Holiday Closures: City Offices and Facilities Closed Tuesday, Dec. 24-Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2024 & Wednesday Jan. 1, 2025

As always, The Takoma Park Police Department is open 24/7 for emergency services. For a full breakdown of Holiday Closures and changes to the Holiday Collection Schedule, click "More Information".

Library Renovations Update 12/13: Latest Updates and Presentation from City Staff

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

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New Tax Credits for Housing Development


On October 16, 2019, after more than three years of in-depth research, staff facilitation, community engagement, and Council deliberation, the City Council officially adopted the Housing and Economic Development Strategic Plan (Resolution 2019-47). This comprehensive plan outlines the Council’s strategic vision for guiding the city’s growth and development over the next decade.

The overarching themes of the Housing and Economic Development Strategic Plan:

The overarching themes of the Strategic Plan are to:

  • Preserve existing businesses and affordable housing in Takoma Park, including revitalizing areas.
  • Produce more housing and opportunities for businesses to start and grow across the income spectrum and in neighborhoods across the City to meet the diverse housing and economic needs.
  • Protect renters, homeowners, and local businesses from discrimination and displacement; and protect our environment from destruction.

Next Steps

The City has proposed a new series of tax credits designed:

  • to incentivize the construction of new rental housing,
  • the development of missing middle housing,
  • the preservation of affordable housing,
  • and the reinvestment in existing multifamily properties.

These credits will support several key strategies outlined in the Housing & Economic Development Strategic Plan.

A brief summary is in the table below:

New Rental ConstructionMissing Middle Housing ConstructionAffordable Housing PreservationHousing Reinvestment
Goal/PurposeEncourage the creation of new rental housing.Incentivize smaller scale/achievable homeownership opportunities.Subsidize deed-restricted affordable housing for specific populations.Incentivize reinvestment in existing multifamily housing.

Eligibility Criteria*10+net new rental units

– 1+ net new homeowership units
– Buyer makes 120% AMI or less
Provides 30% AMI, Transitional or Units for specific groups (Individuals with Disability, Seniors)– Investment meets HUD definition of substantial
– Multifamily rental building
Credit Amount

Incremental difference between current tax bill and reassessed amount. (10 years full credit with 5 year scale up)

Incremental difference between current tax bill and reassessed amount. (10 years full credit with 5 year scale up)Percentage Discount equal to the share of qualifying units, capped at 50% of the tax bill. Annually renewed/verified50% off tax bill for 10 years


Program Manager

Devin McNally
Housing Manager
Housing and Community Development



Quick Links

Extra Public Hearing on Proposed Housing Tax Credits – Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The City Council held a second public hearing on the proposed housing tax credits on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at 7:30 pm.

October 14 Update: The tax credit fiscal analysis has been posted to the agenda page.

City Council Public Hearing- Wednesday, October 9 at 7:30 pm

On Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 7:30 pm, during the City Council Meeting, a public hearing was held to discuss proposed housing tax credits.

Meeting Details:

Housing Strategic Plan Implementation Forum- Tuesday, September 24 at 7:30 pm

Join the City of Takoma Park to hear about the City’s Housing and Economic Strategic Plan and what the City is doing to implement the plan for the benefit of all residents.

Meeting Details:


October 10, 2024
How Does Development Impact City Services?
One of the common questions we hear is regarding the cost of development on City services and the concern that new housing development could increase the cost to current residents. This blog post aims to cover how the County and City ensure new development contributes to the impacts it creates.

September 9, 2024
What Tenant Protections Exist in Takoma Park?
Takoma Park has been at the forefront of renter protections in the State of Maryland, through the implementation of a number of policies. Here’s a look at a few of the policies and programs that exist to help renters in Takoma Park.

September 4, 2024
What are Impact Fees & How does New Development pay for its Impacts?
How does new development offset its impact on the community? In Montgomery County, development projects are required to pay impact fees and provide public benefits.

August 26, 2024
What are Tax Credits
A tax credit is a reduction in the tax bill. Other names include a tax abatement, PILOT, or tax rebate. The credit is added to the annual property tax bill and reduces the amount the property owner owes the City. The City is proposing 2 tax credits which would forgo the increased tax revenue (the incremental assessment discussed above) created by a property owner’s investment in their property as part of the City’s Proposed Housing Tax Credits.

August 19, 2024
Multifamily Development Basics
Multifamily development is a costly and complex endeavor. Developers must demonstrate that their project can be financially self-sustaining while offering a return on investment to both equity investors (individuals or entities providing upfront capital for ownership stakes) and lenders (banks or financial institutions providing loans with a set annual return). These projects often compete for funding against other housing developments and various investment opportunities.

August 13, 2024
Housing & Strategic Plan
The guiding document for Housing Policy in the City of Takoma Park is the City’s Housing and Economic Strategic Plan, adopted in October 2019. The Strategic Plan is designed to cover the period from 2019 through 2030 and help guide the City Council when setting policies and adopting budgets. It also assists City staff in developing annual implementation plans.


Project Timeline

  1. New Construction Credit Work Session:
  2. Housing Framework Council Session:
  3. July 24, 2024, Council Work Session:


City Council Meeting – July 24, 2024

View: Prior City Council Meetings and Presentations




Housing Sections