the qualifications of the office for Which she / he is nominated.
This article appeared in the August 2015 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.