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Direct Cash Assistance


Program Description

The City of Takoma Park will use State and Local Recovery Funds (SLRF) received under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to assist residents who were economically impacted by the pandemic through the distribution of grant funds in the form of Direct Cash Assistance. A majority of low- to moderate-income households in the City experience a housing cost burden and may have experienced the inability to pay rent, monthly mortgage payments, or lost employment during this unprecedented period.

The City of Takoma Park Direct Cash Assistance Program will provide a one-time, lump-sum payment per eligible household in the amount of $1,000.

About LiveStories (FORWARD)

Following a comprehensive evaluation process and approval by the City Council on July 27, 2022, the City of Takoma Park has selected LiveStories (FORWARD) as the prime contractor for this program. LiveStories (FORWARD) was established in 2015 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington. The contractor has worked with more than 350 local, state, and federal government agencies as a trusted steward of ARPA, CARES, CDBG, and other funding for programs across the United States. LiveStories (FORWARD) has significant experience administering direct assistance programs. LiveStories (FORWARD) will collaborate with the City and local community partners to run effective outreach campaigns, increase program participation, and provide for safe, in-person pick-up of grant funds.

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The Direct Cash Assistance Program is Now Closed!



The City of Takoma Park has partnered with LiveStories (FORWARD) to administer $2.1 million in COVID relief funds to the community.

This opportunity will provide a one-time $1,000 direct cash assistance to eligible households in the City of Takoma Park to assist those negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is not a loan; these funds will not have to be paid back to the City, and they are not income taxable, per the IRS statement below.









ARPA – Social Services Partnerships Sections